Friday 17 August 2012

Hello guys!

Sorry for not updating in awhile.. I had Common tests to study for! D: So yea :/ Fortunately, it ended yesterday! So YAAAAAY.

Im now awaiting my results.. hopefully they're good.. Anyways, since today I have a Photoshoot for Luka x Luki, (Me being the Luka) I decided to Costest yesterday and I'll upload some pictures here! You'll also see my brother too :)

Anyway, Common tests weren't that easy but it was manageable.. Time was of an essence as the papers were only 30mins long.. So we practically have to rush through the whole paper! It was really scary.. I didnt manage to finish my elementary maths paper because I was freaking out so badly I forgot which formulas to use ;w; Wasted marks,.. And as for my Mother Tongue paper (chinese) My electronic dictionary died on me!! IT DIED ON ME. So i wrote lots of hanyupinyin so yea... Haiz.. Chemistry I confirm fail. The others.. I dont know..

We had training yesterday too! It was really fun and there was one part where all the goalkeepers have to be excused from training due to our involvement in the Teachers day concert, so yea no keepers were there! So epic hahaha.

Because Friday training there is one part where the boys will come in.. ( They train immediately after ours end) So.. I challenged Rusyaidi.. It turns out that the other guys also wanna shoot at me! So yea all i heard from all directions are my name.. LOL and the girls were cheering me on! So it was really funny! Their shots are mainly ground shots and those shots that just pass near my helmet and into the goal OTL . nevertheless, i had fun !

Now pictures!

Yes, my bro likes to take pictures with me when Im Cos-testing :)

That is all folks!

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