Saturday 21 July 2012

Okay, official post for today :)

Today i stayed at home, nothing much to do. But today i had a dream of this guy, whom i shall nickname "somebody". I dreamt that Somebody and I were at this chalet?And i know his friends but we mostly stayed together and play. Funny huh? I have no idea what this dream with Somebody means..

Anyways, I think I really like Somebody. Somebody makes me laugh through texts. Yep, we text each other. I only met him once~ But i dont think he really seen me in person before because I went to watch him and his team play. That's how i met him, through sports XD Anyways, today we texted quite alot and im really honoured that he dont mind me texting him although he was doing his work(that was yesterday) and also texted me during his breaks. really cool dude, I like!

I hope i can see this Somebody dude again close up in person, because i only watched him from afar, at the spectators seat.. so yep! we basically see each other's faces through facebook and twitter i guess.

Basically today was homework day. I still havent touched my homework LOL. Im like.. slack,eat,stare at questions. Yes Im a very lazy piggy i know :3 I havent even practised my earthbending QAQ

So yep i better stop slacking. Pan nii chan and I havent been talking much these 2 days, i guess he's busy. Ah well. A little something about me! I love food, just like Niall! I have a big appetite. I like to run about and play. I'm strong(?). Im sadistic sometimes. AND I LOVE DISNEY.

So yep. Not much today.

I made this collage just now hahaha


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