Friday 27 July 2012


doubt anyone even reads my blog, so i shall skip the salutations from now on.

Today wasnt as smooth sailing as i thought it would be.. As i predicted, i would be really really grumpy. turns out i could still control my temper i guess.. but i slept alot.

So yep as u guys know im in a very shitty class. Yep i dislike my class. They are a biased bunch all of them. So yea i detest them, All the cliques and everything drives me crazy

Maybe i was too blunt, but i cant help but feel that one of my nii chans are drifting away from me.. did i do something wrong? Was i too blunt? Or were u just using me as an entertainment? Like all the others. Just give me an answer because i detest waiting and being kept in the dark.

Training was pretty fun i guess, but i got lazy to save the balls that enter the goal from the right side because i cant exactly turn properly because of problems. Furthermore, one of my teammates accidentally slammed her stick onto my fingers.. it hurts but its okay i guess. I mean.. it isnt on purpose right? The most epic part of the training was when coach break voice when he's explaining and also when I screamed 'FOR NARNIA AND BEYOND' hahahha

Today we also learnt a new circuit training for weights and all. THEY TOOK AWAY THE 12KG QAQ HOW COULD THEY. NOOOOOO But nevertheless it was fun

Did i mention how much i hate this replies?
2.k can

Okay thats it for today. Shall go back to editing the clips.


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