Sunday 14 December 2014

MSTs are over! /o/

Hey guys!

As you can see from the title, MSTs for me are officially over! Unless I have to retake... Touchwood ah >.< I studied so hard for them omg.. I used to be able to stay up until like 3am to study but now I can't anymore, so I wake  up at 4am just to study, then I go back to bed to get some more well deserved rest ahaha.

Today, I could finally wake up at any hour I want! But my stupid tummy decided to wake me up at 7.30 just for me to go take a dump ughhhhh my sleep orz but i went back to sleep and I actually woke up early at like 10? I was expecting myself to sleep till like 2pm because I was sooooo exhausted.. Ah wells, I'd probably go catch some shut eye after completing this post or something!

After a two weeks blog hiatus, I feel kinda weird typing on my blog again... But I have so much to say, so much to write that my fingers cannot type fast enough for my liking sigh. But seriously though, lots of things happened in this past two weeks and I really doubt I can type everything in this post so I'll just type what I remember hahaha sigh orz

2 weeks ago, I went to the southern islands with Kira! Actually we wanted to go to another island..I forgot what's the name of the Island but apparently dolphins, wild dolphins were spotted there before! It was said that the waters surrounding that island was really blue and clear compared to that of the mainland beaches eg East Coast. So yea after reading up about that I really wanted to go and take a look but apparently the boat tickets cost about $100+ if I remembered correctly, so we didn't go there ahaha too expensive man. TOO EXPENSIVE. Might as well take that money and book an airplane ticket to Thailand or something for a short getaway right orz.

So for this trip, we went to Kusu Island and St John's island! Kusu island was pretty small hahah and there were monkeys! A group of angmoh girls got chased by them HAHAHAH guessed who was there laughing instead of helping :> HAHAH ah wells, maybe they showed the monkeys their teeth or something. Showing your teeth to the monkeys is actually a sign of aggression! So DO NOT everrrrr show your teeth to them okay? (well not sure if this information is correct i forgot where I got it from HAHA) Anyway, there was the tortoise temple (or was it turtle?) and a muslim one as well! The muslim one was up a flight of 100+ steps.... guess who got tired after a few steps HAHAHAHA I suck man my stamina went down the drain... oh wellies. But yea and the water was nice and warm and shallow but there's like.. stingers or something in the water :/ But it was a pretty place to be at XD Click here to find out more about this island xD

Since we weren't exactly keen to go back into the water because of the stingers (or whatever was in there), we decided to go to St John's island! well as for st johns island, we had to make sure we have to be ready to return to the mainland by 5.15pm if not we might have to stay on St John's island until the next day Dx But over at St Johns, we didn't do much other than slack in the water heheheh its just so nice to nuaaaa /o/ oh oh there are a few cats in the vicinity and we saw like.. two really huge fat cats HAHAHA. Well, they're probably really well fed by people who came over here to fish :3
To find out more about this island, click here !!

Ohhhhh and yesterday was my birthday! Haha it was the most special birthday to me yet <3 Thank you all who made it possible to make me feel so special yesterday! It was by far one of the most memorable birthdays everrr <3 Liek seriously man I really felt like a princess xD

Thanks Alex for giving me the opportunity to go to USS for the first time! When I first stepped into uss, I felt as if I've been transported into a different world. The scenery was one straight out of a fairytale book! It was sooooo pretty /o/ I know I sound like a tourist HAHAH bear with me please I was really amazed okay it was my first time pshhhh .

Sadly I only managed to go on one ride yesterday, which was the Mummy Ride omg it was so fun even though I have a phobia of roller coasters but it was so fun okay and I love the decorations inside omg I was so so so amazed ahhhh it's all so pretty! And I was surprised that they actually talked about human sacrifice on the walls too, ya know, where you are queuing. There was this portion of drawings on the wall that actually hinted at human sacrifice to Anubis. I was so amazed ahhhhh it was really a great experience for me! But I realised that not alot of people actually paid much attention to the drawings and all which made me feel kinda sad because so much effort was put into all these sigh.

I didn't get to spend the whole day at USS because well, I wanted to spend time with my boy haha (yes we didn't go to USS together)
so yea.. Only managed to go for the mummy ride before it started to rain heavily... siannnnn How to ride the rides like that :< So yea we just found a place to nua and I must say that the turkey leg was really good! And big HAHAHA I ate one whole leg by myself >) And that was my lunch ahahahaha

OHHHH I ALSO PHOTOBOMBED SOMEONE AHHAHAHA Idk why im so proud of it ah but like I was looking for cookie monster then there was this lady taking a picture just as i walked past so i literally posed behind the lady and quickly walked off HAHAHA. Im just so amused by it ahahah

If you haven't been to USS, and is planning to go there someday,I would strongly advise you guys to buy the express tickets! The queues were no joke man. Really no joke. you have to queue for a minimum of 40mins in order to experience a 4 minutes thrill ride.... Kind of not worth the time wasted ah, so get the express tickets! I'll definitely return to USS one day to take pictures with everything and also to try all the rides! (although im a pussy but yolo right)

After USS, went out with Kira to walk around ahahaha it was fun xD just wondering around and stuff, met Max and Christopher for dinner as well! So yea it was fun heheh they're cool people xD OH AND I DIDNT KNOW MAX WAS... WELL MAX HAHAHA the Max I saw yesterday was totally different from the Max I see at events man. So different i cannot ahaha. Thanks for recommending the ramen shop! It was delish *^*

oh oh AFA was was the week before! That meant finally seeing my husbando after so long ahahah Miss her so much man. But I feel really happy that we are still close. I was really afraid that after splitting paths we may not meet again ya know that kinda thing, but there was really nothing to worry about because we are still going strong yay /o/ happy belated birthday Kerryyyy <3

AFA this year was really memorable for me as well, because for the first time ever, my makeup was on point and when i wore the wig i felt pretty HAHAHA IM SERIOUS I THOUGHT I LOOK AMAZING (yes i am a narcissist.) BUT SERIOUSLY THOUGH. I thought the makeup was done well yayyyyy . I look hot kerry looks hot we both look hot hurhur

I'm so lazy to post up pictures today so I'll probably do so the next post! But anyway if you see my facebook yoou can see all the pictures there xD and on my instagram heheh.

Oh oh ask me any questions! :
It's like so dead :< And yes I'll answer every question (except pervertic ones)

That's it for today's post! Till next week :>

Lots of love,

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