Wednesday 5 September 2012

Hey guys!

So anyway its the sept hols, and im almost dying here because of all the Maths i have to do OTL Yep i absolutely detest maths btw ahhah. So herpderp. I died.

Yesterday i had my very first tuition i had since the very fail one in primary school! I can say it went pretty well i guess.. Nothing much.. Just do assessments and the teacher go through the questions LOL. Anyway i saw Keith There haha the most awkward conversation starter ever!

me :"hey. ur mum is ___ right?"
him:"yep. and ur mum is ___ right?"

LOLOL epic right?! And i didnt say much to others.. only when they approach me or when i have questions that i dont know how to do then i ask ._. So yep. There were 5 people including me, so its like a concentration group LOLOL. Mr Dave told us to practice drawing Light Ray Diagrams, which i kinda mastered alr.. And the Density formula and stuff like that. Its not difficult to me anymore.. Yay! well that was Physics tuition.. Next week will be Chem and this saturday will be POA.

Then today we went for a short trip to jb, which was really fun as we get to eat all we want..(I should stop doing that im growing fatter..) And go shopping LOL. Only if im in the mood then i like shopping hahaha. We went to find my brothers' skateboard thing because he wanted one.. and my parents bought one for him to motivate him to get good results for his PSLE. So yea Bribery!! hahahaha. My bro is fun to be with today! Sometimes i think he would be a really good bf to his future girl LOL. But he is kinda immature at times too.. Oh wells LOL.

So yep this is it! Braindead because of stupid maths.. see ya next time!

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