Monday 12 January 2015

Can I cut off my fats without exercising? :(

Hey guys!

Here I am again with a new post! As the title suggests, I am extremely annoyed with my body as of now. I have a marshmallow figure and uh well, contrary to popular belief, not all fluffy girls have big boobs!

No I'm not saying that I'm as flat as an airport runway, but CLOSE ENOUGH HAHAHA. I want to push my fats up to my boobsssss and cut off excess thigh fats ugh. But here's the thing, I barely get enough time for sleep, much less exercising (excuses) but yea, on top of that, I'm also a very lazy faggit who likes to eat fatty stuff eg Cookies. Yes, imagine those calories in there. I've tried dieting as well, but turns out the longest I went was only 3 weeks, for Sinon... /o/

The most annoying thing will be that if I train one part of me eg my tummy, the fats will go somewhere else, like my thighs for example. I'm pretty sure that my thigh fats can act as a fuel for like.. a long time HAHAHA because its that big sigh. MFW I sit down and my thighs spread out to the size of America. sighhhhh

Anyway the great thing is this week there's no school! In other words I can wake up and jog everyday yay... If I'm not lazy.. I probably will be.... sigh I'll try though.

I kinda feel bad for my future husband though, I can't cook, I don't have a nice figure, I suck at basically anything, I'm a messy person, and the list goes on and on. All bad stuff though. Moreover, I'm basically a high maintainence level person who needs to be patted and hugged everyday, you need to hear me whine, etc etc. Yes, I AM a very whiny person. EXTREMELY whiny. Sometimes I can't stand myself either but i just whine anyway because Im Meredith HAHAHAHA.

Okay uh but seriously I think I whine alot and the reason why this post is mostly about degrading myself is because this is how I truly feel about myself. A blob of useless fats and yes I think I'm having PMS ARGHHHH Why do girls have pms seriously. Like I just experienced a whole whirlwind of emotions from sad to angry to emotionless and  stuff argh.

I think times like this I really shouldn't blog but hell, it's my blog. HAHA Sigh sorry it's such a sad depressing post today I hope my PMS tides over soon meanwhile I wanna eat takoyaki someone buy it for me please :(

Anyway shout out to Ryan for buying me some really nice expensive perfume which smells soooo good 8D

Signing off,

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