Thursday 19 July 2012

Hey guys,
 Today I had a pretty eventful day~ So Im gonna share them with u :3 haha (duhh) Anyways, today we learnt a new topic in POA and i can barely grasp hold of the tactic to do.. I need more practice for POA thats for sure :/ But im sure i can do it!

Pe was .. Pretty frustrating at first then it turned out really well! Ms Fardy didnt come so u know who came to take over? Mr mah =.= oh gawd i really hate that teacher. He dont allow us to play match but do drills, whereas ms fardy let us play match and learn from there. But anyways, i cant seem to throw low shots :/ it all goes soaring over people's head OTL. Im not exactly good with frisbee ya know?! Plus, it was scorching hot.. WE'RE ONLY CHASING THE SUN. wait.. I think its the other way round LOL. We played in the sun and my feet was literally on fire and BBQ-ing in my shoes ._. So yea, I played until my shoes got one hole LOL. I have no idea how i did it.. but ah wells :x Until i buy a new shoe/find a new pair i will just have to make do with it.. its not really noticeable so i dont really give a shit hahah

Next, we played a match.. at the end of the lesson.. like FINALLY. the original number of people that were supposed to play in a match is 7, but somehow or another one of the teams suddenly have 11 people so i kinda joined in the fun :D And it was so funny at the start because once the other party release the frisbee, they chiong towards us yelling war cries, so we did the same, and it became like some sort of mafia war hahahah XD Then, since we kept losing, as we retreated into the shady goal, the other members decided to let the opposite team have a little suntan :ifyouknowwhatimean: We literally let them burn in the sun hahahah! Then they keep faking with the excuse of tying their shoelace although one of them have no shoes on!! hurhurhur :3 Nickybear was laughing at my reactions all the time ._. i have no idea why lol. But apparently i keep him pretty amused i guess. WITH MOI AWESHUM MOVEMENTS

Anyways, Yanxin and I also mimicked the Titanic, Jack and Rose when they were putting their hands out or somethin. LOL. Nickybear laughed at that too.. I guess thats how lame i am! hahaha. At the end of the Pe sessions I also performed airbending, earthbending and firebending to Afiqah :) She says that my airbending is best but personally i prefer Earthbending lol.

After school, we had this motivational workshop thingy thing. I admit, it was pretty good, and i really liked the "Power-Zone" Tactic. I tried it just now, pretty good, but i was distracted by my mum and bro bickering, as usual. I have no idea how am i gonna study in this place is they cant keep their peace =.=. And that trainer keep saying "are we clear?' over and over again HAHAHAHA. I think alot of people made fun of him because of that, but he is a pretty nice guy :) I should use the powerzone tactic more often now.

Now I shall update u in my progress for the earthbending!! I wanna make a sequence and keep to the sequence, so that i wont get lost or confused. It would be easier that way i guess owo So.. yep, im gonna work on it later on. I have no idea why my muscles are so sore after practicing the moves.. maybe i put in alot of effort today LOL. which is good ^^

That reminds me. Tomorrow im gonna have floorball training! I miss floorball so much! But i guess,.. theres nothing much to look forward to other than saving balls. Because Coach Reena isnt there anymore.. I feel so sad >.< I really missed her and her coaching, but she said she dont wanna come back so i guess we gotta respect her decision. I think, if coach Nick doesnt come, or decides to train the guys first, we'll have PT. which im glad because Ive been slacking off too much that a small spare tyre come out liao :P But im kinda scared too because i havent been training much, accept my thighs and occasionally, arms. So im thinking my stamina dropped alot Hurhur.

Thats it for today, till tmr my lovely humans xxx

Ms Lim(my floorball in charge teacher) and I!
Wifey and I (before the talk)
My fringe! (Done by Dhaniah) The told me that my fringe poof up, making it look similar to that of Zayn Malik's fringe. (pic below)
Heartbeat #0822

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