Tuesday 15 September 2015

All the best people are crazy


It's been so long since I've updated  my blog omg. Each and every time I feel like blogging I'll come out with some excuse or a "I'll do it later". Hours turned to days, days turned to months, and I think it's probably close to a year since I've actually blogged. Since its been such a long time, I'll summarise every significant thing I can remember.

1) I've survived SSM! I've learnt so much from it. Its been a great experience. But I don't really like my batch ahaha. Personal preference though. They're great people but uh they don't really listen to you unless you're popz, and guess who isn't :> so I don't really get noticed a lot haha. People only acknowledge my existence when they need something from me, mainly the small pot of gel I keep in my pocket in case of anything. I feel really used. But aside from that I guess I enjoyed myself!

2) Staycation with LMJR! We had a staycation at New Majestic Hotel, however we did not exactly have a nice time at New Majestic due to its policies and inflexibility. I doubt I'll ever go back there ever again. That's my experience though. Do give New Majestic a chance! It is great especially for couples to have a staycation in its theme rooms. It is interesting, but uh not worth the price in my opinion. We went to USS after the staycation and had a fantastic time omg I'd like to go to USS with them again soon.

3) Meetup with Peppermint Chinchow after soooo long! We walked from harbourfront and somehow ended up near buona vista. Henderson waves (?) and Hort park looked amazing! It was really fun trekking with them. We met up recently too to watch GE2015. It wasn't the best idea to wait for Aljunied's recount though... It took really long ugh. It was fun watching the elections with them! In my opinion, this elections weren't as exciting as the last elections. But oh wells it was fun to watch.

4) Kira and I spent our half anniversary at Tioman, Malaysia together with a handful of our friends. It was really fun and I wanna go overseas with my friends again! It feels different when I travel with my friends and when I travel with my family. Speaking of family, a day after we returned from our Tioman trip, Kira's mom(I'll refer to her as Aunty) asked me if I wanted to go to Malaysia to an island (forgot which island) for a fishing trip. I went for the fishing trip too :) Tried fishing for the first time and I guess its fun?? heheh /o/

5) After 5 plus years of cosing, I finally stayed over at a cos chalet for the first time. It was really fun and I got to meet new people too! Cosed Shino, but I don't like how I portray her ley. Will probably recos for a shoot with my Kirito.

6) Speaking of Sinon, I decided to go ahead and cos the wedding version of her as well HNNNGH I can't wait omggg I am Sinon trash and I've been in Sinon hell for the last 3 years NO REGRETS

7) Recently went to SK Kerry's shoot at an abandoned factory and there were wild dogs roaming around. However one dog was friendly and decided to stick around with us. On the bright side, she managed to keep the other wild dogs away from us so that's good. I feel sad that we had to leave her there... I wish I could bring her home or something but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of a dog sighpie.

8) Recently ran a 5km "marathon" with Niki! Glenn supposed to join us too but he had to bomb the toilet so he couldn't make it. I lost Niki halfway through the marathon >.< But we reunited at the end :) My timing was horrible though. It was a great experience!

9) Guysssss its been 9months since Kira and I got together holy shit balls time passed so fast but yayyyy 3more months till our first anniversary yayyyy

10) I picked up Knitting! Finger knitting to be exact and knitted a pillow for kira yay /o/

I think that's most of the major stuff that I remembered HAHAH Alright I'll blog again soon I hope...

Lots of loveeee,

Recently hooked to this song

Saturday 7 March 2015


Hey guys!

My pencil case's zipper broke creyyyy it is so adorable ;w; Oh wells time to get a new one I guess, but still it's really cute omg look at this omg

Ah and now I'm currently having my examinations, but I still don't have the mood for exams even after completing 2 papers omggg. and heck yes OB and Microecons are over!! At first I thought Micro would be tough but I guess it was manageable??? OB too I guess... LOL oh wells they're overrrrr. Guess who needs a disney marathon to celebrate /o/

Anyway, if you aren't a friend on my facebook, you probably never heard of the pretty cool dream I dreamt awhile back. Well, this is the more detailed version (as compared to the one I posted on Facebook)

I found myself in a cute little cottage with an unknown guy (who apparently was my husband) and two kids runnning around playing happily. The cottage was not big, and not small, however it have a very homey feeling to it and the inner decor was really simple. The main colour of the cottage was an earthy woody brown. Something like the picture below
The closest looking picture I could find on Google
I had a boy and a girl, who were incredibly adorable and are balls of energy. They brighten up everything in their presence and made even the dullest days bearable and happy. Cliche I know, but well it's all a dream soooo...

Please don't ask me why she's in a bunny suit idk man 
My husband was sitting at the dining table reading a scroll from 'I have no idea who or what' and he was apparently very absorbed in whatever he is reading. I was dressed in a very renaissance looking housewife attire while bending down to take the roasted chicken out of the oven to serve dinner. 
While I had my back turned on my children and husband, an old woman who looked awfully like a witch dressed in the stereotypical black cloak with a long crooked nose came peddling her goods, which apparently were candy. It was strange how she resemble the evil queen from Snow White though... Well, the main point is that she gave my kids and my husband a piece of candy each and they ate it. Yes, my dumb husband ingested the candy too (At this point I realise that my dumb husband turned out to be my current boyfriend.)
After they ingested the candy, oh hey look I totally don't expect it to be poison oh no it was POISON they freaking ate. There the witch goes, cackling to herself as she managed to poison my freaking family. 

This was when I realise that I was a freaking witch. Yes people, this dream can't get any more funkier. Like hey maybe I can make an antidote to save my family ya know? So I took out my magic bowl and do the usual mumbo jumbo like you know, looking for the stuff I need to take the antidote. At this point I was panicking like crazy because every second counts and yea HAHA. 

What I failed to realise is that the villagers were peeping into the window and was looking at what I was doing. Someone tipped them off on me being a witch, probably the queen disguised as a peddlar. LIKE SERIOUSLYYYY YOU HYPOCRITE >( .

Humans, at that point of time, were very afraid of witches and sometimes, they even burnt innocent woman who were accused to be witches alive on the stake. That, was probably how I'm gonna go but nooooo I don't wanna go by being roasted alive like a pig you know ughhh but I got dragged, screaming and crying and yelling out curses to the village square, where the village head made a speech about how witches are evil things but hello all I'm trying to save my family gdi but anyway I got burned alive in the end after all sigh.

Luckily it was a dream and i couldn't feel the pain omg ;w; I can't imagine the pain of being roasted alive ugh. 

That was only the first part of the dream :') Here's the second part. There won't be as many pictures to describe the environment thoughhh.

I found myself walking down a a dirt paved road, wearing what looks like a page boy's outfit. I had cut my hair and I even have a cute little mustache I paste on my my face to disguise myself as a boy. I can feel my boobs being concealed by a binder below the loose fitting white shirt I had on. I was cross dressing because at that time, females couldn't get higher paying jobs, unless you count prostitution. So cases like mine (girls crossdressing) is not uncommon at all. 

The road led me to a small town whom seem pretty well off and I eventually found a banquet job which had a high pay and free training provided. Seems like a pretty good deal to me, so I went in, and got accepted immediately.

I started the training, which includes learning how to carry trays with glass dishes on it and so on. It was manageable for me and I even made some new acquaintances! But in the end, curiosity killed the cat.

One day during  break I found myself exploring the banquet hall that I was training in, and there was a banquet going on in one of the rooms. The laughter, music and clinking of glasses and light chatter could be heard from where I was and of course I went to peep into the room. 

However, what I saw was not exactly whatI expected. The dishes lining the tables were filled with cooked human meat. Various parts of the body could be seen marinated with some kind of red sauce that made the dish look extremely unappealing to me and well, it made me feel like retching. So I tried to close the door gently and leave the scene.  However, me being me, I was bound to screw something up, and I did.

I forgot my toe was in the way of the door when I want to close it so I slammed the door on my toe, which made me stifle a scream. This did not go unheard by the supernatural guests that were in the party as they all turned to look at me. 

Needless to say I fled from the scene as fast as I could but you know, since they were supernatural, they could track me down by the scent of my blood so they  quickly caught up to me. 

I found myself running into the kitchen and slamming the door shut behind me. I heard that salt could protect me from these supernatural so I thought hey I might as well give it a shot right? Scrambling for the salt, I made a ring around myself and just as I finished making the salt circle, the door was thrown open and the supernatural came in. Thank God there was salt in the kitchen! They could not come to get me because of the salt circle. 

However, luck ran out for me when a human butler came right to me and made a hole in the salt circle I made. I knew, this was definitely the end of me. The vampire immediately siezed me by my neck and pulled me out of the broken circle. The supernatural were going to made a meal out of me. Just before they could sink their filthy fangs and teeth into my skin, I woke up. HAHAHAHAH

I know, the ending is pretty turn off,  but it was simply a dream. 

That is it for today's post (that took 3 days to complete due to my laziness) 
Good day peeps /o/

Love, Meredith 
Currently hooked on this song *^*

Thursday 19 February 2015

A Bed of Roses

Hey guys!

Happy Chinese New Year!! Finally, "Hell" week have passed for me! Which means I've handed in all my projects and everything! YES AH LIKE A FINALLY. What a rush. Phew. If it's already this bad in year 1, I wonder how is it like in year 2 and 3... Well we'll see when the times come bah HAHAHA

Well, exams are coming in two weeks and guess who have not started studying yet... /slowly raises hand/ I'm in holiday mood now because well, I've submitted all my projects and all.. I'm going to start soon though so yeaaaa well it's not as if I have a choice :(

Last Saturday was Valentine's day! Hope all of you had fun on that day :) Well I know I certainly did! For the first time, I actually had a valentine's day date. No, it wasn't the friendly date but more like the date date kinda thing you know? haha. I remember in seconday school, valentines day = training HAHAHA. Gosh I miss training man, back in those days, life was kinda simple, well, simpler than now of course HAHAHA. Omg I sound like I'm a really old person reminising!

The day started with me rushing to find a perfect outfit to wear (A continuation from the day before), and me pushing back the meeting time to about 2pm >.< Originally we were gonna go to Chinese Gardens but by the time we met up it was too hot to go over QAQ so we ended up having lunch at Dhoby Ghaut, and then walking around the area! For the first time, I got dragged around Bugis Street by a guy AHAHAHA gosh there were so many people and couples and I felt pretty suffocated but he was there with me so it was all great I guess. We also went to SAM (Singapore Art Museum) and tbh I really don't understand the art pieces because they were abstract.. But they were really pretty though!!
Thanks for being my date my dear <3

OMG GUYS DO YOU KNOWWWWWW, I've been following an Abs and arms 30 day challenge and im currently at day 9 I'm so proud of myself hur hur hur but while the shape haven't come out yet, I feel good following the training regime hurrr. It's a pain in the ass because I keep forgetting to do it until really late at night though grrrrr

If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you would know that there was this one guy who got on my nerves. Like really badly. So this next part is for that guy. (Oh yea if you wanna talk to me about it please do! You have my number, contact me. You want to screenshot show people also nevermind, this blog is public after all) I don't wanna expose his name though, so imma call him X.

Dear X,

How are you doing? It's nice to know that you've found a new clique to hang out with. That I'm glad, because I wonder who you go with for lunch. Eating alone is pretty nasty if you know you don't have people welcoming your return.

Anyway, you haven't been smiling. Well, you have, but obviously I know it isn't genuine. Dude, i've known you for awhile. You can't fool me. I can't say I'm sorry for the shit you said you gotta endure though, I kinda feel that you deserve it. You using us as pawns for your own twisted gains is just sick man.

Yes, I know, if you're reading this now you'd probably be very indignant right now, thinking that you aren't in the wrong. But the fact stands. Your perception is different from ours, and hence we cannot hang out any longer. You've made us very awkward when you're around not talking to us but simply just there using your phone.

My friends tell me not to waste my time typing this but well, I just want to do this ya know? Hurting my friends (physically and mentally) is not something I would let slide by. I have in fact, thought of 1000 ways to kill you for doing so. But of course, that's all in my head.

After my initial anger, I realised you were really pitiful. You can't trust us, then why stay with us? Is it because you don't have anyone to go with? Well, that's for you to know and me to think about.(LOL at this point because you were upset that we all left the whatsapp group with you. I mean, wouldn't you expect it? After all, you yourself said that there is already a conflict between us meow)

I've wasted enough of my time being angry at you. If you're happy the way you are, and think you are doing no wrong, then continue what you're doing bah. Maybe one day you'll see from our perspective. Till then, take care! Have a pleasant CNY! Thanks for the happy memories though! But Im kinda done with you :/

Sorry it had to end this way, but I can't stand your bullshit no longer.

Warmest Regards,

Well, to those siding X, and is currently hating on us, gosh please grow up and you know, find out our perspective as well? My clique and I don't hate for no reason and obviously you only listen to one perspective (which is his) . Try asking us what happened for us to dislike on him so badly and maybe you may see why we dislike him. Meow :> Aiya but then again, our conscience(how to spell omg) is clear so, if you wanna go on blindly hating then.. just continue lor its not like I can do anything what HAHAHA

This is it for today's blog post! Indeed a bed of roses kinda post today. While the roses are pretty to look at and nice smelling, beware the thorns and the misery it causes you if you get pricked.

Anyway, it's not that I'm upset or anything, I just want a closure! Hence this :) It feels like a boulder lifted off my shoulders. Gosh, it feels good. Anyway that's the end of my post today! I may update soon I hope :) Oh and if you have any questions ask meeeee @ ask.fm/datshorty

Obligatory end of post selfie! (Act cool only ) OMG IM SO CHUBBY

Monday 26 January 2015

New year new hair :>

Hey guys!

It's been 2 weeks since I've blogged, and I kind of have lots of things to say yet as I type this down, I can't really remember what I want to type anymore :<

Those 2 weeks definitely wasn't the best but yet at the same time they weren't the worst I guess? There was a day where everything went wrong and I remember I was so upset but thank god that's over.

In the subsequent weeks I'm not sure if i can still blog weekly because my schedule is getting tighter so I'll blog whenever I can alright?

OMG RECENTLY I DYED MY HAIR GUYSSSS. Back to red :> I tried to dye my whole head but it's really uneven but I love itttt! If only it was brighter though.. I really love red on my hair :> I've been keeping my fringe long too, so if it gets long enough I can try Ariel's (from the little mermaid) hairstyle! Here are the pictures I took in the process of dyeing my hair!
Before dyeing!

Look at the colour!
Me getting really bored
Fed up already AHAHAHA
End product :> 

Anyway! I've been really happy whenever I'm with this person and I don't know, he's awesome. Best guy ever. I'm just sad that we live so far from each other, thankfully not countries apart but yea its still considered pretty far pshhh. This is so not cool like all that time spent travelling I could spend more time with him. But he's everything I ask for and possibly much more! Thanks you annoying piece of shit xD

OH YES and recently I saw Ryan after soooooo freaking long omg  I missed him so much. We went to study at McCafe and caught up alittle! I really enjoyed myself hurhur. Darn Manager screwed up my Green tea latte design though... And it was too sweet for my liking :/ It's safe to say that will be the first and last time I'd be drinking green tea latte from there!

Recently, TP had their Open House as well and ughhh it was so full of people me no likey :< But it's when there's like helium balloons and mascots going all over so it was kinda fun! :> I took a photo with a cow mascot heheheh so happy /o/

There was a funny story behind this too AHAHA well not exactly but it was kinda funny to me. This cow mascot was flanked by a group of guys, whom I must say are pretty good looking. But well, you know me, I only had eyes for the cow mascot so when the guys asked if I wanted them to be in the picture with them I said no. The look on their faces were really epic AHAHAHA I don't think they've been rejected so bluntly by anyone before LEL. Here's the picture!!
If you look behind mascot and I, there's a dude photobombing AHAHA 

Oh oh oh I also went to watch the Woman in Black 2 with Kira, and frankly speaking it wasn't as good as I expected... I didn't really enjoy the movie because There were glitches in the movie. Sudden black patches and stuff. Also, we could hear the sound from the movie in the theatre beside us, which was really distracting and I have to say this is the worst movie experience EVER. The movie theater was GV Tampines Branch. So yea..

That's it for today! Hope you guys survive the month as well! Fighting everyone!

Lots of love,

Monday 12 January 2015

Can I cut off my fats without exercising? :(

Hey guys!

Here I am again with a new post! As the title suggests, I am extremely annoyed with my body as of now. I have a marshmallow figure and uh well, contrary to popular belief, not all fluffy girls have big boobs!

No I'm not saying that I'm as flat as an airport runway, but CLOSE ENOUGH HAHAHA. I want to push my fats up to my boobsssss and cut off excess thigh fats ugh. But here's the thing, I barely get enough time for sleep, much less exercising (excuses) but yea, on top of that, I'm also a very lazy faggit who likes to eat fatty stuff eg Cookies. Yes, imagine those calories in there. I've tried dieting as well, but turns out the longest I went was only 3 weeks, for Sinon... /o/

The most annoying thing will be that if I train one part of me eg my tummy, the fats will go somewhere else, like my thighs for example. I'm pretty sure that my thigh fats can act as a fuel for like.. a long time HAHAHA because its that big sigh. MFW I sit down and my thighs spread out to the size of America. sighhhhh

Anyway the great thing is this week there's no school! In other words I can wake up and jog everyday yay... If I'm not lazy.. I probably will be.... sigh I'll try though.

I kinda feel bad for my future husband though, I can't cook, I don't have a nice figure, I suck at basically anything, I'm a messy person, and the list goes on and on. All bad stuff though. Moreover, I'm basically a high maintainence level person who needs to be patted and hugged everyday, you need to hear me whine, etc etc. Yes, I AM a very whiny person. EXTREMELY whiny. Sometimes I can't stand myself either but i just whine anyway because Im Meredith HAHAHAHA.

Okay uh but seriously I think I whine alot and the reason why this post is mostly about degrading myself is because this is how I truly feel about myself. A blob of useless fats and yes I think I'm having PMS ARGHHHH Why do girls have pms seriously. Like I just experienced a whole whirlwind of emotions from sad to angry to emotionless and  stuff argh.

I think times like this I really shouldn't blog but hell, it's my blog. HAHA Sigh sorry it's such a sad depressing post today I hope my PMS tides over soon meanwhile I wanna eat takoyaki someone buy it for me please :(

Anyway shout out to Ryan for buying me some really nice expensive perfume which smells soooo good 8D

Signing off,

Saturday 3 January 2015

New Year New Me? Not really. TOO BADDDD AHAHAHAH

Hey guys!

3 days ago, 2014 ended and 2015 came bashing into the way, and is here to stay for the next 362 days... I apologise I don't have a cooler way to say this HAHA So you guys just have to deal with this alright?

I'm not exactly sure what to say about 2014, just that it past by really really quickly. I guess 2014 also told me how much of a cold hearted person I am, then again I am not surprised nor ashamed to say this. Sighhh what have I become I have no idea..

2014 marked the beginning of my journey in Temasek Polytechnic in a course that I favour greatly, but before that, there was a prep course as I DPA-ed into this school, and I was thrown into a really lovely class that gave me lots of wonderful memories and whom were my first friends from Temasek Polytechnic, and really, I couldn''t ask for more than what I got, because what I got was simply perfect <3 Team Oppai for the win! Miss you guys a hell lot really... I'm really glad we're still close!
 Team Oppai <3
 Loser Bae 1 (Omg I miss my red hair sigh)
Loser Bae 2
Pic above: Business Team Oppai
Pic below: Senators (From the business orientation thing)
After which, I found myself in my HTM course class... In the beginning, well I found myself comparing this class to my DPA class, which was wrong of me tbh. I should keep my mind open and all. But anyway I met really nice people here in this class who brought me lots of laughter and joy in the mundane school life. And here I thank you guys for making me so happy even though there's always a heavy workload sigh.
Pic Above: WP Group 
Pic Below: My class :>
My friends :) With one guy missing though 

Anyway, a huge thank you to my friends for planning a birthday surprise for me and even going to the extend of buying a cake for me! I was so touched omg no one really did this for me before ;w; It's so sweet of you guys man <3 And you all even collaborated with this guy (picture below) to help you buy the cake to make it all less inconspicious as we're doing projects omg you guuysssssss QAQ 
Thanks for coming all the way down to the east!!! 

Obviously the best birthday everrrrr /o/ Thank you all darlings <3 

I also went on Cycling trips and the Staycation was really fun with them around!
 Ikea trip /o/
 Awww yes im Queen bitch walking is too mainstream 
Anddd the cycling trip /o/ 

Then there's my two pillars of strength other than my parents and bro... Who's always here for me even though I suck :") Love you guys forever :) Since we've been together for so long I'm pretty sure we'll stick together for the rest of our lives xD 
Sam <3
 This is just too cute HAHAHA
And Ryan :3 

Oh and of course, Cafe Hopping with Loke Boon HAHAHAH omg fun times (Idk why I can't find the pictures though :( ) 

And my favourite coser and friend in the entire world My husband MINEMINEMINE 
Thanks for sticking together with meeven though I'm a lousy excuse of a cospartner hehehe <3

Here comes the part where I say my new year's resolutions! 

1. Have fun no matter what I do. Because life is simply too short for me to not be doing the things I love (No I'm not dying) 

2. Love to the best I can. In life, other than money, love keeps the world going round, it's what makes facing the world tolerable. It's something that can actually legitly change the world. 

3. Try learning a dance HAHAHA because why not right? And because it might very well come in handy sooner or later at business functions and stuff 

4. GPA 4.0 AHHHH HUAT AH (Obviously impossible already but meh I'll just leave this here)

5. Travel with loved ones (this includes friends whom I love) 

6. Get a better figure Sighhhhhh 

7. Fatter wallet plsplsplsplssss 

I guess it's these seven for now :) I'm pretty sure more resolutions will flow in soon enough so I won't worry so much about them xD 

I miss the beach and the sand and swimming (more like nuaing in the water) and cycling omggg :( 

Good timessss good times /o/

And that's the end of my post today! I know, there'sa hell load of photos but oh wellies :> Happy new year everyone!

Sunday 14 December 2014

MSTs are over! /o/

Hey guys!

As you can see from the title, MSTs for me are officially over! Unless I have to retake... Touchwood ah >.< I studied so hard for them omg.. I used to be able to stay up until like 3am to study but now I can't anymore, so I wake  up at 4am just to study, then I go back to bed to get some more well deserved rest ahaha.

Today, I could finally wake up at any hour I want! But my stupid tummy decided to wake me up at 7.30 just for me to go take a dump ughhhhh my sleep orz but i went back to sleep and I actually woke up early at like 10? I was expecting myself to sleep till like 2pm because I was sooooo exhausted.. Ah wells, I'd probably go catch some shut eye after completing this post or something!

After a two weeks blog hiatus, I feel kinda weird typing on my blog again... But I have so much to say, so much to write that my fingers cannot type fast enough for my liking sigh. But seriously though, lots of things happened in this past two weeks and I really doubt I can type everything in this post so I'll just type what I remember hahaha sigh orz

2 weeks ago, I went to the southern islands with Kira! Actually we wanted to go to another island..I forgot what's the name of the Island but apparently dolphins, wild dolphins were spotted there before! It was said that the waters surrounding that island was really blue and clear compared to that of the mainland beaches eg East Coast. So yea after reading up about that I really wanted to go and take a look but apparently the boat tickets cost about $100+ if I remembered correctly, so we didn't go there ahaha too expensive man. TOO EXPENSIVE. Might as well take that money and book an airplane ticket to Thailand or something for a short getaway right orz.

So for this trip, we went to Kusu Island and St John's island! Kusu island was pretty small hahah and there were monkeys! A group of angmoh girls got chased by them HAHAHAH guessed who was there laughing instead of helping :> HAHAH ah wells, maybe they showed the monkeys their teeth or something. Showing your teeth to the monkeys is actually a sign of aggression! So DO NOT everrrrr show your teeth to them okay? (well not sure if this information is correct i forgot where I got it from HAHA) Anyway, there was the tortoise temple (or was it turtle?) and a muslim one as well! The muslim one was up a flight of 100+ steps.... guess who got tired after a few steps HAHAHAHA I suck man my stamina went down the drain... oh wellies. But yea and the water was nice and warm and shallow but there's like.. stingers or something in the water :/ But it was a pretty place to be at XD Click here to find out more about this island xD

Since we weren't exactly keen to go back into the water because of the stingers (or whatever was in there), we decided to go to St John's island! well as for st johns island, we had to make sure we have to be ready to return to the mainland by 5.15pm if not we might have to stay on St John's island until the next day Dx But over at St Johns, we didn't do much other than slack in the water heheheh its just so nice to nuaaaa /o/ oh oh there are a few cats in the vicinity and we saw like.. two really huge fat cats HAHAHA. Well, they're probably really well fed by people who came over here to fish :3
To find out more about this island, click here !!

Ohhhhh and yesterday was my birthday! Haha it was the most special birthday to me yet <3 Thank you all who made it possible to make me feel so special yesterday! It was by far one of the most memorable birthdays everrr <3 Liek seriously man I really felt like a princess xD

Thanks Alex for giving me the opportunity to go to USS for the first time! When I first stepped into uss, I felt as if I've been transported into a different world. The scenery was one straight out of a fairytale book! It was sooooo pretty /o/ I know I sound like a tourist HAHAH bear with me please I was really amazed okay it was my first time pshhhh .

Sadly I only managed to go on one ride yesterday, which was the Mummy Ride omg it was so fun even though I have a phobia of roller coasters but it was so fun okay and I love the decorations inside omg I was so so so amazed ahhhh it's all so pretty! And I was surprised that they actually talked about human sacrifice on the walls too, ya know, where you are queuing. There was this portion of drawings on the wall that actually hinted at human sacrifice to Anubis. I was so amazed ahhhhh it was really a great experience for me! But I realised that not alot of people actually paid much attention to the drawings and all which made me feel kinda sad because so much effort was put into all these sigh.

I didn't get to spend the whole day at USS because well, I wanted to spend time with my boy haha (yes we didn't go to USS together)
so yea.. Only managed to go for the mummy ride before it started to rain heavily... siannnnn How to ride the rides like that :< So yea we just found a place to nua and I must say that the turkey leg was really good! And big HAHAHA I ate one whole leg by myself >) And that was my lunch ahahahaha

OHHHH I ALSO PHOTOBOMBED SOMEONE AHHAHAHA Idk why im so proud of it ah but like I was looking for cookie monster then there was this lady taking a picture just as i walked past so i literally posed behind the lady and quickly walked off HAHAHA. Im just so amused by it ahahah

If you haven't been to USS, and is planning to go there someday,I would strongly advise you guys to buy the express tickets! The queues were no joke man. Really no joke. you have to queue for a minimum of 40mins in order to experience a 4 minutes thrill ride.... Kind of not worth the time wasted ah, so get the express tickets! I'll definitely return to USS one day to take pictures with everything and also to try all the rides! (although im a pussy but yolo right)

After USS, went out with Kira to walk around ahahaha it was fun xD just wondering around and stuff, met Max and Christopher for dinner as well! So yea it was fun heheh they're cool people xD OH AND I DIDNT KNOW MAX WAS... WELL MAX HAHAHA the Max I saw yesterday was totally different from the Max I see at events man. So different i cannot ahaha. Thanks for recommending the ramen shop! It was delish *^*

oh oh AFA was was the week before! That meant finally seeing my husbando after so long ahahah Miss her so much man. But I feel really happy that we are still close. I was really afraid that after splitting paths we may not meet again ya know that kinda thing, but there was really nothing to worry about because we are still going strong yay /o/ happy belated birthday Kerryyyy <3

AFA this year was really memorable for me as well, because for the first time ever, my makeup was on point and when i wore the wig i felt pretty HAHAHA IM SERIOUS I THOUGHT I LOOK AMAZING (yes i am a narcissist.) BUT SERIOUSLY THOUGH. I thought the makeup was done well yayyyyy . I look hot kerry looks hot we both look hot hurhur

I'm so lazy to post up pictures today so I'll probably do so the next post! But anyway if you see my facebook yoou can see all the pictures there xD and on my instagram heheh.

Oh oh ask me any questions! : ask.fm/datshorty
It's like so dead :< And yes I'll answer every question (except pervertic ones)

That's it for today's post! Till next week :>

Lots of love,