Wednesday 18 July 2012

Hey guys~

Hehe for the first time since i created this blog, I went to see who are the people who actually read my blog, and I'm surprised to see that someone from India and Iran actually read this.. haha Im very honoured :D as well as all those who reads my blogs and waits for updates everyday.. thank you so much :) for listening to my rants,for being a part of me, even if we're not close :)

Okay moving on~ So today i had a monotonous day, nothing much as usual, but there was a little dispute between my mum and I, but oh well that will blow over pretty soon :) Don't ask me why i am so hyper today, i have no idea as well XD But i guess its a good thing isnt it?

I actually came to school hyper LOLOL. Bouncing all over the place and having fun with my best mates, Hannah(aka hubby) and Dhaniah(aka daughter) . Hubby was pretty pissed off because of an issue that happened yesterday. But apparently her friend from st joseph cheered her up! awwwww Do i see a romance coming up between the two of them? will she cheat on me and have a r/s with him? Tune in next time to find out!! HAHAHAHA XD

Daughter was really paranoid today because she thought a certain someone was looking at her.. She's really cute! haha she keep asking me to look and see if he was actually looking at her.. awww so cute :D But unfortunately i cannot reveal his name too~ in case hubby reads this blog.. apparently im not even allowed to tell her. LOL

Anyways today when I was having a shower, i realised how fat i was. I actually gained 1kg.. Not sure if its because of my muscles (I work out) or because I've grown fat :/ I'm actually worried about this.. thats a bad omen >.< But i guess its normal? because my weight have been fluctuating up and down since goodness knows when. from 46kg - 50kg, 50kg - 47kg, 47kg - 49kh and currently, 48kg ._. Yes i dont really mind about telling others my weight. But i tend to feel consious about that stupid number at times LOL.

Today i worked on my earth bending aka Hung Ga Kuen . I think its fairly easy to pick up rather than the other bending forms~ yes, Im like Toph. Some people even say my hairstyle can fit Toph, yaaay now i need to work on her attitude :3 but anyway I picked up most of the postures and all, so I think im gonna try learning the actual movements,formations of the Hung Ga Kuen. But since i have no mentor.. I just gotta teach myself LOL

I also tried learning the Fire Bending style aka Northern Shaolin Kungfu. I guess these formations, Earth and Fire, appeals to me most and i can actually do it without much problems, unlike Water and Air, which i have lots of problems on :/ So yea Northern Shaolin Kungfu is pretty cool and I pretty much learnt it all too,with a side plate of some back pain because i did it too quickly ;w;. i just have to memorise the movements, then i can move on to learn the actual Northern Shaolin Kungfu styles, just like Hung Ga Kuen.

Today, i also worked on my thighs, i did the half squats and horse stances thingy thing.. which i admit, my thighs are hurting like hell now OTL My dad thought i was secretly dancing but noooo. Im actually practicing and training my thighs ~ But i think i wanna keep it a secret first, and then perform if for them next time.

So yep thats pretty much it, pictures below as usual, and a video :) Till tomorrow my fellow humans xxx

Hung Gar Kuen

Northern Shaolin Kuen

Dont cry your heart out - Cody Simpson

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