Wednesday 22 August 2012


I am really happy these days! Well.. not really happy but im happy now LOL

Yesterday there was training ._. We were taught a new drill! It was.. horrible. Well not really, I just couldnt understand the drill.. Coach keep making me super confused! WTF sia. Then he keep saying that i need to pay attention.. I AM paying attention.. But i dont know where or when to throw! Dont just expect us goalkeepers to understand u.. We are not exactly smart neither can we read ur mind.. I WANT COACH REENA QAQ (coach reena was our first coach and when we first started out floorball 3yrs ago, she was the one who brought us here, to the top 4 in nationals)

We also had PE.. we practised in our various groupings for ACES(All Children Exercising Simultaneously) day! I took part in the Wheelbarrow XD surprisingly it was really easy for me.. hahah Hannah and I were the only girls who took part in wheelbarrow in our class.. thats really sad :< anyways, i found out that Sean is the same weight as me! But he is all muscles while Im mostly fats ._. So yea hahaha. And i got hit by a bloody frisbee on the head! Ken was really sweet to ask me to stay strong and all.. Noelle was just shocked when i cried out 'owww my ponytail OMG is it ruined?!' she was expecting me to cry out 'my head!' or something like that but i didnt LOL. Epic me.

Nothing much to talk about.. onwards to today

Today, i got back my geog. I failed. like wtf, Then i realised that i wrote off topic.. so obviously i failed. WTFWTFWTFWTF QAQ Im very duhh sad. moving on. I dont wanna cry

I went to sell my Neru cos and collected the deposit for the Neru wig! Im slightly richer now LOL. NOT. OTL because im gonna cosplay the pokemons Umbreon and Raichu :D So yep! wahahahah.

I also went to get my cantarella costume.. OMG ITS SO POOFY AND NICE. big big and i feel phat but nice LOL

I feel really happy today because.. Ummm.. I cant exactly mention his name but.. Lets call him Meep alright? Meep and I are sms buddies, I love him. He is nice. Um.. Aiya i just like him! And umm.. He kinda made me happy 8'D But sometimes im scared of Meep, because he is .. kinda intimidating when he wants to.. and thats really scary. I think he doesnt like me and likes another girl or somethin.. but i still love him.. That stupid heart of mine ._.

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