Wednesday 25 July 2012


Good evening to bother you! (sound familiar?) hahah :) anyways, today is a very boring day as usual..

I've been really drained recently and its kinda getting on my nerves. Yep, i dont like it, but i still have to go through it i guess.. anyways, today i basically did essays essays and more essays.. damn sian LOL

Its gonna be a short post today, because i really got to rush back to my work.. School sucks :<

Today ive been feeling wierd cracks on my left wrist and my knee.. hope that nothing wrong with it :/ And yaay tmr is thursday! Which means i can go to city hall and sell off a pair of boots which is worth $40 8'D MONEHHH. Now i can pay for my cantarella shipping fee :x so yep

and I have a feeling this time, the CT aint gonna be that easy as they wanna prep us for next year's Os.. Pretty worried yet i can do nothin but study i guess.. haizz

Theres also an event coming up! its streetfest but im not going because i have to help out at the temple Im volunteering at :) for those who are interested to go, its this saturday, but i forgot the location >.< so i guess u gotta check it out on google yea?

Oh yes! hmm.. I forgot what i wanna say.. okay baibai my lovelies, i gotta go back to rushing my work :x Till tmr xxx


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