Saturday 22 September 2012

Hey guys

So im updating again, idk why i am even updating considering the fact that i have no readers but still, i guess it is a way to help me cool down and not bother someone about my stupid troubles

Why are humans so weak? I dont want to be a human anymore considering the fact that i have a stupid beating heart and i have one truckload of emotions. Its just stupid. Why do we even cry? These are signs of weaknesses that I find really stupid. Everything will break sooner or later so why develop feelings for something which will fade in time?

Well maybe the reason why im writing so negatively is because of a horrible morning like today. Like what the actual fuck. She said 'ohhh dont scream in the morning and ruin the day! ohh nooo!' Then what the fuck am i hearing now? screaming  for my brother to wake up like that. I dont think this is right as this is basically taking her own words and shooting someone, only to have it shoot back at her. what a hypocrite

But like I said, I think almost all adults are hypocrites. They will say things like 'ohh dont do so and so! its not good!' then the next day u find them doing the exact same things they told you to not do. i mean.. if you thinking logically, this is utterly atrocious.

Sometimes i personally think that we are just a bunch of toys being manipulated by others. How can you not feel that? At some point or another you'll be bound to feel that. And this is what i feel now. So many things have happened that sometimes i dont know whether i can hold up my defences in place without having o break down

Now i am doing a perfect job concealing my feelings so I think its great, but some point or another its just so painful and difficult to continue on with an indifferent face.. Why am I even feeling this way? I am a strong girl. Well not really... I yearn for him by my side comforting me again. I know that is really childish but i really really want him back. I bet he doesnt though, i mean.,. who wants a girlfriend who is fat,ugly and is an emotional wreck with problems revolving around her world?

Anyway, I think i express myself better when I am angry(all the vocab comes out) LOL . The previous idk which post I did mention about writing a novel about lycans and such right? I wrote that when i was angry to but i edited almost everything again because i feel that starting from there is to abrupt and it leads to nowhere. So yepp! Im gonna write the same thing but it is not exactly the same as the one i wrote LOL what am i talking about OTL

With this, I end my post of rants. I cant believe i just ranted one whole passage again LOL.
Oh yes and one more thing, my dear adults, just because you're older than us doesnt mean that you guys are 'superior' and that doesnt mean that we, as kids cannot change your actions. We are logical too and age doesnt count. So dont belittle us and beat us when u think we are wrong when we are merely trying to correct your actions.

Okay song of today to cool me down *^*

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