Saturday 8 November 2014

A new Experience

Hey guys!

How are you? I think you guys are wondering what new experience I 'experienced' (Does that make sense) this week right? Now, don't be impatient :> I'm gonna tell you right now!

Hmm, do you guys remember the post "Stormclouds and Sunshine"? Well, it has something to do with that. Well, since that time, and even earlier actually, the atmosphere in the clique got EXTREMELY awkward. I'm not even kidding you I felt so suffocated in there. Well, the person I was talking about in that post came to confront me about the post (Hurray!) So that's good! I know, it's pretty weird of me to think that confrontations are good but... well it helps to clear things up. (But the things aren't very cleared up yet) UGH I can't stand it... I feel extremely strangled although I know I can just ignore the issue lel.

So due to me feeling strangled, I decided to do something I'd never do. Which is for me to go off and have lunch separate from them. It's a really huge step for someone like me because I've never really ate alone before in school... I never really thought that this day would come, a day where I actually separate myself from people during breaks. I mean, as much as I value time to myself, I NEVER do that in school. Especially since school is such a judgemental place where people will judge every single thing you do. Oh well, YOLO right? I made the decision, I should stick to it. So this marks the beginning of my lunch breaks alone! (Just for a week hahah it's an experiment of sorts)

Day 1: I part ways with my friends, deciding what I'd like to eat for lunch today. No one to say no, no one to suggest where to eat. Hey, I think I can get used to this! Oh my God, it's only the first day and I'm starting to talk to myself. Weird Meri :< //Mentally nudges self BEHAVE in public!! Hmmm... I feel like eating toastbox... Let's go eat Toastbox yay! Fatty Meri bounces excitedly while she waits in the queue for food. Friendly Meri starts to think about how Niki doesn't like Toastbox and would probably eat something else.... Damn... She laments as she starts to ponder about what she'd be eating if she's with the clique. Happy Meri kicks in and tries to lift the mood by saying how I could use this period of time to truly be free from dependent meri (which is clingy as heck). So I could use this chance to actually learn how to be independent and appreciate my friends more.

After buying my food, I contemplated where to sit down and eat as I know that people would probably judge a lone girl eating alone and stuff. Naturally I wanted to go over to Bedok reservoir and eat because hey, it's close to nature and watching the ripples in the reservoir will probably sooth my nerves. Unfortunately, it was extremely hot and Lazy meri was too lazy to walk allllll the way so I decided to eat at Mensa 1, which was literally deserted because the canteen closed down.

Well, that's great for me as I wanted solitude and a great view. Mensa 1 could easily provide that! I was really content as I chose a spot nearest to the fountain,watching the world revolve around me as I ate. Everything seemed more beautiful when I'm alone. Maybe because I overlook the beauty of the school when I'm with friends? I don't know.

Starting up Toshie (my laptop), I decided to watch Big Momma to entertain myself as I ate. It's pretty funny by the way! I laughed alot and it was merely 15minutes into the movie? hahaha or maybe I'm just easily tickled! Either way, check that movie out :) Today's break was a two hour one but 1 hour was dedicated to discussing Meetingcomm so to be honest, I didn't reallly have much time to myself. HOWEVER, thank lawd I didn't because I'm pretty sure I'd start overthinking and stuff again. I mean, there's just so many things to think about, so many things unsolved... Yet so little time.

Anyway, That's the end of Day 1's break. AND I WROTE SO MUCH OMG. I think this post is gonna be freakishly long omg I have like 3 days to go sia haha I can't wait. OH YES, 1 selfie per day I spend alone in break soooo.. here's Day 1's selfies!

Day 2: There's nothing much to say for today because well my break was only an hour and I didn't even have time to eat at all because I realised that we have Microecons tut AND i didn't attend the lecture so I dont have the notes ;w; That meant that I had to spend my meagre hour break to fill in my lecture notes and do the tutorial at the same time WTH right it was a mad rush I swearrr. Especially since I have to understand what I copy in the notes first before I could do the tutorial... But i finished it on time though :)  So all's well :) (No selfie today obviously since I didn't have time HAHAHA)

Oh speaking of selfies right we learned this chapter on OB about Personality and one of the components we learnt was uh Narcissism HAHAHA. And that included taking selfies everyday and stuff. So for this mini 'project' I am a narcissistic person HAHAHA (I wont deny this anyway)

Day 3: We had a loooong break from about 10.30 to 2 so yay! I thought there would be more time for me :> But nope, since official lessons ended at 12, I spent the time together with the clique :3 But at 12 I left though. I was just enjoying my alone time when my group mates called me for a meeting. So not much alone time there, and afterwards I went to meet Ryan and friends too. So yea I was with friends most of the time throughout my break :>
GUYS DO YOU REMEMBER THIS HONEY STICK THINGY like from childhood omg memoriesssss

Fridays we don't have break so I cant blog about that :< But what happened on friday though, was global connect day! There were exhibitions of various countries from around the world and performances and food... yay food *^* And I must say I enjoyed myself alot :> Especially the food , but the performances were great too! I tried Flamenco dance for the first time and needless to say, I suck at dancing HAHAHAHAHA so uh well I did really badly but I had fun!! 
Check out Videos and pictures of that day here: 
and give us a like too :> 

Well thats it for today's post! Sorry I'm a day late, but congratulations for staying all the way through!!! 
Here's another picture from the #Glameri series :>
Lots of Love,

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