Wednesday 19 September 2012

Today, with love.

Lol I dont know why i wanted to start my post today like that that but i guess i did? LOL. Am currently still in school! there is a survery we needed to do during SFL and so uhh Mr Sui allowed us to use the Internet as long as we dont go and play games LOL. Even Facebook and Twitter are allowed! LOLOL

I am happy hahaha cause i can update, i actually have things to say hence im like typing here duhh LOL

Erm im getting slightly uncomfortable with a personal friend of mine, who recently stuck to me like a leech, not giving me the personal space that i want. You know how much i Value personal space dont I? So yea im kinda irritated and peeved at her sudden clingyness but maybe its also because of her recent rs? Who knows LOL. i mean.. people change a little when they found the other significant one, just like werewolves LOL. Mates. hahahah

But still i dont think that is a sufficient enough excuse for someone to cling to another girl right? Like wth!! I dont like it, never will. Maybe like i said in my previous post, i have a diff personality in school so maybe that is the case? ah wells.

And she told me things that is shouldnt even know. i mean.. if i was meant to know i would have found out like last year? Seriously, what i dont have to know i dont wanna know. Have you ever heard of 'curiosity killed the cat'? Well that is the thing that killed me I guess. Its actually a secret .. well not really a secret but its something i do not want to know yet cant forget =.= I really dislike her right now.

Dont ask me why i dont hate her because i cant bring myself to hate anyone. i mean.. its mean. People going around saying that 'I hate ___' is really really mean and i do not encourage such actions because that is a form of demeaning somebody. That, my dear, is bullying, and is highly despised upon the higher society members. Well not that im one of them but yea <3

I played handball during PE just now as the goalkeeper and sustained injuries on my head, fingers and body lol. No biggie. But overall it was fun :D

Also, later i have POA tuition. I do not like my POA tuition because it confuses me with my school syllabus, but ah wells, only a few more lessons left so gambatte ne meredith <3

And i feel that I am driftign away from some of my friends from cosplay, Im truly sorry :< We shall catch up soon alright?

Okay song of the day

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