Tuesday 15 September 2015

All the best people are crazy


It's been so long since I've updated  my blog omg. Each and every time I feel like blogging I'll come out with some excuse or a "I'll do it later". Hours turned to days, days turned to months, and I think it's probably close to a year since I've actually blogged. Since its been such a long time, I'll summarise every significant thing I can remember.

1) I've survived SSM! I've learnt so much from it. Its been a great experience. But I don't really like my batch ahaha. Personal preference though. They're great people but uh they don't really listen to you unless you're popz, and guess who isn't :> so I don't really get noticed a lot haha. People only acknowledge my existence when they need something from me, mainly the small pot of gel I keep in my pocket in case of anything. I feel really used. But aside from that I guess I enjoyed myself!

2) Staycation with LMJR! We had a staycation at New Majestic Hotel, however we did not exactly have a nice time at New Majestic due to its policies and inflexibility. I doubt I'll ever go back there ever again. That's my experience though. Do give New Majestic a chance! It is great especially for couples to have a staycation in its theme rooms. It is interesting, but uh not worth the price in my opinion. We went to USS after the staycation and had a fantastic time omg I'd like to go to USS with them again soon.

3) Meetup with Peppermint Chinchow after soooo long! We walked from harbourfront and somehow ended up near buona vista. Henderson waves (?) and Hort park looked amazing! It was really fun trekking with them. We met up recently too to watch GE2015. It wasn't the best idea to wait for Aljunied's recount though... It took really long ugh. It was fun watching the elections with them! In my opinion, this elections weren't as exciting as the last elections. But oh wells it was fun to watch.

4) Kira and I spent our half anniversary at Tioman, Malaysia together with a handful of our friends. It was really fun and I wanna go overseas with my friends again! It feels different when I travel with my friends and when I travel with my family. Speaking of family, a day after we returned from our Tioman trip, Kira's mom(I'll refer to her as Aunty) asked me if I wanted to go to Malaysia to an island (forgot which island) for a fishing trip. I went for the fishing trip too :) Tried fishing for the first time and I guess its fun?? heheh /o/

5) After 5 plus years of cosing, I finally stayed over at a cos chalet for the first time. It was really fun and I got to meet new people too! Cosed Shino, but I don't like how I portray her ley. Will probably recos for a shoot with my Kirito.

6) Speaking of Sinon, I decided to go ahead and cos the wedding version of her as well HNNNGH I can't wait omggg I am Sinon trash and I've been in Sinon hell for the last 3 years NO REGRETS

7) Recently went to SK Kerry's shoot at an abandoned factory and there were wild dogs roaming around. However one dog was friendly and decided to stick around with us. On the bright side, she managed to keep the other wild dogs away from us so that's good. I feel sad that we had to leave her there... I wish I could bring her home or something but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of a dog sighpie.

8) Recently ran a 5km "marathon" with Niki! Glenn supposed to join us too but he had to bomb the toilet so he couldn't make it. I lost Niki halfway through the marathon >.< But we reunited at the end :) My timing was horrible though. It was a great experience!

9) Guysssss its been 9months since Kira and I got together holy shit balls time passed so fast but yayyyy 3more months till our first anniversary yayyyy

10) I picked up Knitting! Finger knitting to be exact and knitted a pillow for kira yay /o/

I think that's most of the major stuff that I remembered HAHAH Alright I'll blog again soon I hope...

Lots of loveeee,

Recently hooked to this song

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