Saturday 3 January 2015

New Year New Me? Not really. TOO BADDDD AHAHAHAH

Hey guys!

3 days ago, 2014 ended and 2015 came bashing into the way, and is here to stay for the next 362 days... I apologise I don't have a cooler way to say this HAHA So you guys just have to deal with this alright?

I'm not exactly sure what to say about 2014, just that it past by really really quickly. I guess 2014 also told me how much of a cold hearted person I am, then again I am not surprised nor ashamed to say this. Sighhh what have I become I have no idea..

2014 marked the beginning of my journey in Temasek Polytechnic in a course that I favour greatly, but before that, there was a prep course as I DPA-ed into this school, and I was thrown into a really lovely class that gave me lots of wonderful memories and whom were my first friends from Temasek Polytechnic, and really, I couldn''t ask for more than what I got, because what I got was simply perfect <3 Team Oppai for the win! Miss you guys a hell lot really... I'm really glad we're still close!
 Team Oppai <3
 Loser Bae 1 (Omg I miss my red hair sigh)
Loser Bae 2
Pic above: Business Team Oppai
Pic below: Senators (From the business orientation thing)
After which, I found myself in my HTM course class... In the beginning, well I found myself comparing this class to my DPA class, which was wrong of me tbh. I should keep my mind open and all. But anyway I met really nice people here in this class who brought me lots of laughter and joy in the mundane school life. And here I thank you guys for making me so happy even though there's always a heavy workload sigh.
Pic Above: WP Group 
Pic Below: My class :>
My friends :) With one guy missing though 

Anyway, a huge thank you to my friends for planning a birthday surprise for me and even going to the extend of buying a cake for me! I was so touched omg no one really did this for me before ;w; It's so sweet of you guys man <3 And you all even collaborated with this guy (picture below) to help you buy the cake to make it all less inconspicious as we're doing projects omg you guuysssssss QAQ 
Thanks for coming all the way down to the east!!! 

Obviously the best birthday everrrrr /o/ Thank you all darlings <3 

I also went on Cycling trips and the Staycation was really fun with them around!
 Ikea trip /o/
 Awww yes im Queen bitch walking is too mainstream 
Anddd the cycling trip /o/ 

Then there's my two pillars of strength other than my parents and bro... Who's always here for me even though I suck :") Love you guys forever :) Since we've been together for so long I'm pretty sure we'll stick together for the rest of our lives xD 
Sam <3
 This is just too cute HAHAHA
And Ryan :3 

Oh and of course, Cafe Hopping with Loke Boon HAHAHAH omg fun times (Idk why I can't find the pictures though :( ) 

And my favourite coser and friend in the entire world My husband MINEMINEMINE 
Thanks for sticking together with meeven though I'm a lousy excuse of a cospartner hehehe <3

Here comes the part where I say my new year's resolutions! 

1. Have fun no matter what I do. Because life is simply too short for me to not be doing the things I love (No I'm not dying) 

2. Love to the best I can. In life, other than money, love keeps the world going round, it's what makes facing the world tolerable. It's something that can actually legitly change the world. 

3. Try learning a dance HAHAHA because why not right? And because it might very well come in handy sooner or later at business functions and stuff 

4. GPA 4.0 AHHHH HUAT AH (Obviously impossible already but meh I'll just leave this here)

5. Travel with loved ones (this includes friends whom I love) 

6. Get a better figure Sighhhhhh 

7. Fatter wallet plsplsplsplssss 

I guess it's these seven for now :) I'm pretty sure more resolutions will flow in soon enough so I won't worry so much about them xD 

I miss the beach and the sand and swimming (more like nuaing in the water) and cycling omggg :( 

Good timessss good times /o/

And that's the end of my post today! I know, there'sa hell load of photos but oh wellies :> Happy new year everyone!

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