Tuesday 31 July 2012


sorry i havent updated as often as i did last time, but it is because of certain matters i have to attend to.. LOL JK i was just busy with work LOLOL

Anyways, im proud to announce that , im finally done with my english project! We were supposed to do groupwork and create an audio book for the kids in Laos, I dont know why exactly, but i think its meaningful i guess?  I discovered this software called "Audacity", which is really pretty good! There were many late nights and sweat put into this project okay! So im really happy and proud about this project.

However, there were some issues that i would like to highlight which im not very happy about. This is regarding my class as usual. Like what the hell guys? I obviously asked Mdm Wani permission before I bring my lappy to school right? And you guys keep saying about what, bring laptop for what? and all those. Well, I'll answer you right now. I brought my laptop not for show, but because of the software inside that i can use to edit the audios. I dont want to do some Random Shitty half assed job because i believe in putting in 100% of my efforts to do something. Im not exaggerating and all, but this is me. Call me a geek or whatever suits you, see if i give a shit or not, since you guys have already given me some fucking cold treatment and all those shit. You guys deliberately bring me down. Whenever there is something which we all need to vote for, no matter how good my work is, you guys just wont even give it a pass. I know guys, im not ignorant, im just waiting.. and waiting. You guys say imma keyboard warrior, just come up to me, i dont mind just shooting everything i say on the net to you personally. so dont come as give ur shitty ass attitude towards me my dears. I must say i love you bunch alot. Not because ur good or anything but because u made me realised how cruel the world is and how much i have to stand up for myself. So yep, i love you guys, and since ur responsibilities to teach me is completed, i guess you can fuck off right now. Thank you so much <3

Bad things aside, i have had fun during PE today! its like i caught lots of balls for captain ball.. which makes me really proud of myself because there were multiple goals in which i had to risk falling off the chair to get. Yep, I dont mind getting injured to save the team. Hahahaha.

Basically these days im literally half dead.. not much vigour nor excitement going about..except that my korkor, Kenny and a few others plus the teachers went for the Hair for Hope thing . and Haliza went like : IM SEEING MONKS AND SHIT BRO. I was laughing so hard!! hehehhe XD

Every morning I would come to school, tired out due to homework and the editing of the english project . Then I'll catch a little nap before morning assembly starts, and Xav will always pat my head and wake me up either by shaking me or poking me.. Pokes are very effective on me LOL. so yep! thats basically how i survive my life now.

Floorball was really kinda boring but we as goalkeepers spiced up things among us.. Tytheler, Guiliver and Nicole-less were the topics being discussed the most :P and we goalkeepers keep getting poked with a stick up our legs.. WHATS WRONG WITH U PEOPLE OMG. so yea..

That is basically it i guess? And oh yes! I forgot to mention.. due to my rage against one of the foulest creatures on Earth, i actually wrote a story.. which i think is really good i guess.. Teaser.

Ive never come across someone so scheming and diabolical as him. He had a heart of pure hatred. he's mind was so foul,that it seems as though it was a pile of faeces.
However, the evil in his heart cannot be depicted with the color black itself,as he is far more rotten than that.
It feels as though he is the Heir of Hell itself

So i conclude my post for today! no pictures today, just a vid ^^ Rest well my lovelies, till next time xx

Friday 27 July 2012


doubt anyone even reads my blog, so i shall skip the salutations from now on.

Today wasnt as smooth sailing as i thought it would be.. As i predicted, i would be really really grumpy. turns out i could still control my temper i guess.. but i slept alot.

So yep as u guys know im in a very shitty class. Yep i dislike my class. They are a biased bunch all of them. So yea i detest them, All the cliques and everything drives me crazy

Maybe i was too blunt, but i cant help but feel that one of my nii chans are drifting away from me.. did i do something wrong? Was i too blunt? Or were u just using me as an entertainment? Like all the others. Just give me an answer because i detest waiting and being kept in the dark.

Training was pretty fun i guess, but i got lazy to save the balls that enter the goal from the right side because i cant exactly turn properly because of problems. Furthermore, one of my teammates accidentally slammed her stick onto my fingers.. it hurts but its okay i guess. I mean.. it isnt on purpose right? The most epic part of the training was when coach break voice when he's explaining and also when I screamed 'FOR NARNIA AND BEYOND' hahahha

Today we also learnt a new circuit training for weights and all. THEY TOOK AWAY THE 12KG QAQ HOW COULD THEY. NOOOOOO But nevertheless it was fun

Did i mention how much i hate this replies?
2.k can

Okay thats it for today. Shall go back to editing the clips.


Wednesday 25 July 2012


Good evening to bother you! (sound familiar?) hahah :) anyways, today is a very boring day as usual..

I've been really drained recently and its kinda getting on my nerves. Yep, i dont like it, but i still have to go through it i guess.. anyways, today i basically did essays essays and more essays.. damn sian LOL

Its gonna be a short post today, because i really got to rush back to my work.. School sucks :<

Today ive been feeling wierd cracks on my left wrist and my knee.. hope that nothing wrong with it :/ And yaay tmr is thursday! Which means i can go to city hall and sell off a pair of boots which is worth $40 8'D MONEHHH. Now i can pay for my cantarella shipping fee :x so yep

and I have a feeling this time, the CT aint gonna be that easy as they wanna prep us for next year's Os.. Pretty worried yet i can do nothin but study i guess.. haizz

Theres also an event coming up! its streetfest but im not going because i have to help out at the temple Im volunteering at :) for those who are interested to go, its this saturday, but i forgot the location >.< so i guess u gotta check it out on google yea?

Oh yes! hmm.. I forgot what i wanna say.. okay baibai my lovelies, i gotta go back to rushing my work :x Till tmr xxx


Tuesday 24 July 2012


sorreh i didnt update the past two days.. was too busy/tired/lazy. Yep, i am a lazy girl.


btw, today was a hectic day..got boring periods and MATHS. yes i dont like maths.. should be studying for a test now but ah wells.. PE!!

I LOVE PE. But people dont like me during pe because they think that i turn into a different person.. Yes im pretty ferocious if u provoke me :D And my comments may hurt u like a venom as well. hohoho awwyea

But back to pe, pe is pretty fun i guess, its awesome the way it is? But ref bias. UH. I dont really see any refs that is not bias. LOL. so yep

Today there was floorball training!! it was fun, then it became tiring, the i died. Nah i keed! i didnt die LOLOL. or else i wont be here right? LOL i got friction burns again.. OTL sian max . friday theres training as well! but before that, lets talk more about this training. Today we did boring drills, and we had this angel mortal game thing.. i do hope my angel gives me lots of sweets and candies! I have a sweet tooth.. hahah :) so yep. Tiara was really tired out and i guess we keepers went mad LOL
and i kept screaming : GO GIRLS! FIGHT FOR NARNIAAAAA. Yes im pretty wierd LOL

so thats about it? nothing much recently :<



Saturday 21 July 2012

Okay, official post for today :)

Today i stayed at home, nothing much to do. But today i had a dream of this guy, whom i shall nickname "somebody". I dreamt that Somebody and I were at this chalet?And i know his friends but we mostly stayed together and play. Funny huh? I have no idea what this dream with Somebody means..

Anyways, I think I really like Somebody. Somebody makes me laugh through texts. Yep, we text each other. I only met him once~ But i dont think he really seen me in person before because I went to watch him and his team play. That's how i met him, through sports XD Anyways, today we texted quite alot and im really honoured that he dont mind me texting him although he was doing his work(that was yesterday) and also texted me during his breaks. really cool dude, I like!

I hope i can see this Somebody dude again close up in person, because i only watched him from afar, at the spectators seat.. so yep! we basically see each other's faces through facebook and twitter i guess.

Basically today was homework day. I still havent touched my homework LOL. Im like.. slack,eat,stare at questions. Yes Im a very lazy piggy i know :3 I havent even practised my earthbending QAQ

So yep i better stop slacking. Pan nii chan and I havent been talking much these 2 days, i guess he's busy. Ah well. A little something about me! I love food, just like Niall! I have a big appetite. I like to run about and play. I'm strong(?). Im sadistic sometimes. AND I LOVE DISNEY.

So yep. Not much today.

I made this collage just now hahaha


Friday 20 July 2012

hey peepor who reads my blog, Sorreh i didnt update yesterday, got a little tipsy and well, had training LOL.

so anyways heres what happened yesterday, 20 - 7 - 2012

Today, we officially reported Shih Yin's wallet to be missing. hopefully it'll be returned to her.. She was pretty distraught by the lost of her wallet and it really hurts to see your friend being so upset. Plus, East Springians supposed to have integrityso i really hope she could get her wallet back. whoever took her wallet, i beseech you, please return it.

THERE WAS A MATHS TEST. Okay i screwed it up, so i want a retest!! Im not exactly very familiar with trigo yet.. But im hanging on, i want full marks for the retest!

Nothing much happened. Until SS period! We had fun because we had to do some groupwork and give stickers to to other groups.. But until then, JH went to put the stickers(which were round) on his shirt, making it seem as though those orange round stickers were his.. Chest thing. and his bellybutton XD then he put the remaining two stickers on his eyelids, making it seem that he has orange eyeballs HAHAHA. I kinda freaked out on that though..

Next was training!! FLOORBALL TRAININGGGG <3<3 -jumps for joy- Ms lim let us try on the gloves.. which cost a bomb btw OTL it was supposed to help us grip the ball properly and not hurt our fingers.. Im considering whether to purchase it or not, because i also want to buy my own helmet. yaaay 8D.

So today, we trained with coach nick (duh). He made us do some boring drills which i really became kinda sian of it alr. We trained in the hall, which was bad for me because of that green tape that restricts me from moving properly. But anyway, I heard that there was something watching us train. Actually, a whole lot of them. It is invisible to us but visible to some who have the gift, Thats what i heard from someone. It made me really scared but it doesnt affect my performance on court..

And the really funny thing is, during our break, we goalies went downstairs together to refill our bottles and go to the toilet. On the way there, we passed the guys and they were like " HEY WAHLAO, WHY THEY(refering to us) DONT SMELL?!?!?" I was literally laughing at this LOL. Some of the guys said hi to me :) I was really surprised because i dont really know how they know my name LOL

So anyways training was pretty fun i guess. Next up was PT - weightlifting. I explained to the girls again, for the benefit of some who didnt come for the camp and got them to group up in groups of 2 or 3s. They thought i was strong 8'D -tears of joy- yaaaay. We had fun weightlifting and next, we gotta do duh 10 rounds. Which i am proud to say, I emerged first!! YAAAAAY!!!!

Then after training Kelly and I went to McDonalds to have some food. Kelly got a nuggets set meal whereas i got the Choco chips frappe, which is really good! with a side order of medium fries :)

Well that was a smart move of mine, because I had to attend a party later on.. So once i reached home i had to bathe and put on like makeup, which was pretty thick if u ask me. LOL Picture below 8'D I got tipsy. Yes i drink. LOL. Since we were actually not needed there, Boon and I went to play Billard! He taught me how to play and we had fun ^^ we played like.. 3rounds? Fun times 8'D Then we borrowed the darts and played. I got really close to the bulls eye! So close! Then because we threw too hard.. we kinda broke two darts OTL but luckily we didnt have to pay for it or whatever, so i suspect its an old board.

Thats pretty much most of my day :) spent my time smsing Timmy nii chan and Nick cause i was bored and all.. Nick's new stick is really a beauty! And he went to Valhall without me ;w; so sad :< We made an appointment, so we can finally meet each other again hahaha. But that must be after his Os of course ^^ Talking to Nick really makes me happy haha :) we chatted till about.. 1+? We stopped at aound 1+ because he needs to rest for his speech day today :) So yep! He promised me a picture too! Hopefully he dont forget.. >.<

So thats what happened yesterday 8D

My knee, 5hrs after training ;w;
The Tipsy Me


Thursday 19 July 2012

Hey guys,
 Today I had a pretty eventful day~ So Im gonna share them with u :3 haha (duhh) Anyways, today we learnt a new topic in POA and i can barely grasp hold of the tactic to do.. I need more practice for POA thats for sure :/ But im sure i can do it!

Pe was .. Pretty frustrating at first then it turned out really well! Ms Fardy didnt come so u know who came to take over? Mr mah =.= oh gawd i really hate that teacher. He dont allow us to play match but do drills, whereas ms fardy let us play match and learn from there. But anyways, i cant seem to throw low shots :/ it all goes soaring over people's head OTL. Im not exactly good with frisbee ya know?! Plus, it was scorching hot.. WE'RE ONLY CHASING THE SUN. wait.. I think its the other way round LOL. We played in the sun and my feet was literally on fire and BBQ-ing in my shoes ._. So yea, I played until my shoes got one hole LOL. I have no idea how i did it.. but ah wells :x Until i buy a new shoe/find a new pair i will just have to make do with it.. its not really noticeable so i dont really give a shit hahah

Next, we played a match.. at the end of the lesson.. like FINALLY. the original number of people that were supposed to play in a match is 7, but somehow or another one of the teams suddenly have 11 people so i kinda joined in the fun :D And it was so funny at the start because once the other party release the frisbee, they chiong towards us yelling war cries, so we did the same, and it became like some sort of mafia war hahahah XD Then, since we kept losing, as we retreated into the shady goal, the other members decided to let the opposite team have a little suntan :ifyouknowwhatimean: We literally let them burn in the sun hahahah! Then they keep faking with the excuse of tying their shoelace although one of them have no shoes on!! hurhurhur :3 Nickybear was laughing at my reactions all the time ._. i have no idea why lol. But apparently i keep him pretty amused i guess. WITH MOI AWESHUM MOVEMENTS

Anyways, Yanxin and I also mimicked the Titanic, Jack and Rose when they were putting their hands out or somethin. LOL. Nickybear laughed at that too.. I guess thats how lame i am! hahaha. At the end of the Pe sessions I also performed airbending, earthbending and firebending to Afiqah :) She says that my airbending is best but personally i prefer Earthbending lol.

After school, we had this motivational workshop thingy thing. I admit, it was pretty good, and i really liked the "Power-Zone" Tactic. I tried it just now, pretty good, but i was distracted by my mum and bro bickering, as usual. I have no idea how am i gonna study in this place is they cant keep their peace =.=. And that trainer keep saying "are we clear?' over and over again HAHAHAHA. I think alot of people made fun of him because of that, but he is a pretty nice guy :) I should use the powerzone tactic more often now.

Now I shall update u in my progress for the earthbending!! I wanna make a sequence and keep to the sequence, so that i wont get lost or confused. It would be easier that way i guess owo So.. yep, im gonna work on it later on. I have no idea why my muscles are so sore after practicing the moves.. maybe i put in alot of effort today LOL. which is good ^^

That reminds me. Tomorrow im gonna have floorball training! I miss floorball so much! But i guess,.. theres nothing much to look forward to other than saving balls. Because Coach Reena isnt there anymore.. I feel so sad >.< I really missed her and her coaching, but she said she dont wanna come back so i guess we gotta respect her decision. I think, if coach Nick doesnt come, or decides to train the guys first, we'll have PT. which im glad because Ive been slacking off too much that a small spare tyre come out liao :P But im kinda scared too because i havent been training much, accept my thighs and occasionally, arms. So im thinking my stamina dropped alot Hurhur.

Thats it for today, till tmr my lovely humans xxx

Ms Lim(my floorball in charge teacher) and I!
Wifey and I (before the talk)
My fringe! (Done by Dhaniah) The told me that my fringe poof up, making it look similar to that of Zayn Malik's fringe. (pic below)
Heartbeat #0822

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Hey guys~

Hehe for the first time since i created this blog, I went to see who are the people who actually read my blog, and I'm surprised to see that someone from India and Iran actually read this.. haha Im very honoured :D as well as all those who reads my blogs and waits for updates everyday.. thank you so much :) for listening to my rants,for being a part of me, even if we're not close :)

Okay moving on~ So today i had a monotonous day, nothing much as usual, but there was a little dispute between my mum and I, but oh well that will blow over pretty soon :) Don't ask me why i am so hyper today, i have no idea as well XD But i guess its a good thing isnt it?

I actually came to school hyper LOLOL. Bouncing all over the place and having fun with my best mates, Hannah(aka hubby) and Dhaniah(aka daughter) . Hubby was pretty pissed off because of an issue that happened yesterday. But apparently her friend from st joseph cheered her up! awwwww Do i see a romance coming up between the two of them? will she cheat on me and have a r/s with him? Tune in next time to find out!! HAHAHAHA XD

Daughter was really paranoid today because she thought a certain someone was looking at her.. She's really cute! haha she keep asking me to look and see if he was actually looking at her.. awww so cute :D But unfortunately i cannot reveal his name too~ in case hubby reads this blog.. apparently im not even allowed to tell her. LOL

Anyways today when I was having a shower, i realised how fat i was. I actually gained 1kg.. Not sure if its because of my muscles (I work out) or because I've grown fat :/ I'm actually worried about this.. thats a bad omen >.< But i guess its normal? because my weight have been fluctuating up and down since goodness knows when. from 46kg - 50kg, 50kg - 47kg, 47kg - 49kh and currently, 48kg ._. Yes i dont really mind about telling others my weight. But i tend to feel consious about that stupid number at times LOL.

Today i worked on my earth bending aka Hung Ga Kuen . I think its fairly easy to pick up rather than the other bending forms~ yes, Im like Toph. Some people even say my hairstyle can fit Toph, yaaay now i need to work on her attitude :3 but anyway I picked up most of the postures and all, so I think im gonna try learning the actual movements,formations of the Hung Ga Kuen. But since i have no mentor.. I just gotta teach myself LOL

I also tried learning the Fire Bending style aka Northern Shaolin Kungfu. I guess these formations, Earth and Fire, appeals to me most and i can actually do it without much problems, unlike Water and Air, which i have lots of problems on :/ So yea Northern Shaolin Kungfu is pretty cool and I pretty much learnt it all too,with a side plate of some back pain because i did it too quickly ;w;. i just have to memorise the movements, then i can move on to learn the actual Northern Shaolin Kungfu styles, just like Hung Ga Kuen.

Today, i also worked on my thighs, i did the half squats and horse stances thingy thing.. which i admit, my thighs are hurting like hell now OTL My dad thought i was secretly dancing but noooo. Im actually practicing and training my thighs ~ But i think i wanna keep it a secret first, and then perform if for them next time.

So yep thats pretty much it, pictures below as usual, and a video :) Till tomorrow my fellow humans xxx

Hung Gar Kuen

Northern Shaolin Kuen

Dont cry your heart out - Cody Simpson

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Hey guys

I actually really surprised to see that people are actually reading my crap that i post here everyday <3 really appreciate it! Anyway, I have decided to add in a new cosplay plan. Have you heard of the Avatar?? Not the Avatar as in the blue people, but Avatar as in the Avatar - The legend of Aang. If you know it, thats great! Because I got really tempted to cos Toph BeiFong since a long time ago and only had the guts to add it in like..now. In case u do not know, Avatar have a sequeal to it. However, Aang is no longer the main character. Now, Korra, the new avatar, is the main character.

We can occasionally see glimpses of Aang(after his puberty) LOL. He looks really mature! So yep. I'll be cosplaying Korra too~ can maybe I would learn the opening part.. I'll put it in the link below~ As for Toph's movements, yep I'll be memorising them too~ Link below as well~

So anyway, Today was pretty good i guess~ However for pe, the opponent team didnt want me to play.. Like wth?? Dont know whether they dont like me or they scared of me. But their team is pretty damn good! All sporty people there.. >.< Well, Jason is an awesome defender! And well, i fell off the chair when catching the ball. LOL im so awesome as usual.

After PE, i suddenly felt very giddy.. dunno if its because of the ball that hit me on the head or whether it was because of the fall. My vision become damn blurry so i got really scared just now.. but luckily it is all over..

So yep thats about it. Oh and I've started writing a story i guess. Im done for today~ Goodbye for today my lovelies xxx

Toph BeiFong
Korra -LGK


Toph.(Earth Bending)
Korra's Bending(aka all the elements)
Fire Bending
Air Bending
Water Bending
And Earth is featured above

Monday 16 July 2012

Hey guyys

Today is the start of racial harmony week in school so I had to wear a traditional costume..ughh it sucks OTL but anyway, I think i enjoyed being the emcee that runs around and asks for answers. :) I was assigned to the Gallery, where the sec 4s and 5s were sitted at. I think they are a great audience! They were all very spontatenous and i like it that way~ One of the more significant ones was the one who went " Hello"-bigsmile- "My name is ____ from class ___ so call me maybe?" I think i really went red with that comment >.< its been a long time since i blushed >///< But its all good fun ^^ I got praised for my Emceeing and im really really proud! Hopefully Saf, Clemence kerry and I can work together again for another performance :3

We had lots of fun when we were editing the slides and finalizing the script :3 the most epic part is when Saf start mimicking Babarella and the other dude from Bangkok..Jit jit or something like that? It was so funny!! I laughed so much They thought i went crazy.. Ah well, what do u expect from someone like me? LOL BHB. When we were in the girls toilet, Xav walked in.. YES. he walked into the girls toilet LOL GAYYYYYY. Lucky no teacher see or he's screwed >D

Before the performance, the Saf actually wrote his lines on his hands while I.. :yaoming: I simply just go with the flow i guess, and surprisingly i wasnt nervous so everything went smoothly~

So the school day ended with a good note~ If I've known Ms Goh was gonna pull us out of class at 7.30am, I wouldnt have brought my heavy schoolbag along =.= So yea. It was fun though~

Btw, Ive been reading again (duh) and finished reading Royal Pain. Well Darius apparently did something with Red(aka Amber) and she came back to the castle pregnant. Like WTF?! That was just after Deva let her guards down and start trusting him.. Red shouldnt even have came back shes not even needed there =_= Anyway, Lucian promised Deva that he would be there to catch her if his brother Darius actually broke her heart. So things got pretty complicated in the kingdom. If i mention everything I think it would be a long post again so nawhh

Deva was chosen to become their Queen and she actually wanted to choose Darius as her King. But looking at what he have on his hands, and knowing that she could never be with him again, she chose Lucian, who loved her as much and promised to rule the kingdom well. End of story. LOL

I'm currently reading another book about werewolfs. I finished the first book "My Alpha Mate I Hate" and is occupied with the sequel, "Never Let You Go" The plot is okay I guess, no danger so far. Im too lazy to elaborate more so I'll leave it till next time if i remember :3

Ever since I've started reading books and fanfictions on Wattpad, I've been contemplating on whether to weave a story outta my head as well.. No harm trying eh? With this, I hereby end off today's post.

Picture of the day

Song of the day:

Sunday 15 July 2012

Hey guys

So today theres really not much to update and i didnt want to wait for tonight as i might forget or be to tired to do so.. So anyways, today i stayed home to complete the remaining work I've accumulated from Friday. And yep, i read a fair amount of books too i guess.. I finally finished Picture This, A fanfiction about Niall Horan, on Wattpad ~ 85 gruelling chapters OTL im glad i survived it, but it wasnt as good as i expected so i was pretty disappointed.

 Next up i read A Vampire's Slave, which i finished in about 2hrs, 33 chapters.. It was about 2 vamp brothers and a vampire slave. Yep, Humans were degraded to become slaves to the Vampires. Its pretty dry i guess, so overall i wasnt very pleased with it.

However, I'm reading this book, Royal Pain. Which I pretty much adore as I like the description as well as how vividly they describe the girl's feelings. And maybe because i feel that I can relate to the girl. This girl, like me, Likes to go to the gym and drop sarcastic comments almost everytime. and there is this one phrase which the book mention that I really agree to. "I'm not mean, its just that everybody else is a sissy" Which I really agree.

Subsequently i came up with this phrase.. " Insults are merely a blunt comment for you to help to upgrade yourself" Which I think is pretty true but us as humans are too weak to handle. So what happened to the phrase "sticks and bones can break my bones but words can never hurt me"? Oh the Irony. We humans are just so interesting to study eh? Maybe I should start observing my class more and updating what I see and all. Talk about me having many flaws and mistakes ahaha ^^

Ah wells, Embrace the mistakes yo, its what makes me who I am. Anyways back to the story, Royal Pain is about 3 identical vampire brothers and a girl named Deva, who is pretty different from the others as she goes to gym, shoots insults at anyone and is not afraid to make witty comments and sarcastic comments to the brothers and the other girls. The girls were there for the brothers to choose their future Queen. Yes, I have my doubts too.. I mean.. How can a human rule a Vampire kingdom? Kinda wierd isnt it? But anyways, it was a part of the prophecy apparently. Deva has all 3 brothers, Lucian,Darius and Marcus falling head over heels for her. After all, she's special.. you know what I mean? But as the story progresses, Marcus moves more towards Julia, whom is also in love with Marcus. The two remaining brothers are head over heels for Deva but i think, If i were her i would pick Lucian.. Partly because he can teleport, and mostly because of his affections. Darius on the other hand, is slightly rougher and prefers the naughty side of Deva. Anyways, I havent read the whole book yet so I'll keep you guys updated.

I dont know why, Mum have been getting on my nerves recently. Maybe im fed up with her  constant screaming and yelling but I guess i just have to accept it. and you know what? The subsequent thing she did really infuriated me. She banned us from going snorkelling. Like what the hell? and her reasons are like "oh theres sharks in the ocean" YOU DONT SAY. obviously there are. But i have swam with them before i dont see how dangerous it is. I guess I'll miss the feeling for shoals of fish swimming around me and chasing big turtles. I'll really miss seeing the coral reefs.. Its so pretty really. Well maybe next time when i get married I'll force my husband to snorkel with me LOL. another reason was that " you got swept out to sea and almost drowned" yeh i almost did. but still i dont see why i should go snorkelling again. It may be her own reasons as everytime she goes snorkelling, she dont move around much whereas I usually swin around discovering interesting sights with my uncle and auntie. But if you're so against on snorkelling, I think u can just stay on the boat and not come down. You know what i mean?

So yea anyways today is pretty much boring as i immerse myself in the book as i let myself get carried away. I dont really like the real world. It sucks in its own way. But i guess its there for me to enjoy it eh?

I aint looking forward to tomorrow. I have to wear a cheongsam to school. yes. a cheongsam OTL oh god please save me now. I am so not interested on letting anyone see me in a cheongsam.. The last i wore a cheongsam was 5 yrs old. the first and last time actually. And tmr i have no choice but to wear because i had a performance thingy so yea.. Im screwed big time. okay I shall return to my fantasies now. till then my lovely humans. xxx

Picture of the day :
Song of the day:

Saturday 14 July 2012

we danced to
Call me maybe
Happy synthesizer
Fantanstic baby - Big bang
Gee - Girls Generation
I cant believe i danced to gee. Holy mama. LOL
Okay, Official post for today :3

So today started off with a cultural camp which was pretty boring yet okay yet fun at the same time ~ We made mooncakes, do some calligraphy painting thingy(?) and tie some dragonfly keychain which i have alr learned since like..last time. But there was something new.. we had to sit through this talk about tes.. and i have no idea how is that gonna help us cause personally i dont think so? LOL, nevertheless, i guess its a good experience :) Its kinda cool in its own way i guess~

Well theres nothing much about the culture camp, cause i was too tired to be paying attention and all.. but i kinda regained my energy playing in the rain and all #yolo ITS SO FUN! i guess i havent played such a wild game since a long time :3 though we kinda.. umm got thrashed and weren't playing according to the rules LOL so many of us falling down and skidding across the wet floor like a boss~ haha i cant help but think MinWei Changed alot since i seen him around... 5-6 years ago? LOL and I finally saw I-forgot-his-name again! i think its been 5 years since we last saw each other and play together le :) But anyways they had Xin Chau(?) on their side and he's so tall! ITS A BIG ADVANTAGE looking at the fact that Me, a really really short girl is marking him :< but yea its still fun :D

But anyways i dont see why XinWei was getting scolded by his teammate although they are waiting.. its kinda unreasonable but still its not really by business so ah wells :x Oh yes, they have another advantage.. XinWei is a bball player! and here we are running around like headless chickens slowly learning the rules! IT WAS AWESOME. YES IT WAS. and and and Kei said i look like Dora.. Do you see swiper? Oh no! swiper no swiping! LOL. Im so lame OTL OH YEA. AND DUH COCAINE IS A HELL OF A DRUG! yep. i said that line when i threw the ball to the wrong person OTL
IM SO GHEY. so yea, i guess i was pretty high and all wasnt i? hahahah :D

Its an autographed poster of Yuegene Fay!!! OMGOMGOMG!! I really really wanna thank u alot for this i didnt think u would actually get this for me for my welcome back gift omg i really really thank u!! I dont really believe i have that awesome poster in my hands -tears of joy-

Yeh so thats about it :)
Picture of the day:
Niall Horan - 1D

Nathan Sykes -The wanted

That Chonny Video

Song Of the Day :

Hey guys, sorry i didnt update yesterday, I WAS TOO BUSY DAMMIT. anyways, i can summarise yesterday and today in one word.. AWESOME!

Today is officially friday the 13th! Its so really fun and i dont see how unlucky that day is :3 anyways, it was also officially my wifey's birthday!!! So i was actually really excited to just rush home at 12.45 to spend the day with her.. But apparently my plans were kinda ruined because I got sabo-ed by two of my friends.. *ahem* Kerry *ahem* Midhat *ahem* So i became the MC who basically runs about the floor asking the audience for their answers. Its really funny and i got high because of a lollipop and its sugar contents LOL. I think i scared Ms Goh hahaha. And she was saying how i should pass on Some of my liveliness to Kerry and how i shouldnt consume sweets on that day :< LIDDAT LORRRR. LOL. Okay im too high hahaha

So yea after some bits of english lessons from ms Goh to one of my fellow MCs, Safwan came :3 I swear he's hilarious!! I practically rolled on the floor with laughter :D So yea its really really funny and i really had fun! I also had to do mike test and all so i guess im pretty familiar with it so i guess its alright. That epic moment when Kerry and I started dancing to Senbonsakura hahaha. Ms Goh was practically Facepalming herself and i cant help but laugh ^^

We ended the rehearsals at about 4+ i think? Around there bah. So i immediately rushed home and start preparing and had a short nap cause i was just that Shag.. then I did some alterations to wifey's present and i went over ~ Well at first i thought it was gonna be awkward because I didnt really know them as they are from JunYuan and im from EastSpring but surprisingly we got along pretty well~ they also couldnt guess my age due to how hyper i was XD well hopefully they dont release that embarassing video online.. OR ILL DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT. CRAWL INTO A HOLE AND DISAPPEAR OFF THIS SURFACE FOREVAR. I made some new friends so i was pretty happy about it :) yaaaay! After the party, we waited for Loverboyy to come up and celebrate with us since theres still awhile more till the end of wifey's birthday.. as usual ahh, that unker take so long to come up! LOL . but when he come up i alr half asleep LOL. So yea we didnt chat long since its close to 11 and everyone was tired..

But overall it was fun.. danced like crazy, play like crazy and gossip like crazy! i really didnt know Bryan can dance so well! its like.. he can dance girl dances even better than me QAQ i feel so ashamed as a girl now LOL. but anyways, we had a good laugh watching him dance and i learnt a new food cheer! and i heard their Bumblebee cheer too! its really really cool and i kinda wished i went to their camp too >.< Well, thats it for today :)

Some pictures:

Song of the day: 

Thursday 12 July 2012

I dont know whether i should start this with a 'hey guys' as i doubt anyone is even reading this blog LOL.
anyways, today i guess im gonna rant about my class, yes. Im not happy with my class at all. I kinda wished i chose a different class. First off, i feel that we are really lacking in something called 'respect' which everyone should have for our teachers who are feeding us infomation and helping us. However, this wasn't the case. Today, all i saw was disrespect and chaos in the class. People talking when teacher is talking. They dont even appreciate what the teacher is doing for them. This teacher, have provided many notes which he self designed and printed them out esp for us. And also, he wasnt feeling well and had to strain his voice to make us listen to him. You know whats worse? He had to bribe us to be quiet by giving us Sweets and chocolates. Here, i wanna say that teachers arent very rich and all these comes from their own pockets, however much a teacher teach and however much effort they put in is based on the teacher himself. i mean.. he can just throw all the info at us and his job is done. So yea. Why cant u just appreciate his efforts? u guys are a bunch of douches

Not only that, the chairperson aint giving a good example and is talking and laughing away loudly with her clique of 'cool kids' seriously? You just cant listen for 30mins? You dont even show respect to the teacher when he is talking and u demand respect from us when ur talking. wow. just wow.Why dont u take over the lesson? Just because u and ur clique is ruling over the whole damn class hogging all the class positions doesnt mean u can abuse ur power. Yes, im accusing u right now. And another thing. This is a personal grudge. When i wanna ask ur friend to wake up to do a damn favour for the class, u say 'wait until she wake up lah dont disturb'. and then when im sleeping, 'meredith,meredith,meredith,meredith' and keep calling me to do one goddamn thing that can be told to me after i wake up? seriously? Isnt this biasness? Im just saying, as a chairperson, u should be fair to everyone and not just come to me for favours and bully me mentally when u dont need anything. I am not ur puppet and never will be. I feel like just walking up to u and saying all this my dear Midget. But i controlled my anger okay? So u douchebags better know where the line is and dont fucking cross it. And yes, if u cross it, face the consequences then. Because by then, i wouldnt even be bothered to control my anger and I'll just lash out at u, straight in ur little face and eliminate whatever little dignity u have in you. Thank you very much :).

And I do agree with Ms Cheong that you guys are getting from bad to worse, cause from what i see, u exclude others and favour another few. You get what i mean? No one is treated fairly. Its either they are at an advantage or they are at a disadvantage. I dont see how you could be the chairperson just because ur popular. Being popular doesnt mean u can lead a group of people well, it also dont prove anything unless u show it to the class. So yea u know what i mean. If u cant control the class i rather u just give up ur position. Just at least set a good example lah bloody hell.

okay I should get going to buy my wifey's present now *^* catch u guys later!

Song of the day:

Picture of the day:

Tuesday 10 July 2012

so finally anoher school day is over.. Double period days are really horrible i dont like it :/ anyways, I think i have to get used to the new geography teacher Mr Julian.. He teaches somewhat like Mrs Lee but with way more videos, which are fun at times, boring at times lol.

I saw the class photos today, and decided im really ugly in those so this year im not gonna buy them :3 Maybe i should cut bangs again? D: somehow i think bangs suit me more LOL.

I guess I really still miss him alot.. I thought i got over him but actually i havent.. Im so silly at times eh? He got over me a long time ago but here i am still loving him.. thats really stupid of me. Ah wells, Time will heal everything so yea :) I guess im gonna leave it in time and fate's hands :3

Did I mention that I like One direction? I really love their music! as well as vocaloid! so i guess im gonna dedicate one song each day, depending on my mood? Today since i just started this, Im gonna share two songs, one vocaloid and one One Direction. Here are the links
First Youtube link is : Same Mistakes - One direction , and the second link is Last Song - Yamai cover. Although Yamai is not the original singer, i think i like her version more than the original ^^

By the way, my wifey's (aka neighbour for more than 11yrs) birthday is approaching soon!! Omg i really dont know what to get her :/ IM SUCH A BAD HUBBY QAQ. I guess I'll give her something special and go over to her house to celebrate on Friday :) I just cant help but remember the time when i was in p4, and she was in p3 and we talked about having sleepovers at each others house! but apparently our parents dont allow although we only live like 10 steps away from each other >.<

Picture of the day :
Originally this is supposed to be a blog for my Chinese project, hopefully the teacher marked it already cause im gonna use this as my personal blog now :yaoming: I really am pissed off at people who do not respect any sport games by not playing ur best. yep im a really bad girl LOL. anyways i love goalkeeping and im one of the smallest goalkeeper around >.< so dont expect me to be those big sized goalies cause im not. Im only 156cm haha.

I really dislike people who gang up on others to mentally torture the person cause its just really really bad. yes, im a victim of Bully, and apparently its starting all over again. Ah whatever, i dont exactly care now. PE was really fun i guess.. but i think we really have to improve on our sportsmanship so as to excel in being a good sports player. Today generally went fine i guess. Did i mention im in love with a really cute boy who has curly brown hair and looks like spiderman? I really like him alot although we broke up a long time ago.. I guess first love really die slow huh? I really really wanna get back with him but i doubt theres a chance as i dont think he likes me anymore.. yea why is my post so long idk LOL . Im so long winded haha.

Cosfest is just over so i believe lots of cosplayers are really shagged out and are suffering from PES (post - event - syndrome) LOL. even i feel it.. I think im falling sick soon >.< But i think i really love cosfest this year and i love meeting everyone knew :) Here are some photos :)
 Day 2, Akita Neru, Akaito: Evans

Day 1: Secret Black Vow Rin

 After the event! edited with Pizap
Akita Neru and Akaito (one of their songs) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCGKVP3QkRc

Haha so now im on the phone with Evans, which is my partner and he identified the song Last night good night almost immediately! So cool! Akaito's voice is so man as usual :) I really like his voice! I think its a good song to Lull u to sleep :) Their voices really compliment each other :)

I cant believe it! My Cantarella costume is finally gonna arrive soon! the shipping is really expensive though.. cant help it because its a ballgown.. Here's a pic! I will be having a partner too :) and yes, im gonna cosplay the girl D< I cant do guys :< i dont suit them :/

Maybe I should stop here.. Shall update.. when i feel like it :D bye!