Tuesday 11 September 2012

Hello guys

Im back 8'D after a freaking long day in school. Yes im really tired, but i still wanted to update so yea.. Yesterday was spent mainly on my homeworks.. Yes there was a shitload of it OTL I ALMOST DIED. ah wells, at least i didnt.. Anyways, like i mentioned, I had a long day..

It was a really tiring school day having to absorb lots of work and all that.. and i dont understand depreciation. Yay me. Then theres that depressing maths test.. urgh. Anyway, after school there was cca, then it was time for me to rush home to eat and bathe, then go to tuition OTL awesome schedule right? hurhurhurrr

I dont know why, everytime there is floorball, I go hyper. And piss Kelly off since she doesnt like me hyper :yaoming: She says she can stand it and all those shit.. But sometimes she can be a handful too so i dont see why she is complaining about me -sad- We have a new goalkeeper sign!! hahaha.. although retarded but still cute :3 so yea! Its special only to us <3

I guess this is it then. Cause its 11.16 in Singapore now and I need to get some rest.. Good night guys! xx

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