Monday 17 November 2014

Zombies and dating thingamajigs


You know you know you know Im so proud of myself!! I actually successfully organised an event by myself! You know, for a lazy ass like me that is actually a pretty big achievement!! TO THINK IM ACTUALLY CAPABLE OF THAT HAHAHA OMG YAS ME, THE GREAT MERI OF LAZINESS IS ACTUALLY CAPABLE OF THAT WOW.

Anywayyyy, because I was so so so proud of myself i think I told my dad the same thing like 3x and hes like ya la ya la AHAHAHAHA damnit dad youre supposed to be proud of me hehehe i know you are deep deep down hur <3

So, for those who don't know, I'm actually from TPECG, which is Temasek Polytechnic European Culture Group. And the event I just organized together with my department with lots of guidance from my in charge was "The Black Escape", which was supposed to be a halloween event but we're two weeks late HAHAHA. Anyway, this event is based on the black plaque. Go read up on it if you're interested in it!!

So I had this one segment I had to do, which was the lockup room! In this room, you'll have to find the key to get out of the room hur so yea. Of course, there were fake keys planted inside the room as well! so yea hahaha

ANYWAY, i think i can consider this event to be pretty successful! Im so happyyyyy everyone had fun I hope! A huge thank you to the helpers who came to help as well! You guys are a huge bunch of fun and awesome balled together into a ball of happiness <3
I'm looking forward to the steamboat that we're gonna have on Friday :>

On to the next topic, dating thingmajigs. Omggg I swear nowadays there are so many people mistaking 'dating' and 'being in a relationship'. Both of them are similar BUT there are differences. That being said, if you haven't read this article about dating, why not give it a shot? I thought it was a good read. (Click here)

I feel that the difference between dating and being in a relationship is that, for dating, it's casual, it's about knowing each other more, it's more like a phase 1 BEFORE the relationship kinda thing. Relationships are more hardcore-ish in the sense that both parties actually commit themselves to each other kinda thingy. Dating CAN happen between casual friends :> kinda thingy you get what i mean, there's like study dates,shopping dates, movie dates, adventureish dates etc etc.

So like if you're going for dates with someone I guess you are considered to be dating him/her but you two may not necessarily have feelings for each other kinda thing you know? That's what a date is to me, getting to know the other party better, to catch up with a long lost friend etc etc.

Being in a relationship is definitely different from dating someone. I can have a few dating partners BUT if you have a few relationship partners, man good luck to you when they find out about each other mate HAHAHA. That's cheating yo.

Well, this is what I think about this topic, oh oh if you have other views do share them with me I'm open to ideas and I would love to know what you think too! You can ask me through askfm here. (If wanna ask random questions feel free to do so as well!)

Speaking of dates, I finally catched up with Tim korkor last week after sooooo long of not meeting!! It was fun :> We went to hunt for cakes because I was desperately craving for them heh. Oh we went to the cat cafe Meowmi as well! The cats there are pretty sick of humans too, but the staff there were really nice and gave us treats for us to give the kitties. Thank you Meowmi Cafe staff you guys were nice *^*

I also went on another date yesterday :> This time, it was a movie date with Kira, and we went to watch Big Hero 6. It really exceeded my expectations and you can really expect your emotions to literally run high and low. I myself was struggling not to cry,, and I'm not the type who would cry so.. Yeap, it's a really good movie! If you haven't watched it yet you might want to put this movie on your watchlist! Oh and I'll attach the Trailer somewhere below! So you can see if it's to your liking :3 Of course, other than the movie we just walked around bugis+ and bugis junction hahaha. As expected, I got lost in Bugis Junction for awhile and made Kira wait although I was early HAHAHAH I'm really a direction idiot haha, but it was cool i guess! That was basically it for the date and I had so much fun, which was awesome because the week was very stressful to me especially because of the planning of Black Escape and stuff haha. It was a sort of release I guess! Oh oh also saw my previous employer from Crystal Jade and also the ah jie, omg so many memories! But yea I had fun :>

OH YEA omg I'm not sure if I mentioned this to anyone, but I plan to cos all the versions of Sinon *^* And I have found 2 other kiritos that I'd be working with other than Kerry HAHAH damn. One side of me is very excited and another side of me feels like she betrayed Kerry LOL. I'm hopeless hahaha. CAN'T WAIT TO COS SINON OMG MY GIRL CRUSH

I'll end today's post here :> Thank you for reading till the end!

Lots of love,

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