Wednesday 19 September 2012

Hey guys

I'll be updating lesser nowadays, since exams are in 9 days >.< so yea sorry about that.. Now umm lets see.. what is there to say today?

Ah yes, today was okaayy bah as usual but umm Mew had gotten together with my dearest daddy (Matt) So she keeps updating me on that and umm.. they kinda kissed on the lips when they have been together for like.. only 4 days?WTH they advance pretty quickly eh? Ah wells it doesnt concern me

And Donovan was like saying he dont mind dating me and im like ooookaaaay? LOLOL. but we friendzoned each other :D muahahaha. Im not interested in relationships esp now, since i should focus on my studies and my beloved floorball..

Talking about floorball, coach may change AGAIN. wtf ? I mean.. how can we change 2 coaches in a span of a year? I personally think its not fair since I havent warmed up to him yet. But my coach is hot LOL. So.. i dont know.. hopefully he would stay, or at least change back to coach Reena.

Our chemistry (3e2 combine sci) isnt doing that well.. most of us are failing chemistry, which is a bad sign OTL and im one of them.. urghh i got like a week or so to pull up my socks

Cedric was really epic today, I was sleeping in class and when i woke up, he said good morning. LOL i know this isnt much but its funny since he dont do it often

And yesterday i decided to leave my phone at home then i went to tuition.. when i came back, i realised i actually had messages! and guess what? Someone smsed me to ask me if i like him? then im like uhhh no? I have no heart. LOL which is kinda true since Pan took it. Yes Im still not really over him and dont ask me why. Maybe the right guy havent came along yet i guess..

Talking about guys, I love Sungha Jung and Jun Sung Ahn! They are really good players! Not that kind of players, but like instrument players LOL. Sungha plays the Ukulele,Guitar and the Elecric guitar, Whereas Sung Ahn plays the violin, electric violin. he could dance as well! The best part is.. both of them are quite good looking! hnnnggghhhh my ovaries -faints- I love them so much! I wish my boyfriend is like that 8'D

The way Sung Ahn play is actually tempting me to start playing the violin, something that i wanted to try out yet never really put it into action LOL. So i may ask my dad to like.. let me try playing the Violin, and maybe my bro and i can cover a song! With him playing the guitar and me playing the violin LOL.

Oh yes, talking about that do bring out my feminine side eh? Well that is good I suppose. Cause in school, I do not act like that. Mew says I do not show any weaknesses and I do not act Girly. Well what do you expect? How can you act like yourself when you should be cautious every moment, any time in school? So no. I have different personalities for school and outside.. Hohoho. I mean, why should u show any signs of weakness to your enemy? They may use it against you anytime right? So yea! Never show your weakness. Be strong, or act strong LOL.

That brings me to my next portion, I've decided to cosplay all the characters in Acute - Vocaloid Miku Luka Kaito. basically its a love triangle LOL. There is one guy and 2 girls.. since Im cosplaying both of the girls, i thought there is no harm cross dressing as the guy as well.. so its basically self love lol MUAHAHAHA. picture below

okay i should be done now i think.. oh wait! one last thing! Floorball b division girls got recognised and won the colours award for excelling in floorball.. gonna collect medal tmr!

Sungha Jung
Jun Sung Anh
Both together!

Luka is the pink haired, miku is the teal haired and kaito is the blue hair dude. wanna see a cosplay version of this? here!
this is not mine LOL

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