Thursday 2 August 2012


So as u can see i actually changed the background of my blog.:youdontsay: LOL. Anyway, I changed the skin of the blog because its a new month! yep I think I'll be changing the format every month! This Month's theme would be Green. In collaboration with the Saving Gaia movement! haha nah im just kidding. Its green because its green. because of the Hulk!

Back to business, today wasnt much of an eventful day but it was announced that there is a SS quiz tmr, a short 25min one.. Which i believe would kill my hand for sure ._. Im kinda worried about my geography quiz, which was given yesterday. Hopefully i did well.

We also had PE today! But it wasnt very fun as Sherman and Gary are my teammates.. Im not saying that they are bad, Its just that they are so skillful that they can throw from one corner to another, resulting in many truimphant victories. But its kinda Boring for Grace and I since we mostly mark and stand around or catch the frisbees a few times. But i guess it was okay. The heat wasnt as bad as the last time, which im grateful for.

There was also the School leaders dialouge thing which happened during SFL, which stands for Success For Living. It is basically the periods in which we have Sex education, Learning journeys,asthetics programmes and such. And yes, this programme is special. Only our school, ESSS have it! In this dialouge session, school leaders will address our problems and think about our requests as to whether to accede to them or not. We had an enjoyable time there as my class trying to win the support of all the students through preaching, which was hilarious as the Principal retorted back with a " We should not judge base on their feelings in their speech" That made us think about Nazi Germany, as Hitler is also a fluent and charming speaker.

Now for a vid ! ps. I shall only post pictures if i have. LOL

Vid of the day:

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