Saturday 22 September 2012

Hey guys

So im updating again, idk why i am even updating considering the fact that i have no readers but still, i guess it is a way to help me cool down and not bother someone about my stupid troubles

Why are humans so weak? I dont want to be a human anymore considering the fact that i have a stupid beating heart and i have one truckload of emotions. Its just stupid. Why do we even cry? These are signs of weaknesses that I find really stupid. Everything will break sooner or later so why develop feelings for something which will fade in time?

Well maybe the reason why im writing so negatively is because of a horrible morning like today. Like what the actual fuck. She said 'ohhh dont scream in the morning and ruin the day! ohh nooo!' Then what the fuck am i hearing now? screaming  for my brother to wake up like that. I dont think this is right as this is basically taking her own words and shooting someone, only to have it shoot back at her. what a hypocrite

But like I said, I think almost all adults are hypocrites. They will say things like 'ohh dont do so and so! its not good!' then the next day u find them doing the exact same things they told you to not do. i mean.. if you thinking logically, this is utterly atrocious.

Sometimes i personally think that we are just a bunch of toys being manipulated by others. How can you not feel that? At some point or another you'll be bound to feel that. And this is what i feel now. So many things have happened that sometimes i dont know whether i can hold up my defences in place without having o break down

Now i am doing a perfect job concealing my feelings so I think its great, but some point or another its just so painful and difficult to continue on with an indifferent face.. Why am I even feeling this way? I am a strong girl. Well not really... I yearn for him by my side comforting me again. I know that is really childish but i really really want him back. I bet he doesnt though, i mean.,. who wants a girlfriend who is fat,ugly and is an emotional wreck with problems revolving around her world?

Anyway, I think i express myself better when I am angry(all the vocab comes out) LOL . The previous idk which post I did mention about writing a novel about lycans and such right? I wrote that when i was angry to but i edited almost everything again because i feel that starting from there is to abrupt and it leads to nowhere. So yepp! Im gonna write the same thing but it is not exactly the same as the one i wrote LOL what am i talking about OTL

With this, I end my post of rants. I cant believe i just ranted one whole passage again LOL.
Oh yes and one more thing, my dear adults, just because you're older than us doesnt mean that you guys are 'superior' and that doesnt mean that we, as kids cannot change your actions. We are logical too and age doesnt count. So dont belittle us and beat us when u think we are wrong when we are merely trying to correct your actions.

Okay song of today to cool me down *^*

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Today, with love.

Lol I dont know why i wanted to start my post today like that that but i guess i did? LOL. Am currently still in school! there is a survery we needed to do during SFL and so uhh Mr Sui allowed us to use the Internet as long as we dont go and play games LOL. Even Facebook and Twitter are allowed! LOLOL

I am happy hahaha cause i can update, i actually have things to say hence im like typing here duhh LOL

Erm im getting slightly uncomfortable with a personal friend of mine, who recently stuck to me like a leech, not giving me the personal space that i want. You know how much i Value personal space dont I? So yea im kinda irritated and peeved at her sudden clingyness but maybe its also because of her recent rs? Who knows LOL. i mean.. people change a little when they found the other significant one, just like werewolves LOL. Mates. hahahah

But still i dont think that is a sufficient enough excuse for someone to cling to another girl right? Like wth!! I dont like it, never will. Maybe like i said in my previous post, i have a diff personality in school so maybe that is the case? ah wells.

And she told me things that is shouldnt even know. i mean.. if i was meant to know i would have found out like last year? Seriously, what i dont have to know i dont wanna know. Have you ever heard of 'curiosity killed the cat'? Well that is the thing that killed me I guess. Its actually a secret .. well not really a secret but its something i do not want to know yet cant forget =.= I really dislike her right now.

Dont ask me why i dont hate her because i cant bring myself to hate anyone. i mean.. its mean. People going around saying that 'I hate ___' is really really mean and i do not encourage such actions because that is a form of demeaning somebody. That, my dear, is bullying, and is highly despised upon the higher society members. Well not that im one of them but yea <3

I played handball during PE just now as the goalkeeper and sustained injuries on my head, fingers and body lol. No biggie. But overall it was fun :D

Also, later i have POA tuition. I do not like my POA tuition because it confuses me with my school syllabus, but ah wells, only a few more lessons left so gambatte ne meredith <3

And i feel that I am driftign away from some of my friends from cosplay, Im truly sorry :< We shall catch up soon alright?

Okay song of the day
Hey guys

I'll be updating lesser nowadays, since exams are in 9 days >.< so yea sorry about that.. Now umm lets see.. what is there to say today?

Ah yes, today was okaayy bah as usual but umm Mew had gotten together with my dearest daddy (Matt) So she keeps updating me on that and umm.. they kinda kissed on the lips when they have been together for like.. only 4 days?WTH they advance pretty quickly eh? Ah wells it doesnt concern me

And Donovan was like saying he dont mind dating me and im like ooookaaaay? LOLOL. but we friendzoned each other :D muahahaha. Im not interested in relationships esp now, since i should focus on my studies and my beloved floorball..

Talking about floorball, coach may change AGAIN. wtf ? I mean.. how can we change 2 coaches in a span of a year? I personally think its not fair since I havent warmed up to him yet. But my coach is hot LOL. So.. i dont know.. hopefully he would stay, or at least change back to coach Reena.

Our chemistry (3e2 combine sci) isnt doing that well.. most of us are failing chemistry, which is a bad sign OTL and im one of them.. urghh i got like a week or so to pull up my socks

Cedric was really epic today, I was sleeping in class and when i woke up, he said good morning. LOL i know this isnt much but its funny since he dont do it often

And yesterday i decided to leave my phone at home then i went to tuition.. when i came back, i realised i actually had messages! and guess what? Someone smsed me to ask me if i like him? then im like uhhh no? I have no heart. LOL which is kinda true since Pan took it. Yes Im still not really over him and dont ask me why. Maybe the right guy havent came along yet i guess..

Talking about guys, I love Sungha Jung and Jun Sung Ahn! They are really good players! Not that kind of players, but like instrument players LOL. Sungha plays the Ukulele,Guitar and the Elecric guitar, Whereas Sung Ahn plays the violin, electric violin. he could dance as well! The best part is.. both of them are quite good looking! hnnnggghhhh my ovaries -faints- I love them so much! I wish my boyfriend is like that 8'D

The way Sung Ahn play is actually tempting me to start playing the violin, something that i wanted to try out yet never really put it into action LOL. So i may ask my dad to like.. let me try playing the Violin, and maybe my bro and i can cover a song! With him playing the guitar and me playing the violin LOL.

Oh yes, talking about that do bring out my feminine side eh? Well that is good I suppose. Cause in school, I do not act like that. Mew says I do not show any weaknesses and I do not act Girly. Well what do you expect? How can you act like yourself when you should be cautious every moment, any time in school? So no. I have different personalities for school and outside.. Hohoho. I mean, why should u show any signs of weakness to your enemy? They may use it against you anytime right? So yea! Never show your weakness. Be strong, or act strong LOL.

That brings me to my next portion, I've decided to cosplay all the characters in Acute - Vocaloid Miku Luka Kaito. basically its a love triangle LOL. There is one guy and 2 girls.. since Im cosplaying both of the girls, i thought there is no harm cross dressing as the guy as well.. so its basically self love lol MUAHAHAHA. picture below

okay i should be done now i think.. oh wait! one last thing! Floorball b division girls got recognised and won the colours award for excelling in floorball.. gonna collect medal tmr!

Sungha Jung
Jun Sung Anh
Both together!

Luka is the pink haired, miku is the teal haired and kaito is the blue hair dude. wanna see a cosplay version of this? here!
this is not mine LOL

Wednesday 12 September 2012


Today I keep falling asleep in classes.. I think its because yesterday I kinda slept later than usual.. so yea hahaha. We learnt depreciation, and im barely grasping the topic ._. I shall hope to understand the topic better 8'D

Today there was chinese oral, I was so scared my hands were shaking and all that.. I screwed up the passage and i can see the teacher was very disapointed with me.. Lets just say that I rarely talk chinese nowadays. I even have a wierd accent when i speak chinese! But at least my convo pulled me up as I think i did pretty well at that LOL

By the way, I remembered my half written story about lycans, and i realised that i didnt know how to end it so i think im rewriting it so its easier for me to come up with a story. I also shall make the profiles of the characters first and who they are gonna be attached to, and also who to kill off muahahaha Im evil ahahahah

So yea final year exams are coming and school is getting very hectic these days so i might not be able to update much.. well its not like any of you are reading hahaha but thats something you might wanna take note of -wink-

I realised how much i bruised my knees.. Skin is actually peeling off LOL. Not like its not normal or anything, but it just kinda intrigues me so yep!

I guess thats it for now..

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Hello guys

Im back 8'D after a freaking long day in school. Yes im really tired, but i still wanted to update so yea.. Yesterday was spent mainly on my homeworks.. Yes there was a shitload of it OTL I ALMOST DIED. ah wells, at least i didnt.. Anyways, like i mentioned, I had a long day..

It was a really tiring school day having to absorb lots of work and all that.. and i dont understand depreciation. Yay me. Then theres that depressing maths test.. urgh. Anyway, after school there was cca, then it was time for me to rush home to eat and bathe, then go to tuition OTL awesome schedule right? hurhurhurrr

I dont know why, everytime there is floorball, I go hyper. And piss Kelly off since she doesnt like me hyper :yaoming: She says she can stand it and all those shit.. But sometimes she can be a handful too so i dont see why she is complaining about me -sad- We have a new goalkeeper sign!! hahaha.. although retarded but still cute :3 so yea! Its special only to us <3

I guess this is it then. Cause its 11.16 in Singapore now and I need to get some rest.. Good night guys! xx

Saturday 8 September 2012

Hello guys!

I had the wierdest dream yesterday.. Its like umm.. I was in this blockbuster kind of dream. I was in New York, running away from bad guys who wanted me because i was radioactive or something like that.. I had really good reflexes ! So yea Im quite sad when the dream ended because it was really awesome.. It makes you feel like a Secret Agent of sorts..

Anyway, previously, Kasumi asked me if I wanted to meet him and Simeon on a few occasions.. But I couldn't make it because im grounded till my exams end.. So yea.. The day before yesterday I told him I was  going to the tailor so if we had the fate we will meet.. And I actually thought we wouldnt! But when I walked into the tailor's house.. Guess who I saw. Yes, him! Surprising eh? He was also thinking that he may not see me today but in the end we did meet ^^ He is so sweet! He rushed to the tailor immediately after he woke up.. Which is quite late btw hahaha. So yep! He tried to guess my real name LOL. Which he couldnt muahahhaha. Felt kinda bad that I couldnt accompany him to lunch because I was rushing.. Oh wells. The next time im gonna see him is on his birthday! (right after my exams) LOLOL. I have a rough idea on what to give him alr ^^ But must depend on location LOL. I hope it will be a success!

So at the Tailor, I got my costumes, Toph and Umbreon done.. My bank account is bleeding Profusely. so im thinking of getting that job at Sentosa.. Spooktacular 8D the pay is $27 per hour if i get shortlisted 8D so yep gonna give it a go!

For now.. Lets just cross our fingers and hope i can get the job and good grades. LOL

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Hey guys!

So anyway its the sept hols, and im almost dying here because of all the Maths i have to do OTL Yep i absolutely detest maths btw ahhah. So herpderp. I died.

Yesterday i had my very first tuition i had since the very fail one in primary school! I can say it went pretty well i guess.. Nothing much.. Just do assessments and the teacher go through the questions LOL. Anyway i saw Keith There haha the most awkward conversation starter ever!

me :"hey. ur mum is ___ right?"
him:"yep. and ur mum is ___ right?"

LOLOL epic right?! And i didnt say much to others.. only when they approach me or when i have questions that i dont know how to do then i ask ._. So yep. There were 5 people including me, so its like a concentration group LOLOL. Mr Dave told us to practice drawing Light Ray Diagrams, which i kinda mastered alr.. And the Density formula and stuff like that. Its not difficult to me anymore.. Yay! well that was Physics tuition.. Next week will be Chem and this saturday will be POA.

Then today we went for a short trip to jb, which was really fun as we get to eat all we want..(I should stop doing that im growing fatter..) And go shopping LOL. Only if im in the mood then i like shopping hahaha. We went to find my brothers' skateboard thing because he wanted one.. and my parents bought one for him to motivate him to get good results for his PSLE. So yea Bribery!! hahahaha. My bro is fun to be with today! Sometimes i think he would be a really good bf to his future girl LOL. But he is kinda immature at times too.. Oh wells LOL.

So yep this is it! Braindead because of stupid maths.. see ya next time!

Monday 3 September 2012

sorry for not updating that much now.. I think not much people are reading my blog alr LOL.

Anyways, its the sept hols now! So its really awesome! But i gotta study ._. siaaaan. Because the EOY exams are coming up in three weeks so yea..

Last weekend was STGCC!! It was really fun and I met many new people!! Jia yi, Sabrina and Ken jun came along too, plus Xavier owo. So yea The hjj actually took in Ken Jun as his apprentice -facepalm- haiyooo. But anyways I hope he didnt learn much from Xav.. hahahhaha

I got molested by Lavina LOLOL OMG hahaha that joker lolo. and shannie too OTL epic people hahahhaha

OMG I SAW TOUYA HIBIKI HGNNNNGHGGHHHH omg i think im crazy now OTL anyway, Touya is a really really really bishie cosplayer and shes so polite and kind omg!!! Im willing to go les for her hahahah  okay i was just kidding ._.

When Kerry saw that i came, i think it was a surprise to her as i did mentioned that i probably aint coming hahaha. So yep! Got a shock when she suddenly shouted my name and glomped me ahhahaha 8D <3

Kasumi recognised me as Akaiko 8D (He's the kaito in the vocaloid group) and it was all fun :D He likes to flick my nose hmph my nose is precious!! But it was all fun ! I threatened to tear off his plasters since he is cosplaying as Enma hahaha im so evil LOL. We exchanged number so we kept in touch.. I also danced with him hahahah. I think our signature phrase is 'Dont missme too much uh!' and if we're gonna sleep 'Dont dream of me uh!' HAHAHHA epic seh. So apparently im now his secret and his my number 1. No we are not dating. Its just friendly terms hurhurhur LOL i like another guy LOL.

I saw Rian as well! wait actually its more of he saw me HAHAH. We chatted about everything random LOL. Thats why i love talking to him. Anyways, we said we wanted to take photo together but i forgot =w= haizzz sadded. He's still as tall as ever >w< And still very Angmoh HAHAHAH omg what if he sees this OTL Basically i had fun with him since he acted as my smokescreen when my mama called :D

Kyo was really awesome for everything! hahaha we were derping around because bakainu was playing his racing game ._.

Saw some other peeps and all, but im too lazy to type it all out :<

So picture time!

 Kyo <3
 My bishie Kerry
 Tina!! <3
 Feliciaaaa 8D
 Allen,Kasumi and I 
 Jia Yi, Nicole and I
 Touya!!! <3<3 Me and Yun <3<3
 Sis and I <3
My number1 pinchable and semeable boiboi