Monday 27 August 2012

Hello people,

I am very glad to say that, Project inclusive was a success! We've touched many lives in the process and I've  gained lots of experience. well this is what i think

After Joining Project Inclusive, I learnt alot. I feel that we should be appreciative of what we have, and also to interact with anyone regardless or race,language or religion. We shouldnt judge people based on what they do for a living as the person inside of you is all that matters. We should look out for the people among us, whether they are singaporean or not. Foreign workers come all the way 
from their countries to our country, to work for us, do those hardcore jobs that for some of them, they work till they lost their fingerprints. When they come to our country to work, they feel like they dont belong here. But after working here for many years, and are still left out in our society, They go back to their country. But because they werent in their homeland for a long long time, they also feel like a foreigner there.. So they dont feel like they are welcome in either countries So we should appreciate them and not look down on them whatsoever. They are really nice people really. We should never judge people by their covers and nationality as after all, we are all humans and are all equal.

So yep that's what i feel towards the foreigners who came all the way. Thank you so much! Anyways, I had fun with Matthew(papa), Nicholas and Angie(papa and mama) , Kenneth and Angela, Ethan,Gabriel,Shafiq,R1 & R2,Serena and Stephanie. And of course our leaders Andy,Yeeling and his sister and Zhencong plus others. It has been a wonderful experience!

So i urge you guys to join as many cips as possible as it opens up ur eyes to the world and the condition that other people is living in. Okay bye LOL

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