Friday 10 August 2012

Hey guys~

Its Singapore's birthday yesterday! Yaaay Hooray and Happy belated birthday to my Beloved country Singapore! Recently there was these rumours going around that one of our founding fathers, Lee Kuan Yew have passed on. Luckily the rumour wasnt true! When I was watching the NDP live yesterday, I cant help but see if LKY was actually alive.. He came out to the parade with a huge charming smile! The crowd went wild to see him! However, I cant seem to get used to seeing Tony Tan (our current president) as I grew up seeing SR Nathan on the television as president.

I love National day! Reason being that my parents brought me to get my Salming floorball goalkeeper gloves! hip hip hurray! We kinda got confused as Salming was really really hard to find and I guess my dad almost gave up :/ But mama accompanied me to go and get those gloves so im really happy! As Mama and I were scouting the place, we coincidentally bumped into some Victorian floorballers! So we went up to Salming together ^^

This Salming branch is really really cramped and small and all sorts of floorball gear were found there! I guess it was like a heaven to me since i love floorball so much! I immediately went to the Goalkeepers section and found two kinds of gloves, the blue and black one and the red,white and black ones. The shop keeper said that there wasnt my size, S (yes my hands are really small :/) So i kinda panicked >.< I mean... who wouldnt? There is your perfect chance to buy ur gloves at a discounted price (47%) and it turns out that there isnt your size! So I tried XS, and surprisingly it fitted nicely! I was so relieved and happy I jumped around the whole premises. The gloves were originally $50 but because of the sales it is $26! I Saved alot of cash and im happy about it ^^ Picture of gloves below! Its name is 8912 :) Dont ask me why I name my gloves. I dont know why as well haha.

Moving on to today's news!

I went to Samantha's house today and it was great fun! Cheng, Cheryn and Ryan Yong came :) Originally They came over for D&T and revision and in the end it turned out to be a voice recording + games + chitchat session it was so fun! Sam, Cheng and I sang Glad you came, One thing and Rolling in the deep! I think Our rolling in the deep cover was the best :) But its still kinda wierd.. We had fun doing it though! I aint putting it here thats for sure :P

I made another cover of Leia which im gonna post up here which is kinda bad so umm.. If you dont want ur ears to explode then dont listen to it hahaha. I also recorded Rolling in the Deep ^^

Thats all for today :) Cant wait for tomorrow!  till next time ^^

I wont upload it today as I cant seem to hear the audio.. So next time? Sorry guys :/

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