Sunday 15 July 2012

Hey guys

So today theres really not much to update and i didnt want to wait for tonight as i might forget or be to tired to do so.. So anyways, today i stayed home to complete the remaining work I've accumulated from Friday. And yep, i read a fair amount of books too i guess.. I finally finished Picture This, A fanfiction about Niall Horan, on Wattpad ~ 85 gruelling chapters OTL im glad i survived it, but it wasnt as good as i expected so i was pretty disappointed.

 Next up i read A Vampire's Slave, which i finished in about 2hrs, 33 chapters.. It was about 2 vamp brothers and a vampire slave. Yep, Humans were degraded to become slaves to the Vampires. Its pretty dry i guess, so overall i wasnt very pleased with it.

However, I'm reading this book, Royal Pain. Which I pretty much adore as I like the description as well as how vividly they describe the girl's feelings. And maybe because i feel that I can relate to the girl. This girl, like me, Likes to go to the gym and drop sarcastic comments almost everytime. and there is this one phrase which the book mention that I really agree to. "I'm not mean, its just that everybody else is a sissy" Which I really agree.

Subsequently i came up with this phrase.. " Insults are merely a blunt comment for you to help to upgrade yourself" Which I think is pretty true but us as humans are too weak to handle. So what happened to the phrase "sticks and bones can break my bones but words can never hurt me"? Oh the Irony. We humans are just so interesting to study eh? Maybe I should start observing my class more and updating what I see and all. Talk about me having many flaws and mistakes ahaha ^^

Ah wells, Embrace the mistakes yo, its what makes me who I am. Anyways back to the story, Royal Pain is about 3 identical vampire brothers and a girl named Deva, who is pretty different from the others as she goes to gym, shoots insults at anyone and is not afraid to make witty comments and sarcastic comments to the brothers and the other girls. The girls were there for the brothers to choose their future Queen. Yes, I have my doubts too.. I mean.. How can a human rule a Vampire kingdom? Kinda wierd isnt it? But anyways, it was a part of the prophecy apparently. Deva has all 3 brothers, Lucian,Darius and Marcus falling head over heels for her. After all, she's special.. you know what I mean? But as the story progresses, Marcus moves more towards Julia, whom is also in love with Marcus. The two remaining brothers are head over heels for Deva but i think, If i were her i would pick Lucian.. Partly because he can teleport, and mostly because of his affections. Darius on the other hand, is slightly rougher and prefers the naughty side of Deva. Anyways, I havent read the whole book yet so I'll keep you guys updated.

I dont know why, Mum have been getting on my nerves recently. Maybe im fed up with her  constant screaming and yelling but I guess i just have to accept it. and you know what? The subsequent thing she did really infuriated me. She banned us from going snorkelling. Like what the hell? and her reasons are like "oh theres sharks in the ocean" YOU DONT SAY. obviously there are. But i have swam with them before i dont see how dangerous it is. I guess I'll miss the feeling for shoals of fish swimming around me and chasing big turtles. I'll really miss seeing the coral reefs.. Its so pretty really. Well maybe next time when i get married I'll force my husband to snorkel with me LOL. another reason was that " you got swept out to sea and almost drowned" yeh i almost did. but still i dont see why i should go snorkelling again. It may be her own reasons as everytime she goes snorkelling, she dont move around much whereas I usually swin around discovering interesting sights with my uncle and auntie. But if you're so against on snorkelling, I think u can just stay on the boat and not come down. You know what i mean?

So yea anyways today is pretty much boring as i immerse myself in the book as i let myself get carried away. I dont really like the real world. It sucks in its own way. But i guess its there for me to enjoy it eh?

I aint looking forward to tomorrow. I have to wear a cheongsam to school. yes. a cheongsam OTL oh god please save me now. I am so not interested on letting anyone see me in a cheongsam.. The last i wore a cheongsam was 5 yrs old. the first and last time actually. And tmr i have no choice but to wear because i had a performance thingy so yea.. Im screwed big time. okay I shall return to my fantasies now. till then my lovely humans. xxx

Picture of the day :
Song of the day:

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