Saturday 7 March 2015


Hey guys!

My pencil case's zipper broke creyyyy it is so adorable ;w; Oh wells time to get a new one I guess, but still it's really cute omg look at this omg

Ah and now I'm currently having my examinations, but I still don't have the mood for exams even after completing 2 papers omggg. and heck yes OB and Microecons are over!! At first I thought Micro would be tough but I guess it was manageable??? OB too I guess... LOL oh wells they're overrrrr. Guess who needs a disney marathon to celebrate /o/

Anyway, if you aren't a friend on my facebook, you probably never heard of the pretty cool dream I dreamt awhile back. Well, this is the more detailed version (as compared to the one I posted on Facebook)

I found myself in a cute little cottage with an unknown guy (who apparently was my husband) and two kids runnning around playing happily. The cottage was not big, and not small, however it have a very homey feeling to it and the inner decor was really simple. The main colour of the cottage was an earthy woody brown. Something like the picture below
The closest looking picture I could find on Google
I had a boy and a girl, who were incredibly adorable and are balls of energy. They brighten up everything in their presence and made even the dullest days bearable and happy. Cliche I know, but well it's all a dream soooo...

Please don't ask me why she's in a bunny suit idk man 
My husband was sitting at the dining table reading a scroll from 'I have no idea who or what' and he was apparently very absorbed in whatever he is reading. I was dressed in a very renaissance looking housewife attire while bending down to take the roasted chicken out of the oven to serve dinner. 
While I had my back turned on my children and husband, an old woman who looked awfully like a witch dressed in the stereotypical black cloak with a long crooked nose came peddling her goods, which apparently were candy. It was strange how she resemble the evil queen from Snow White though... Well, the main point is that she gave my kids and my husband a piece of candy each and they ate it. Yes, my dumb husband ingested the candy too (At this point I realise that my dumb husband turned out to be my current boyfriend.)
After they ingested the candy, oh hey look I totally don't expect it to be poison oh no it was POISON they freaking ate. There the witch goes, cackling to herself as she managed to poison my freaking family. 

This was when I realise that I was a freaking witch. Yes people, this dream can't get any more funkier. Like hey maybe I can make an antidote to save my family ya know? So I took out my magic bowl and do the usual mumbo jumbo like you know, looking for the stuff I need to take the antidote. At this point I was panicking like crazy because every second counts and yea HAHA. 

What I failed to realise is that the villagers were peeping into the window and was looking at what I was doing. Someone tipped them off on me being a witch, probably the queen disguised as a peddlar. LIKE SERIOUSLYYYY YOU HYPOCRITE >( .

Humans, at that point of time, were very afraid of witches and sometimes, they even burnt innocent woman who were accused to be witches alive on the stake. That, was probably how I'm gonna go but nooooo I don't wanna go by being roasted alive like a pig you know ughhh but I got dragged, screaming and crying and yelling out curses to the village square, where the village head made a speech about how witches are evil things but hello all I'm trying to save my family gdi but anyway I got burned alive in the end after all sigh.

Luckily it was a dream and i couldn't feel the pain omg ;w; I can't imagine the pain of being roasted alive ugh. 

That was only the first part of the dream :') Here's the second part. There won't be as many pictures to describe the environment thoughhh.

I found myself walking down a a dirt paved road, wearing what looks like a page boy's outfit. I had cut my hair and I even have a cute little mustache I paste on my my face to disguise myself as a boy. I can feel my boobs being concealed by a binder below the loose fitting white shirt I had on. I was cross dressing because at that time, females couldn't get higher paying jobs, unless you count prostitution. So cases like mine (girls crossdressing) is not uncommon at all. 

The road led me to a small town whom seem pretty well off and I eventually found a banquet job which had a high pay and free training provided. Seems like a pretty good deal to me, so I went in, and got accepted immediately.

I started the training, which includes learning how to carry trays with glass dishes on it and so on. It was manageable for me and I even made some new acquaintances! But in the end, curiosity killed the cat.

One day during  break I found myself exploring the banquet hall that I was training in, and there was a banquet going on in one of the rooms. The laughter, music and clinking of glasses and light chatter could be heard from where I was and of course I went to peep into the room. 

However, what I saw was not exactly whatI expected. The dishes lining the tables were filled with cooked human meat. Various parts of the body could be seen marinated with some kind of red sauce that made the dish look extremely unappealing to me and well, it made me feel like retching. So I tried to close the door gently and leave the scene.  However, me being me, I was bound to screw something up, and I did.

I forgot my toe was in the way of the door when I want to close it so I slammed the door on my toe, which made me stifle a scream. This did not go unheard by the supernatural guests that were in the party as they all turned to look at me. 

Needless to say I fled from the scene as fast as I could but you know, since they were supernatural, they could track me down by the scent of my blood so they  quickly caught up to me. 

I found myself running into the kitchen and slamming the door shut behind me. I heard that salt could protect me from these supernatural so I thought hey I might as well give it a shot right? Scrambling for the salt, I made a ring around myself and just as I finished making the salt circle, the door was thrown open and the supernatural came in. Thank God there was salt in the kitchen! They could not come to get me because of the salt circle. 

However, luck ran out for me when a human butler came right to me and made a hole in the salt circle I made. I knew, this was definitely the end of me. The vampire immediately siezed me by my neck and pulled me out of the broken circle. The supernatural were going to made a meal out of me. Just before they could sink their filthy fangs and teeth into my skin, I woke up. HAHAHAHAH

I know, the ending is pretty turn off,  but it was simply a dream. 

That is it for today's post (that took 3 days to complete due to my laziness) 
Good day peeps /o/

Love, Meredith 
Currently hooked on this song *^*

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