Sunday 12 August 2012

Hey peeps!

Heres the link to the audios i created.. Leia and Rolling in the deep

So yep its horrible yet i still recorded it LOL

Anyway! I am proud to announce that I am a volunteer for Project Inclusive! Basically it is a project that aims to collect messages to our migrant workers, those who help to build our country, the unsung heroes. I didnt think it would be that tough until I went around asking people for their messages.. out of 100% i think about 90% ignore/reject me :<

Its like some people walk past me as though i wasnt even there, some of them listened to me, then reject, and for others.. As soon as they see me, they changed direction.. Like whyyy? Im not selling insurance QAQ WHAI LIDDAT. But there are kind souls who actually wrote those messages :)

I also made friends with the people whom I met at the location, Those who were there for Flag day CIP. We had lots of fun and i really miss them but i guess we would be able to meet up at the actual event on the 25th August ^^

So I guess thats it, since today i mainly study and read books ._. cant wait for common tests to be over!

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