Wednesday 8 August 2012

Hello world~

Welcome to my blog! I realised that not only my fellow Singaporeans are reading this blog.. People from UK, Russia, US and Germany are reading my blog too! Im really honoured and surprised to know that people from around the world are reading my blog ^^ Or at least looked through my blog :) Anyway, I shall post pictures or UK, Russia, US and Germany in the anime Hetalia, since they are portrayed as humans :)

Firstly, I would like to thank all my beloved girls for your concern towards me when I was having really bad cramps during training.. I played and rest at the regular intervals so dont worry, Im better now ~ Thanks once again ^^ Oh yes, Im so sorry if Im too harsh during the Lecture thingy... Because we need to constantly strive for excellence and we have to refrain from doing things that hinder our improvements.. I do hope you guys understand alright? :)

Next, I would like to announce the arrival of my Japanese friends! They've recently came to Singapore to have a Holiday, I believed i mentioned this in my previous post right? :) Well, we had Dinner with them and it was really fun! They are really cute and their parents were talking about how Japan is learning from us and are setting higher standards papers and more homework :/ Haiz It must be really tough on students nowadays.. Pictures below!

Okay I dont have much to talk about to.. Ja ne minna-san! (Goodbye everyone)



Unfortunately i cant seem to upload the photos My jap friends and I took.. so next time alright? My apologies >.<


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