Saturday 22 November 2014

Blandy weekie

Hey guys!

How are you? Hope you all are doing fine xD Well recently, I realised that there are like some virus going around making people sick and all, so take care of yourselves alright? Being sick is so not fun :/ Although the idea of staying in bed all day is very appealing....

First of all, I'd like to say a huge well done to all the 'O' and 'N' level students for completing their exams! So shiok omg enjoy your holidays okay? /dying with assignments and stuff/ Oh oh and choose wisely, whether you want to go poly or JC, because this will actually determine how you’re gonna spend your next 2-3 years. Well, if you wonder how poly is like…err well it’s fun but at the same time it’s pretty tiring haha but well that’s my opinion :3 Oh oh and go to open houses if you have no idea where you wanna go! Usually open houses help a lot :3 and if you are still unclear maybe you can consult your seniors as well!

This week is pretty much a blur for me and I can’t even remember what I was doing the whole week to be honest AHAHAH. Oh oh I remember doing an OB quiz LEL which was pretty manageable! OB is funnn but it’s kinda difficult omg it’s like psychology but the business version! Oh yea and there’s microecons :c I don’t like ecoooooooooooonsssss it sucks :< Doesn’t help that I did not attend one lecture already sigh. Me no likey econs go away econs shoo shoo.

Ah yes, I’m gonna go watch Penguins tomorrow!! I saw the trailer last week when I was watching Big hero 6 with Kira and omg they’re oh so adorableeee I wanna bring them home :< But I have a feeling if I were to bring them home they’d probably ruin the whole place AHAHAH. Anyway, the trailer is really cute and I can’t wait to watch it!

After the movie, we’re gonna go to the beach toooo HUEHUEHUE OMG EXCITED. It’s been way too long since I’ve been to the beach it’s a crime :< Can’t wait to soak up the sun, relax and build sandcastles and stuff ehehehe I love the beach :3 

Oh right! Today Im going to go for a housewarming party! Haven’t been to a party in ages I have no idea what to wear HAHAH but I guess I’ll wear what I usually wear… Of course la I won’t be wearing to lapsup-ish HAHA.

A few days back, there was a flea in school! And I bought an Ironman snapback together with Glenn who bought a Spongebob one! Actually we both wanted to buy spongebob and Patrick but Patrick was sold out :< The reason why we wanted to buy spongebob and Patrick caps is actually pretty funny HAHAHA. It’s because we’re idiots LOL. That’s why we wanted to buy them. But since there’s no Patrick I got ironman yay /o/ And yes, ironman is my bias in marvel :> But I didn’t read the comics though :< I’m gonna start reading them soon hehhehe when I’m done with the 1001 things I’m supposed to do hahah.

Yesterday I went to NYP as well! It was pretty nice to see another school environment after seeing so much of TP haha sigh (It’s not that I don’t love you tp I do). Well, NYP look really tech-y! And there are escalators omggg wow why we no have sigh. But ah wellies. Went there to disturb Kira LOL cause I was bored as heck, and wanted a new change of environment too haha. OH YEA I met Eugene too after like so long of not seeing him HAHA damn nice to see you again man!

I was surprised to actually have the patience and to go alllll the way to NYP man, it’s like about an hour journey from tampines! With that being said I really salute people who live in the east who goes to NYP, SP, & NP man, they’re all so far!! Well, it’s kind of a pity that we only have one poly here in the east… I can barely even be early for a freaking 9am lesson, and I wake up at 7.30. Imagine if I go to SP, I think I have to wake up at least an hour earlier so as to reach on time man. Damn, I really salute everyone who have the discipline to do this.

Okayyyy I think I’ll stop here for today omg I’m gonna be late for the party thingy and I’ve yet to change…. Take care ya’ll <3

Lots of love,


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