Tuesday 10 July 2012

Originally this is supposed to be a blog for my Chinese project, hopefully the teacher marked it already cause im gonna use this as my personal blog now :yaoming: I really am pissed off at people who do not respect any sport games by not playing ur best. yep im a really bad girl LOL. anyways i love goalkeeping and im one of the smallest goalkeeper around >.< so dont expect me to be those big sized goalies cause im not. Im only 156cm haha.

I really dislike people who gang up on others to mentally torture the person cause its just really really bad. yes, im a victim of Bully, and apparently its starting all over again. Ah whatever, i dont exactly care now. PE was really fun i guess.. but i think we really have to improve on our sportsmanship so as to excel in being a good sports player. Today generally went fine i guess. Did i mention im in love with a really cute boy who has curly brown hair and looks like spiderman? I really like him alot although we broke up a long time ago.. I guess first love really die slow huh? I really really wanna get back with him but i doubt theres a chance as i dont think he likes me anymore.. yea why is my post so long idk LOL . Im so long winded haha.

Cosfest is just over so i believe lots of cosplayers are really shagged out and are suffering from PES (post - event - syndrome) LOL. even i feel it.. I think im falling sick soon >.< But i think i really love cosfest this year and i love meeting everyone knew :) Here are some photos :)
 Day 2, Akita Neru, Akaito: Evans

Day 1: Secret Black Vow Rin

 After the event! edited with Pizap
Akita Neru and Akaito (one of their songs) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCGKVP3QkRc

Haha so now im on the phone with Evans, which is my partner and he identified the song Last night good night almost immediately! So cool! Akaito's voice is so man as usual :) I really like his voice! I think its a good song to Lull u to sleep :) Their voices really compliment each other :)

I cant believe it! My Cantarella costume is finally gonna arrive soon! the shipping is really expensive though.. cant help it because its a ballgown.. Here's a pic! I will be having a partner too :) and yes, im gonna cosplay the girl D< I cant do guys :< i dont suit them :/

Maybe I should stop here.. Shall update.. when i feel like it :D bye!

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