Saturday 14 July 2012

Hey guys, sorry i didnt update yesterday, I WAS TOO BUSY DAMMIT. anyways, i can summarise yesterday and today in one word.. AWESOME!

Today is officially friday the 13th! Its so really fun and i dont see how unlucky that day is :3 anyways, it was also officially my wifey's birthday!!! So i was actually really excited to just rush home at 12.45 to spend the day with her.. But apparently my plans were kinda ruined because I got sabo-ed by two of my friends.. *ahem* Kerry *ahem* Midhat *ahem* So i became the MC who basically runs about the floor asking the audience for their answers. Its really funny and i got high because of a lollipop and its sugar contents LOL. I think i scared Ms Goh hahaha. And she was saying how i should pass on Some of my liveliness to Kerry and how i shouldnt consume sweets on that day :< LIDDAT LORRRR. LOL. Okay im too high hahaha

So yea after some bits of english lessons from ms Goh to one of my fellow MCs, Safwan came :3 I swear he's hilarious!! I practically rolled on the floor with laughter :D So yea its really really funny and i really had fun! I also had to do mike test and all so i guess im pretty familiar with it so i guess its alright. That epic moment when Kerry and I started dancing to Senbonsakura hahaha. Ms Goh was practically Facepalming herself and i cant help but laugh ^^

We ended the rehearsals at about 4+ i think? Around there bah. So i immediately rushed home and start preparing and had a short nap cause i was just that Shag.. then I did some alterations to wifey's present and i went over ~ Well at first i thought it was gonna be awkward because I didnt really know them as they are from JunYuan and im from EastSpring but surprisingly we got along pretty well~ they also couldnt guess my age due to how hyper i was XD well hopefully they dont release that embarassing video online.. OR ILL DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT. CRAWL INTO A HOLE AND DISAPPEAR OFF THIS SURFACE FOREVAR. I made some new friends so i was pretty happy about it :) yaaaay! After the party, we waited for Loverboyy to come up and celebrate with us since theres still awhile more till the end of wifey's birthday.. as usual ahh, that unker take so long to come up! LOL . but when he come up i alr half asleep LOL. So yea we didnt chat long since its close to 11 and everyone was tired..

But overall it was fun.. danced like crazy, play like crazy and gossip like crazy! i really didnt know Bryan can dance so well! its like.. he can dance girl dances even better than me QAQ i feel so ashamed as a girl now LOL. but anyways, we had a good laugh watching him dance and i learnt a new food cheer! and i heard their Bumblebee cheer too! its really really cool and i kinda wished i went to their camp too >.< Well, thats it for today :)

Some pictures:

Song of the day: 

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