Tuesday 31 July 2012


sorry i havent updated as often as i did last time, but it is because of certain matters i have to attend to.. LOL JK i was just busy with work LOLOL

Anyways, im proud to announce that , im finally done with my english project! We were supposed to do groupwork and create an audio book for the kids in Laos, I dont know why exactly, but i think its meaningful i guess?  I discovered this software called "Audacity", which is really pretty good! There were many late nights and sweat put into this project okay! So im really happy and proud about this project.

However, there were some issues that i would like to highlight which im not very happy about. This is regarding my class as usual. Like what the hell guys? I obviously asked Mdm Wani permission before I bring my lappy to school right? And you guys keep saying about what, bring laptop for what? and all those. Well, I'll answer you right now. I brought my laptop not for show, but because of the software inside that i can use to edit the audios. I dont want to do some Random Shitty half assed job because i believe in putting in 100% of my efforts to do something. Im not exaggerating and all, but this is me. Call me a geek or whatever suits you, see if i give a shit or not, since you guys have already given me some fucking cold treatment and all those shit. You guys deliberately bring me down. Whenever there is something which we all need to vote for, no matter how good my work is, you guys just wont even give it a pass. I know guys, im not ignorant, im just waiting.. and waiting. You guys say imma keyboard warrior, just come up to me, i dont mind just shooting everything i say on the net to you personally. so dont come as give ur shitty ass attitude towards me my dears. I must say i love you bunch alot. Not because ur good or anything but because u made me realised how cruel the world is and how much i have to stand up for myself. So yep, i love you guys, and since ur responsibilities to teach me is completed, i guess you can fuck off right now. Thank you so much <3

Bad things aside, i have had fun during PE today! its like i caught lots of balls for captain ball.. which makes me really proud of myself because there were multiple goals in which i had to risk falling off the chair to get. Yep, I dont mind getting injured to save the team. Hahahaha.

Basically these days im literally half dead.. not much vigour nor excitement going about..except that my korkor, Kenny and a few others plus the teachers went for the Hair for Hope thing . and Haliza went like : IM SEEING MONKS AND SHIT BRO. I was laughing so hard!! hehehhe XD

Every morning I would come to school, tired out due to homework and the editing of the english project . Then I'll catch a little nap before morning assembly starts, and Xav will always pat my head and wake me up either by shaking me or poking me.. Pokes are very effective on me LOL. so yep! thats basically how i survive my life now.

Floorball was really kinda boring but we as goalkeepers spiced up things among us.. Tytheler, Guiliver and Nicole-less were the topics being discussed the most :P and we goalkeepers keep getting poked with a stick up our legs.. WHATS WRONG WITH U PEOPLE OMG. so yea..

That is basically it i guess? And oh yes! I forgot to mention.. due to my rage against one of the foulest creatures on Earth, i actually wrote a story.. which i think is really good i guess.. Teaser.

Ive never come across someone so scheming and diabolical as him. He had a heart of pure hatred. he's mind was so foul,that it seems as though it was a pile of faeces.
However, the evil in his heart cannot be depicted with the color black itself,as he is far more rotten than that.
It feels as though he is the Heir of Hell itself

So i conclude my post for today! no pictures today, just a vid ^^ Rest well my lovelies, till next time xx

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