Sunday 19 August 2012

Hello peeps!

So yesterday I had this awesome photoshoot With my really handsome partner, and wonderful photogs! so umm.. more photogs came than usual.. so yep! hahah

The venue where we were shooting at is a Tourist attraction in Singapore, The Marina Bay Sands! It is a really beautiful place :) I'll post some photos below :)

We had an awesome time esp shooting on the escalator! It was so funny! There were a few teaser shots which were hilarious as well :) So yea.. I would like to thank my beloved helpers, who made this all possible! Kyo Taori, My Bakainu, and Evans <3 I love you guys! Thank you for everything!

okay on to today's activities!

I didnt do much today.. but I just came back from attending a housewarming dinner. The food wasnt really um.. Lets just say I am not used to the taste shall we? :) The apartment was really beautiful and classy! I wish my house was like that too.. Nah im kidding, I love my house the way it is! Andways, I caught up with my neighbour, Zhen Kai, whom I lost contact with since umm.. 4 - 5 years ago? He told me alot of stories and whatnot so it didnt turn out to be boring :)

After the Housewarming Dinner , mama told us to go for a walk and so, My bro, ZK and I went, it was so funny! esp when we were walking in front, laughing at a really high pitch and suddenly ZK (He's voice is super low) said in a rather monotonous tone: Wait for me!  My bro and I burst out laughing because it was hilarious! and when he talked in a high pitch voice.. Lets just say I was imitating a seal, clapping retardedly and laughing my ass off!

Okay, now pictures!


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