Monday 27 August 2012

Hello people,

I am very glad to say that, Project inclusive was a success! We've touched many lives in the process and I've  gained lots of experience. well this is what i think

After Joining Project Inclusive, I learnt alot. I feel that we should be appreciative of what we have, and also to interact with anyone regardless or race,language or religion. We shouldnt judge people based on what they do for a living as the person inside of you is all that matters. We should look out for the people among us, whether they are singaporean or not. Foreign workers come all the way 
from their countries to our country, to work for us, do those hardcore jobs that for some of them, they work till they lost their fingerprints. When they come to our country to work, they feel like they dont belong here. But after working here for many years, and are still left out in our society, They go back to their country. But because they werent in their homeland for a long long time, they also feel like a foreigner there.. So they dont feel like they are welcome in either countries So we should appreciate them and not look down on them whatsoever. They are really nice people really. We should never judge people by their covers and nationality as after all, we are all humans and are all equal.

So yep that's what i feel towards the foreigners who came all the way. Thank you so much! Anyways, I had fun with Matthew(papa), Nicholas and Angie(papa and mama) , Kenneth and Angela, Ethan,Gabriel,Shafiq,R1 & R2,Serena and Stephanie. And of course our leaders Andy,Yeeling and his sister and Zhencong plus others. It has been a wonderful experience!

So i urge you guys to join as many cips as possible as it opens up ur eyes to the world and the condition that other people is living in. Okay bye LOL

Friday 24 August 2012

Wednesday 22 August 2012


I am really happy these days! Well.. not really happy but im happy now LOL

Yesterday there was training ._. We were taught a new drill! It was.. horrible. Well not really, I just couldnt understand the drill.. Coach keep making me super confused! WTF sia. Then he keep saying that i need to pay attention.. I AM paying attention.. But i dont know where or when to throw! Dont just expect us goalkeepers to understand u.. We are not exactly smart neither can we read ur mind.. I WANT COACH REENA QAQ (coach reena was our first coach and when we first started out floorball 3yrs ago, she was the one who brought us here, to the top 4 in nationals)

We also had PE.. we practised in our various groupings for ACES(All Children Exercising Simultaneously) day! I took part in the Wheelbarrow XD surprisingly it was really easy for me.. hahah Hannah and I were the only girls who took part in wheelbarrow in our class.. thats really sad :< anyways, i found out that Sean is the same weight as me! But he is all muscles while Im mostly fats ._. So yea hahaha. And i got hit by a bloody frisbee on the head! Ken was really sweet to ask me to stay strong and all.. Noelle was just shocked when i cried out 'owww my ponytail OMG is it ruined?!' she was expecting me to cry out 'my head!' or something like that but i didnt LOL. Epic me.

Nothing much to talk about.. onwards to today

Today, i got back my geog. I failed. like wtf, Then i realised that i wrote off topic.. so obviously i failed. WTFWTFWTFWTF QAQ Im very duhh sad. moving on. I dont wanna cry

I went to sell my Neru cos and collected the deposit for the Neru wig! Im slightly richer now LOL. NOT. OTL because im gonna cosplay the pokemons Umbreon and Raichu :D So yep! wahahahah.

I also went to get my cantarella costume.. OMG ITS SO POOFY AND NICE. big big and i feel phat but nice LOL

I feel really happy today because.. Ummm.. I cant exactly mention his name but.. Lets call him Meep alright? Meep and I are sms buddies, I love him. He is nice. Um.. Aiya i just like him! And umm.. He kinda made me happy 8'D But sometimes im scared of Meep, because he is .. kinda intimidating when he wants to.. and thats really scary. I think he doesnt like me and likes another girl or somethin.. but i still love him.. That stupid heart of mine ._.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Hello peeps!

So yesterday I had this awesome photoshoot With my really handsome partner, and wonderful photogs! so umm.. more photogs came than usual.. so yep! hahah

The venue where we were shooting at is a Tourist attraction in Singapore, The Marina Bay Sands! It is a really beautiful place :) I'll post some photos below :)

We had an awesome time esp shooting on the escalator! It was so funny! There were a few teaser shots which were hilarious as well :) So yea.. I would like to thank my beloved helpers, who made this all possible! Kyo Taori, My Bakainu, and Evans <3 I love you guys! Thank you for everything!

okay on to today's activities!

I didnt do much today.. but I just came back from attending a housewarming dinner. The food wasnt really um.. Lets just say I am not used to the taste shall we? :) The apartment was really beautiful and classy! I wish my house was like that too.. Nah im kidding, I love my house the way it is! Andways, I caught up with my neighbour, Zhen Kai, whom I lost contact with since umm.. 4 - 5 years ago? He told me alot of stories and whatnot so it didnt turn out to be boring :)

After the Housewarming Dinner , mama told us to go for a walk and so, My bro, ZK and I went, it was so funny! esp when we were walking in front, laughing at a really high pitch and suddenly ZK (He's voice is super low) said in a rather monotonous tone: Wait for me!  My bro and I burst out laughing because it was hilarious! and when he talked in a high pitch voice.. Lets just say I was imitating a seal, clapping retardedly and laughing my ass off!

Okay, now pictures!


Friday 17 August 2012

Hello guys!

Sorry for not updating in awhile.. I had Common tests to study for! D: So yea :/ Fortunately, it ended yesterday! So YAAAAAY.

Im now awaiting my results.. hopefully they're good.. Anyways, since today I have a Photoshoot for Luka x Luki, (Me being the Luka) I decided to Costest yesterday and I'll upload some pictures here! You'll also see my brother too :)

Anyway, Common tests weren't that easy but it was manageable.. Time was of an essence as the papers were only 30mins long.. So we practically have to rush through the whole paper! It was really scary.. I didnt manage to finish my elementary maths paper because I was freaking out so badly I forgot which formulas to use ;w; Wasted marks,.. And as for my Mother Tongue paper (chinese) My electronic dictionary died on me!! IT DIED ON ME. So i wrote lots of hanyupinyin so yea... Haiz.. Chemistry I confirm fail. The others.. I dont know..

We had training yesterday too! It was really fun and there was one part where all the goalkeepers have to be excused from training due to our involvement in the Teachers day concert, so yea no keepers were there! So epic hahaha.

Because Friday training there is one part where the boys will come in.. ( They train immediately after ours end) So.. I challenged Rusyaidi.. It turns out that the other guys also wanna shoot at me! So yea all i heard from all directions are my name.. LOL and the girls were cheering me on! So it was really funny! Their shots are mainly ground shots and those shots that just pass near my helmet and into the goal OTL . nevertheless, i had fun !

Now pictures!

Yes, my bro likes to take pictures with me when Im Cos-testing :)

That is all folks!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Hey peeps!

Heres the link to the audios i created.. Leia and Rolling in the deep

So yep its horrible yet i still recorded it LOL

Anyway! I am proud to announce that I am a volunteer for Project Inclusive! Basically it is a project that aims to collect messages to our migrant workers, those who help to build our country, the unsung heroes. I didnt think it would be that tough until I went around asking people for their messages.. out of 100% i think about 90% ignore/reject me :<

Its like some people walk past me as though i wasnt even there, some of them listened to me, then reject, and for others.. As soon as they see me, they changed direction.. Like whyyy? Im not selling insurance QAQ WHAI LIDDAT. But there are kind souls who actually wrote those messages :)

I also made friends with the people whom I met at the location, Those who were there for Flag day CIP. We had lots of fun and i really miss them but i guess we would be able to meet up at the actual event on the 25th August ^^

So I guess thats it, since today i mainly study and read books ._. cant wait for common tests to be over!

Friday 10 August 2012

Hey guys~

Its Singapore's birthday yesterday! Yaaay Hooray and Happy belated birthday to my Beloved country Singapore! Recently there was these rumours going around that one of our founding fathers, Lee Kuan Yew have passed on. Luckily the rumour wasnt true! When I was watching the NDP live yesterday, I cant help but see if LKY was actually alive.. He came out to the parade with a huge charming smile! The crowd went wild to see him! However, I cant seem to get used to seeing Tony Tan (our current president) as I grew up seeing SR Nathan on the television as president.

I love National day! Reason being that my parents brought me to get my Salming floorball goalkeeper gloves! hip hip hurray! We kinda got confused as Salming was really really hard to find and I guess my dad almost gave up :/ But mama accompanied me to go and get those gloves so im really happy! As Mama and I were scouting the place, we coincidentally bumped into some Victorian floorballers! So we went up to Salming together ^^

This Salming branch is really really cramped and small and all sorts of floorball gear were found there! I guess it was like a heaven to me since i love floorball so much! I immediately went to the Goalkeepers section and found two kinds of gloves, the blue and black one and the red,white and black ones. The shop keeper said that there wasnt my size, S (yes my hands are really small :/) So i kinda panicked >.< I mean... who wouldnt? There is your perfect chance to buy ur gloves at a discounted price (47%) and it turns out that there isnt your size! So I tried XS, and surprisingly it fitted nicely! I was so relieved and happy I jumped around the whole premises. The gloves were originally $50 but because of the sales it is $26! I Saved alot of cash and im happy about it ^^ Picture of gloves below! Its name is 8912 :) Dont ask me why I name my gloves. I dont know why as well haha.

Moving on to today's news!

I went to Samantha's house today and it was great fun! Cheng, Cheryn and Ryan Yong came :) Originally They came over for D&T and revision and in the end it turned out to be a voice recording + games + chitchat session it was so fun! Sam, Cheng and I sang Glad you came, One thing and Rolling in the deep! I think Our rolling in the deep cover was the best :) But its still kinda wierd.. We had fun doing it though! I aint putting it here thats for sure :P

I made another cover of Leia which im gonna post up here which is kinda bad so umm.. If you dont want ur ears to explode then dont listen to it hahaha. I also recorded Rolling in the Deep ^^

Thats all for today :) Cant wait for tomorrow!  till next time ^^

I wont upload it today as I cant seem to hear the audio.. So next time? Sorry guys :/

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Hello world~

Welcome to my blog! I realised that not only my fellow Singaporeans are reading this blog.. People from UK, Russia, US and Germany are reading my blog too! Im really honoured and surprised to know that people from around the world are reading my blog ^^ Or at least looked through my blog :) Anyway, I shall post pictures or UK, Russia, US and Germany in the anime Hetalia, since they are portrayed as humans :)

Firstly, I would like to thank all my beloved girls for your concern towards me when I was having really bad cramps during training.. I played and rest at the regular intervals so dont worry, Im better now ~ Thanks once again ^^ Oh yes, Im so sorry if Im too harsh during the Lecture thingy... Because we need to constantly strive for excellence and we have to refrain from doing things that hinder our improvements.. I do hope you guys understand alright? :)

Next, I would like to announce the arrival of my Japanese friends! They've recently came to Singapore to have a Holiday, I believed i mentioned this in my previous post right? :) Well, we had Dinner with them and it was really fun! They are really cute and their parents were talking about how Japan is learning from us and are setting higher standards papers and more homework :/ Haiz It must be really tough on students nowadays.. Pictures below!

Okay I dont have much to talk about to.. Ja ne minna-san! (Goodbye everyone)



Unfortunately i cant seem to upload the photos My jap friends and I took.. so next time alright? My apologies >.<


Monday 6 August 2012


So today was kinda okay i guess? I went to school with my new haircut! I got too lazy to pin up my fringe so.. I asked my mum to cut it to Bangs. Pictures below ^^ I got a few compliments ^^ from people i never expected from ._. For Example, Rusyaidi keep saying "___ say u cute leh!" I appreciate it i guess.. Thanks guys :)

So today I have heard of some rumours of a classmate and I being together.. I would like to clarify that i am NOT in any relationships as of now ._. wait well.. Unless u count being in a relationship with a fictional character *A* If that is so, then i am married to this guy from Sword Art Online - Kirito <3 He is a really cute guy whom I think has a really mysterious yet appealing character. Picture below as well ~

I got stuck in a maths question today.. Oh god it took me so long to just finish one question!! Haiz i do wonder what will happen when I sit for the Maths Common Test, which is around the corner. I am screwed for Maths ._.

Today we also had this.. um PEC training which i thought was pretty boring until i attended it. It was really funny and i admire Jolene's patience as we werent exactly very well behaved. So yea! Stephen and Ian were so funny  I laughed till my whole face was red, resulting in people looking at me inquisitively :< SO AWKWARD LOL.

Oh yes, I dont mind having a penpal~ So if anyone is interested to be my penpal, do drop me an email and We can send each other emails :) Heres my email!
But no spam please >.<

Okay thats all I guess. Till next time xxx

My New Bangs. That's my Sch U btw :)
Kirito! Aka My hubby LOL


Saturday 4 August 2012


So im gonna update about yesterday and today.

Yesterday was quite boring at the start and all, and we have that SS quiz. We also got back our assignment, (SEQ) and to my surprise i got 9/12 which is a good mark i guess... So yea im pretty proud. However, I think i forgot to add in a few points for the SS quiz.. im screwed. LOL

Then next up was floorball, which was fun as there were many jokes made and all, but Kelly was very pissed off because we didnt listen and were very slow, we kinda got into a minor fight, which im particularly displeased because we never fought. This was the first time and it was because of the Girls' Attitudes.. Why cant u guys just appreciate everything she has done for you? I know we are of the same rank (vice-capt) but Im more of the low key. And my role is to cheer you guys on. Kelly is the one that does all the administrative jobs. Let me ask you a question. Can you guys manage the team without her? I mean, shes the one running this whole thing, and im just helping her. By not listening and everything kinda gets us irritated. Let me just be straightforward to you guys, we shouldnt be taking her for granted, and i know puasa is very difficult, but i see others staying even stronger than others. so get yourself together and stand up! If others can do it why not you? You get what i mean? And yes, like i said to some of you, Kelly and I have a patience, but at this rate you are going, we dont know how long we can still hold on there for you guys. And dont push us to the limit. It is either Kelly or Me blowing our tops and im sure you guys dont wanna see that I hope i got myself clear on that.

After training, my bro and i went to MBS together with Natalie to meet our Japanese friend, Ruko. She had grown since last year and have became really cute hahaha. Her baby bro is also very cute! We also went to swim in that pool at the edge, which had a great view! it was really nice just catching up with them as we played in the water. Nat and I also went to the Jacuzzi, which was heated and really nice! We werent exactly allowed there because we were under 16 but oh wells, we still went there, and there was this angmoh couple who were like "omg they are gonna come in! dont come in! dont! dont! doooont!' but in the end we did so they went out HAHAHAH. and there was this other Korean Lady who was really pretty! she didnt really give a shit about us LOL. then we got caught after like..30mins? LOL. so we got out and played in the other pool, which was really cold compared to the hot jacuzzi *A* so we just stone at the beds there and chat.

after that we went back to the hotel to get changed, and explored the mall. yadayadayada, hen we kinda lost the car.. so we spent lots of time finding it, which got me really pissed off because i was tired. and then when we found the car, we slept on each other.. I lay on my bro's shoulder and Nat lay on mine. So it was like a domino effect LOL. thats it for yesterday!

And as for today i went to print coscards. But surprisingly my document is not in my thumbdrive idk why ._. then the tailor said she cannot make it today,.. So i think i have to make my costume myself. and We went to beach road to get some materials for my other cos. Anyways, I need to thank Riku for her companionship! and i kinda.. woke up late on her.. Im so sorry oh gosh.

Thats it for today, xxx

Thursday 2 August 2012


So as u can see i actually changed the background of my blog.:youdontsay: LOL. Anyway, I changed the skin of the blog because its a new month! yep I think I'll be changing the format every month! This Month's theme would be Green. In collaboration with the Saving Gaia movement! haha nah im just kidding. Its green because its green. because of the Hulk!

Back to business, today wasnt much of an eventful day but it was announced that there is a SS quiz tmr, a short 25min one.. Which i believe would kill my hand for sure ._. Im kinda worried about my geography quiz, which was given yesterday. Hopefully i did well.

We also had PE today! But it wasnt very fun as Sherman and Gary are my teammates.. Im not saying that they are bad, Its just that they are so skillful that they can throw from one corner to another, resulting in many truimphant victories. But its kinda Boring for Grace and I since we mostly mark and stand around or catch the frisbees a few times. But i guess it was okay. The heat wasnt as bad as the last time, which im grateful for.

There was also the School leaders dialouge thing which happened during SFL, which stands for Success For Living. It is basically the periods in which we have Sex education, Learning journeys,asthetics programmes and such. And yes, this programme is special. Only our school, ESSS have it! In this dialouge session, school leaders will address our problems and think about our requests as to whether to accede to them or not. We had an enjoyable time there as my class trying to win the support of all the students through preaching, which was hilarious as the Principal retorted back with a " We should not judge base on their feelings in their speech" That made us think about Nazi Germany, as Hitler is also a fluent and charming speaker.

Now for a vid ! ps. I shall only post pictures if i have. LOL

Vid of the day: