Saturday 1 November 2014

ITB Asia and Ouija ;w;

Hey guys!

How's it going? This is the first blog post since I've decided to do a weekly blog, and knowing me, I doubt I can actually keep this up due to my other commitments BUT I'll try my best, especially since this place is meant to be like some self- therapy thing for me. I wouldn't want my blog to suddenly become a burden for me so do pardon me if I'm a few days late or something!

So apparently people are ACTUALLY reading my blog im so hazukashi (This means 'shy' in japanese) omg I'm really honoured thank you all for spending your precious time reading about my humble life! /o/ I hope each blog post will bring a smile to your face! /sprinkles sparkles all over
(Awkwardly draws on blush I tried my best im sorry)

Just yesterday, I got the priviledge to attend ITB Asia 2014, which is an annual event held for 3 days back to back, for travel,tourism and hospitality industry. This event is organised by Messe Berlin (Singapore) pte Ltd, supported by Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau and it feautues full range of travel products, services and good etc. (These information is extracted from the guided tour pamphlet they gave us)

Naturally, I was really excited because, this is not an opportunity that I get every time, and since this is a private-ish event, the ticket pricing to enter is hella expensive. 
Im sorry for the low quality Im using my webcam :( 
We got to go in for free though!! I was really dumbstrucked when I went into the exhibition area. There were many companies there and just to name a few, Starwood, Movenpick, Resorts World Sentosa, etc etc. We actually had a chance to ask questions about these BUT me being the idiot I am did not prepare anything so I wasn't able to ask questions.... So wasted sia :( 

But really though I enjoyed myself there and learned alot too! I made some new friends too :) After the exhibition we attended a Future Leaders seminar which was really interesting! I like the idea of doing it like a panel discussion. It's new and refreshing compared to slides and slides and more slides kinda presentation. That hour passed by really quickly :( I wanted to hear more but unfortunately time is constrained... So upsetting. 

Ah, they also gave us goodie bags for this! Here are the contents! (Caution, myface is in every single picture)

After the event, I went home to change into hobowear because my feet were hurting so badly :( No more heels for the next few months man 6 hours per month is enough... I really need to invest in proper flats that I could use for presentations soon...Even my heels look reallyy scratched up (Don't ask me why I don't know either :/ ) 

Back to the topic, I went home, changed, and went to meet Xiaoqi and Siewli for Ouija.... Needless to say I was so ready to shit my pants because as much as I like horror movies, I don't like watching it in cinemas it's way too loud which means I will get scared easily, which means that i start whimpering oh my god I'm a disgrace but yeaaaa. Definitely need someone to cuddle with if i ever watch horror in the cinemas ;w; But Ouija isn't asgood as I expected though. It disappointed me... I won't be doing a review for it either as it did not leave an impact on me. I have to say the lead Actress have balls of steel though. I mean, if the lights are flickering in the room oh heellllllll no don't expect me to go in that room Im getting outta there and to the nearest temple/church/mosque and pray that God save me HAHAHAHA yes I'm just that much of a pussy.

Well, in terms of school life, I haven't have much to say as it's just like any other week, but I did fell sick though ugh I really need to learn to take care of myself... That aside, I recovered already so IM OKAY!!! I have to say that I enjoy Meetingcomm classes though my tutor is really funny and our assignment is this reflection journal, which makes me really happy because I love to write :) 

That's it for now I guess! OH YES HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONEEEEE. I didn't dress up or anything this year because I fell sick :( So yea I couldn't... This is extremely upsetting. HOWEVER, together with my department, I am organising a Halloween event on the 14 November (Yes I know its belated :( ) And it'll be held in Temasek Poly so do sign up if you're interested! Its like this running man -ish game and I swear it's gonna be a ton of fun!! Of course, do share this among your friends too! 
Reg Form:

Reg Form:

 Me as a ninja
A container full of candy from Timmy Nii <3 (And me being retarded)
Oh yes! How could I forget, TRIJAM went for Adventure club again on Thursday :) I miss those two //sigh And DAMMIT AIDIL i feel so insecure about my armfat now :( Jack was being really sweet as per usual <3 LOVE YOU TWO 


Okay that's really it for this week's post oh dear there's so many photos.. 

Hugs and kisses,

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