Thursday 19 February 2015

A Bed of Roses

Hey guys!

Happy Chinese New Year!! Finally, "Hell" week have passed for me! Which means I've handed in all my projects and everything! YES AH LIKE A FINALLY. What a rush. Phew. If it's already this bad in year 1, I wonder how is it like in year 2 and 3... Well we'll see when the times come bah HAHAHA

Well, exams are coming in two weeks and guess who have not started studying yet... /slowly raises hand/ I'm in holiday mood now because well, I've submitted all my projects and all.. I'm going to start soon though so yeaaaa well it's not as if I have a choice :(

Last Saturday was Valentine's day! Hope all of you had fun on that day :) Well I know I certainly did! For the first time, I actually had a valentine's day date. No, it wasn't the friendly date but more like the date date kinda thing you know? haha. I remember in seconday school, valentines day = training HAHAHA. Gosh I miss training man, back in those days, life was kinda simple, well, simpler than now of course HAHAHA. Omg I sound like I'm a really old person reminising!

The day started with me rushing to find a perfect outfit to wear (A continuation from the day before), and me pushing back the meeting time to about 2pm >.< Originally we were gonna go to Chinese Gardens but by the time we met up it was too hot to go over QAQ so we ended up having lunch at Dhoby Ghaut, and then walking around the area! For the first time, I got dragged around Bugis Street by a guy AHAHAHA gosh there were so many people and couples and I felt pretty suffocated but he was there with me so it was all great I guess. We also went to SAM (Singapore Art Museum) and tbh I really don't understand the art pieces because they were abstract.. But they were really pretty though!!
Thanks for being my date my dear <3

OMG GUYS DO YOU KNOWWWWWW, I've been following an Abs and arms 30 day challenge and im currently at day 9 I'm so proud of myself hur hur hur but while the shape haven't come out yet, I feel good following the training regime hurrr. It's a pain in the ass because I keep forgetting to do it until really late at night though grrrrr

If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you would know that there was this one guy who got on my nerves. Like really badly. So this next part is for that guy. (Oh yea if you wanna talk to me about it please do! You have my number, contact me. You want to screenshot show people also nevermind, this blog is public after all) I don't wanna expose his name though, so imma call him X.

Dear X,

How are you doing? It's nice to know that you've found a new clique to hang out with. That I'm glad, because I wonder who you go with for lunch. Eating alone is pretty nasty if you know you don't have people welcoming your return.

Anyway, you haven't been smiling. Well, you have, but obviously I know it isn't genuine. Dude, i've known you for awhile. You can't fool me. I can't say I'm sorry for the shit you said you gotta endure though, I kinda feel that you deserve it. You using us as pawns for your own twisted gains is just sick man.

Yes, I know, if you're reading this now you'd probably be very indignant right now, thinking that you aren't in the wrong. But the fact stands. Your perception is different from ours, and hence we cannot hang out any longer. You've made us very awkward when you're around not talking to us but simply just there using your phone.

My friends tell me not to waste my time typing this but well, I just want to do this ya know? Hurting my friends (physically and mentally) is not something I would let slide by. I have in fact, thought of 1000 ways to kill you for doing so. But of course, that's all in my head.

After my initial anger, I realised you were really pitiful. You can't trust us, then why stay with us? Is it because you don't have anyone to go with? Well, that's for you to know and me to think about.(LOL at this point because you were upset that we all left the whatsapp group with you. I mean, wouldn't you expect it? After all, you yourself said that there is already a conflict between us meow)

I've wasted enough of my time being angry at you. If you're happy the way you are, and think you are doing no wrong, then continue what you're doing bah. Maybe one day you'll see from our perspective. Till then, take care! Have a pleasant CNY! Thanks for the happy memories though! But Im kinda done with you :/

Sorry it had to end this way, but I can't stand your bullshit no longer.

Warmest Regards,

Well, to those siding X, and is currently hating on us, gosh please grow up and you know, find out our perspective as well? My clique and I don't hate for no reason and obviously you only listen to one perspective (which is his) . Try asking us what happened for us to dislike on him so badly and maybe you may see why we dislike him. Meow :> Aiya but then again, our conscience(how to spell omg) is clear so, if you wanna go on blindly hating then.. just continue lor its not like I can do anything what HAHAHA

This is it for today's blog post! Indeed a bed of roses kinda post today. While the roses are pretty to look at and nice smelling, beware the thorns and the misery it causes you if you get pricked.

Anyway, it's not that I'm upset or anything, I just want a closure! Hence this :) It feels like a boulder lifted off my shoulders. Gosh, it feels good. Anyway that's the end of my post today! I may update soon I hope :) Oh and if you have any questions ask meeeee @

Obligatory end of post selfie! (Act cool only ) OMG IM SO CHUBBY

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