Saturday 4 August 2012


So im gonna update about yesterday and today.

Yesterday was quite boring at the start and all, and we have that SS quiz. We also got back our assignment, (SEQ) and to my surprise i got 9/12 which is a good mark i guess... So yea im pretty proud. However, I think i forgot to add in a few points for the SS quiz.. im screwed. LOL

Then next up was floorball, which was fun as there were many jokes made and all, but Kelly was very pissed off because we didnt listen and were very slow, we kinda got into a minor fight, which im particularly displeased because we never fought. This was the first time and it was because of the Girls' Attitudes.. Why cant u guys just appreciate everything she has done for you? I know we are of the same rank (vice-capt) but Im more of the low key. And my role is to cheer you guys on. Kelly is the one that does all the administrative jobs. Let me ask you a question. Can you guys manage the team without her? I mean, shes the one running this whole thing, and im just helping her. By not listening and everything kinda gets us irritated. Let me just be straightforward to you guys, we shouldnt be taking her for granted, and i know puasa is very difficult, but i see others staying even stronger than others. so get yourself together and stand up! If others can do it why not you? You get what i mean? And yes, like i said to some of you, Kelly and I have a patience, but at this rate you are going, we dont know how long we can still hold on there for you guys. And dont push us to the limit. It is either Kelly or Me blowing our tops and im sure you guys dont wanna see that I hope i got myself clear on that.

After training, my bro and i went to MBS together with Natalie to meet our Japanese friend, Ruko. She had grown since last year and have became really cute hahaha. Her baby bro is also very cute! We also went to swim in that pool at the edge, which had a great view! it was really nice just catching up with them as we played in the water. Nat and I also went to the Jacuzzi, which was heated and really nice! We werent exactly allowed there because we were under 16 but oh wells, we still went there, and there was this angmoh couple who were like "omg they are gonna come in! dont come in! dont! dont! doooont!' but in the end we did so they went out HAHAHAH. and there was this other Korean Lady who was really pretty! she didnt really give a shit about us LOL. then we got caught after like..30mins? LOL. so we got out and played in the other pool, which was really cold compared to the hot jacuzzi *A* so we just stone at the beds there and chat.

after that we went back to the hotel to get changed, and explored the mall. yadayadayada, hen we kinda lost the car.. so we spent lots of time finding it, which got me really pissed off because i was tired. and then when we found the car, we slept on each other.. I lay on my bro's shoulder and Nat lay on mine. So it was like a domino effect LOL. thats it for yesterday!

And as for today i went to print coscards. But surprisingly my document is not in my thumbdrive idk why ._. then the tailor said she cannot make it today,.. So i think i have to make my costume myself. and We went to beach road to get some materials for my other cos. Anyways, I need to thank Riku for her companionship! and i kinda.. woke up late on her.. Im so sorry oh gosh.

Thats it for today, xxx

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