Monday 6 August 2012


So today was kinda okay i guess? I went to school with my new haircut! I got too lazy to pin up my fringe so.. I asked my mum to cut it to Bangs. Pictures below ^^ I got a few compliments ^^ from people i never expected from ._. For Example, Rusyaidi keep saying "___ say u cute leh!" I appreciate it i guess.. Thanks guys :)

So today I have heard of some rumours of a classmate and I being together.. I would like to clarify that i am NOT in any relationships as of now ._. wait well.. Unless u count being in a relationship with a fictional character *A* If that is so, then i am married to this guy from Sword Art Online - Kirito <3 He is a really cute guy whom I think has a really mysterious yet appealing character. Picture below as well ~

I got stuck in a maths question today.. Oh god it took me so long to just finish one question!! Haiz i do wonder what will happen when I sit for the Maths Common Test, which is around the corner. I am screwed for Maths ._.

Today we also had this.. um PEC training which i thought was pretty boring until i attended it. It was really funny and i admire Jolene's patience as we werent exactly very well behaved. So yea! Stephen and Ian were so funny  I laughed till my whole face was red, resulting in people looking at me inquisitively :< SO AWKWARD LOL.

Oh yes, I dont mind having a penpal~ So if anyone is interested to be my penpal, do drop me an email and We can send each other emails :) Heres my email!
But no spam please >.<

Okay thats all I guess. Till next time xxx

My New Bangs. That's my Sch U btw :)
Kirito! Aka My hubby LOL


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