Wednesday 12 September 2012


Today I keep falling asleep in classes.. I think its because yesterday I kinda slept later than usual.. so yea hahaha. We learnt depreciation, and im barely grasping the topic ._. I shall hope to understand the topic better 8'D

Today there was chinese oral, I was so scared my hands were shaking and all that.. I screwed up the passage and i can see the teacher was very disapointed with me.. Lets just say that I rarely talk chinese nowadays. I even have a wierd accent when i speak chinese! But at least my convo pulled me up as I think i did pretty well at that LOL

By the way, I remembered my half written story about lycans, and i realised that i didnt know how to end it so i think im rewriting it so its easier for me to come up with a story. I also shall make the profiles of the characters first and who they are gonna be attached to, and also who to kill off muahahaha Im evil ahahahah

So yea final year exams are coming and school is getting very hectic these days so i might not be able to update much.. well its not like any of you are reading hahaha but thats something you might wanna take note of -wink-

I realised how much i bruised my knees.. Skin is actually peeling off LOL. Not like its not normal or anything, but it just kinda intrigues me so yep!

I guess thats it for now..

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