Monday 3 September 2012

sorry for not updating that much now.. I think not much people are reading my blog alr LOL.

Anyways, its the sept hols now! So its really awesome! But i gotta study ._. siaaaan. Because the EOY exams are coming up in three weeks so yea..

Last weekend was STGCC!! It was really fun and I met many new people!! Jia yi, Sabrina and Ken jun came along too, plus Xavier owo. So yea The hjj actually took in Ken Jun as his apprentice -facepalm- haiyooo. But anyways I hope he didnt learn much from Xav.. hahahhaha

I got molested by Lavina LOLOL OMG hahaha that joker lolo. and shannie too OTL epic people hahahhaha

OMG I SAW TOUYA HIBIKI HGNNNNGHGGHHHH omg i think im crazy now OTL anyway, Touya is a really really really bishie cosplayer and shes so polite and kind omg!!! Im willing to go les for her hahahah  okay i was just kidding ._.

When Kerry saw that i came, i think it was a surprise to her as i did mentioned that i probably aint coming hahaha. So yep! Got a shock when she suddenly shouted my name and glomped me ahhahaha 8D <3

Kasumi recognised me as Akaiko 8D (He's the kaito in the vocaloid group) and it was all fun :D He likes to flick my nose hmph my nose is precious!! But it was all fun ! I threatened to tear off his plasters since he is cosplaying as Enma hahaha im so evil LOL. We exchanged number so we kept in touch.. I also danced with him hahahah. I think our signature phrase is 'Dont missme too much uh!' and if we're gonna sleep 'Dont dream of me uh!' HAHAHHA epic seh. So apparently im now his secret and his my number 1. No we are not dating. Its just friendly terms hurhurhur LOL i like another guy LOL.

I saw Rian as well! wait actually its more of he saw me HAHAH. We chatted about everything random LOL. Thats why i love talking to him. Anyways, we said we wanted to take photo together but i forgot =w= haizzz sadded. He's still as tall as ever >w< And still very Angmoh HAHAHAH omg what if he sees this OTL Basically i had fun with him since he acted as my smokescreen when my mama called :D

Kyo was really awesome for everything! hahaha we were derping around because bakainu was playing his racing game ._.

Saw some other peeps and all, but im too lazy to type it all out :<

So picture time!

 Kyo <3
 My bishie Kerry
 Tina!! <3
 Feliciaaaa 8D
 Allen,Kasumi and I 
 Jia Yi, Nicole and I
 Touya!!! <3<3 Me and Yun <3<3
 Sis and I <3
My number1 pinchable and semeable boiboi

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