Thursday 12 July 2012

I dont know whether i should start this with a 'hey guys' as i doubt anyone is even reading this blog LOL.
anyways, today i guess im gonna rant about my class, yes. Im not happy with my class at all. I kinda wished i chose a different class. First off, i feel that we are really lacking in something called 'respect' which everyone should have for our teachers who are feeding us infomation and helping us. However, this wasn't the case. Today, all i saw was disrespect and chaos in the class. People talking when teacher is talking. They dont even appreciate what the teacher is doing for them. This teacher, have provided many notes which he self designed and printed them out esp for us. And also, he wasnt feeling well and had to strain his voice to make us listen to him. You know whats worse? He had to bribe us to be quiet by giving us Sweets and chocolates. Here, i wanna say that teachers arent very rich and all these comes from their own pockets, however much a teacher teach and however much effort they put in is based on the teacher himself. i mean.. he can just throw all the info at us and his job is done. So yea. Why cant u just appreciate his efforts? u guys are a bunch of douches

Not only that, the chairperson aint giving a good example and is talking and laughing away loudly with her clique of 'cool kids' seriously? You just cant listen for 30mins? You dont even show respect to the teacher when he is talking and u demand respect from us when ur talking. wow. just wow.Why dont u take over the lesson? Just because u and ur clique is ruling over the whole damn class hogging all the class positions doesnt mean u can abuse ur power. Yes, im accusing u right now. And another thing. This is a personal grudge. When i wanna ask ur friend to wake up to do a damn favour for the class, u say 'wait until she wake up lah dont disturb'. and then when im sleeping, 'meredith,meredith,meredith,meredith' and keep calling me to do one goddamn thing that can be told to me after i wake up? seriously? Isnt this biasness? Im just saying, as a chairperson, u should be fair to everyone and not just come to me for favours and bully me mentally when u dont need anything. I am not ur puppet and never will be. I feel like just walking up to u and saying all this my dear Midget. But i controlled my anger okay? So u douchebags better know where the line is and dont fucking cross it. And yes, if u cross it, face the consequences then. Because by then, i wouldnt even be bothered to control my anger and I'll just lash out at u, straight in ur little face and eliminate whatever little dignity u have in you. Thank you very much :).

And I do agree with Ms Cheong that you guys are getting from bad to worse, cause from what i see, u exclude others and favour another few. You get what i mean? No one is treated fairly. Its either they are at an advantage or they are at a disadvantage. I dont see how you could be the chairperson just because ur popular. Being popular doesnt mean u can lead a group of people well, it also dont prove anything unless u show it to the class. So yea u know what i mean. If u cant control the class i rather u just give up ur position. Just at least set a good example lah bloody hell.

okay I should get going to buy my wifey's present now *^* catch u guys later!

Song of the day:

Picture of the day:

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