Thursday 25 October 2012

Okay hey guys,

I am pretty much very very unstable for now, so im gonna rant the shitload away.

First up. I have a friend, who told me yesterday, that he was using me. God why the fuck do you want to use me? You fucking asshole whats wrong with you? Just because Im willing to help doesnt mean you can make use of me bitch, I'll fucking kill you with a teapot. Yes, a teapot. Go rot in a hole. But on a good note, I know your true colours. So yea thats really good, I can stay the fuck away from you. But I guess theres also my mistake, not being firm enough, not being strong, letting my walls down too early. I shall learn to be like Damon and be an insensitive jerk, and also from Marni's quirky ways, then people can just ignore me and find me wierd. Well thats a plan.

And also, I recently almost got flung down the stairs of the bus. hmph, seems as though the bus is angry at me too, ah wells.

People that claim to be close to me aint talking to me, it makes me feel as though they used me, since I was there when they were at their lowest. But where are they when i need them? Ah wells, at least there are others who care.

And also, my two dear friends, please stop fighting. Dont you knw how awkward it is when you guys fight and im in the middle? I have enough problems at hand alr leh..

Actually, i think im too tired to rant, i dont care anymore.

Monday 22 October 2012

Sup guys.

So im here, updating my blog again. Im sick btw, thought maybe you guys should know, I have no idea how, so dont ask me owo I just feel like puking but nothing is coming out OTL coupled with a noisy environment.. Lets just say my day cant get any worse.

Well anyways, I shall update about yesterday first. Well yesterday, we had Youthcare @ PAYM. Well at least thats what the shirt says LOL. So anyway we had to teach a group of 170 elderly people how to build a garden in a bottle. Which are...terraniums if im not wrong. Well, first. We taped the newspapers to the tables so that the tables wont get dirty.. (Well in the end it still did lol) But it isnt as dirty i guess.. hahaha.

Next, KW, My bro, QM, wifey and I started packing the soil into plastic bags so it is easier for the elderly to put into the bottle. Whereas the moss brothers, (Don and Matt) were packing the moss LOL. It was disgusting.. I mean it looks digusting hahaha. So, total strangers became brohers through packing moss! haha isnt it cool? Well, CIP does bond everyone together right? At least for most people LOL hehehe. KW, my bro and I actually managed to pack so much soil, that one whole bag of soil (47litres i think) Is finished! yaay! Its really an accomplishment okay! Just saying :) We also helped to finish the other bag, so altogether we finished 2 big sacks! -achievement unlocked-

Then we had to mak sure that all the tables have enough uhhh... whats that word.. umm ingredient? Wait no it cant be eaten... aiya forget it lets just call it ingredient alright? Pardon my lack of Vocabulary, my brain is fried by my fever.

Did I mention that Don and I chose tables beside each other so he can help me whenever necessary.. So yea  I managed not to screw up with his help 8'D And those elderly people I was in charge of were really cute! Like seriously! They keep asking if their plants were nice and all that .. It really puts a smile on our faces really XD Someone asked my bro if her plant was nice, and he replied 'it is as pretty as you!' Its seriously cute! Just saying XD I mean.. he made that old lady smile! hehehe Thats my bro :)

The workshop actually ended pretty early so We all decided to hangout at Matt's house, with the exception of my bro as he wants to go down and play, and wifey who wants to go out ~ So Don and I stuck together like glue cause i mean.. I cant disturb QM and matt right? -winkwink- so cute sia! I think all the moe moe flowers come out alr and the atmosphere was literally PINK with LOVE <3 hehehehe XD of course must let them have their own little space.. filled with looooove 8D

And since i stuck to Don, KW was left with his bike.. kinda forever alone until Yuan Ning came :) Theyre really sweet! I mean.. they lasted quite long alr! And their anniversary is on the feb 14th! Cute right? hehe. We played at the playground at Matt's house there and soon enough it began to rain. Yea it rained D;

Don sheltered me so I didnt really get wet (Thanks Don :D) After the rain stopped we went to the park! I got a piggyback ride and a bicycle ride from Don 8D Yaaaay it was soooo fun! I loved it ^^ Well after that we went to KW's house where he have a wicked collection of guns! Its really nice! Then Don walked me home, then we went to Esso busstop to get him home owo well that was yesterday 8D

Now today.. what can i say? I have a fever, I skipped training, and i have to take beep test myself soon >.< haizz Im scared. But idk if i even got strength to go to schoo tomorrow without feeling like vomiting all over the place OTL ah wells.


Friday 19 October 2012

*poof* And here I am again 8D

Hey guys!

So whats up? :3 I have lots of things to tell you guys! First things first, I have a new coach! And he kinda looks like the malay version of dracula :/ JUST SAYING. SERIOUSLY. But still.. its kinda wierd LOL 
He also has a personality like dracula, he dont suck us dry of blood, but he drains our energy to the minumum OTL I was so tired after his training! Its like.. I know i can become a much better goalkeeper under him but i lazy uh. LOL. My knees suffered the most i guess, the redness havent subsided, but oh wells. LOL MY KNEES WILL GO ONNNNNNN AND ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. LOLOL i just had to do that XD 

And for another training,he made us throw so many balls at high speed that i couldnt feel my arms afterwards LOL. But yaaay i got compliments! woohooo. And my new teacher in charge was also interested in playing goalkeeper! I mean.. not many people are interested in finding out and learning the way of the goalkeepers (LOL sound so cool) and all that you know? Shes awesome!

Post ends now. Since im still too sore to update more :P


Sunday 14 October 2012

Now todays post!

We had lots of fun! We went into JB to play :'D Have a little family time withoug having to meet others and all LOL so anyways it was fun!

We played arcade games! The arcade changed and the coins changed too :< So the ones that we have cannot be used.. sadded :< We played Air hockey, basketball, the punching game and the kicking one :3 I can punch up to 61kg! That machine said so! YAAAY. I am a strong girl LOL. We also played motocycle and car racing games and i ended up battering the car reaaaally bad but its all cool as i got 28th position out of 40.. not bad for me i guess LOL. Then the guy beside me got 12th position OTL He looks experienced anyways LOL

We then wanted to bowl, but it wasnt exactly worth it as its expensive. So we went to check out the karaoke thing which is not soundproof OTL so noisy! But we spotted a pool table so.. My bro and I played billard! I won! MUAHAHAHAH. and he was the one who taught me LOL.

Then we went to eat and also went to holiday inn to shop shop LOL

Kay thats it.. gotta sleep now as tmr got floorball training :/ kay.. nights!

Hey guys!

 Apparently I have lots of events on and so yea! This update is for yesterday's events :D

So yesterday I organised a shoot for some people in the morning at ecogreen, which turned out really good! Photos below :) It was no easy feat for both the photogs and cosplayers since it was swelteringly hot and humid OTL well at least i was built to survive that 8'D hehehehe photos below!

Then we left at around 11 to get out of the smouldering hot area >.< Its so hot! I was sweating so much.. anyways, we left for subway for drinks and food. Yep. we were super tired and thirsty and hungry. LOL. Jia yi ,kyo and saville ate their food so quickly! And i was like 'omg you eat so quickly' at them LOLI mean.. I was still eating! LOLOL. Jia Yi , being my gorilla daughter, decided to pul;l gorilla faces at me while im eating and i nearly spit out the food at her OTL and Kerry drank like a fish owo FISHIEEE NO 1. HURHUHRUHRUHRURHUR. So that was the interesting parts of lunch owo

Now moving on to the mrt ride to Somerset, since we decided to go to scape and slack first, we did a mini photoshoot there too :3 and on our way to dhoby ghaut, we met Rian :'D Just when i was saying something about forgetting to do his fansign OTL Its literally speak of the devil! LOLOL although he's not the devil, just another human LOLOL

Then there is the train ride, where we meet this really hot angmor dude who is daaaaaarn cute and he hit Jia Yi's head with the balloon owo SO FUNNEH. and he was saying how 'hey! my balloon! Dont take it..' and things along that line owo So yea we were giggling all the way and we even got down at the same stop! Both of us actually wished that the train ride was longer =w= so yea.,

Now to Fort Canning! I managed to guess who was Leon's Girlfriend. YAY ME. but he didnt tell me whether i was right or wrong owo but anyway Yuui told me who she was and I was right :D We also met this guy named Donovan :D He is cute and I like him. In a friend way. LOL Yes im blunt. hahahah anyway we played and became friends :D He is so sweet! I mean.. He carried me down the stairs (imma heavy and fat girl) because my leg was aching like mad, he offered to carry my bag but i didnt let me cause its precious LOL. And he held me in the MRT because i keep falling. I think if not for him I would have landed on my butt 3 times OTL

Now to the MRT. well that was a little something we did, we also played word games. since there were like 5 of us there owo it was fun :D And sarville was like molesting Donovan like 'moleeeest'. It was so LOL and funny! hahahahahah. And she also smacked his ass omg LOLOL. Kerry then said that she was gonna smack his ass soon. Which we thought was a joke. so we continued our playful chatter and all. Don made me feel slightly uncomfortable because in the mrt he was holding me by the waist, then he was explaining how he would hold his girlfriend with me as the acting gf >.> So i technically 'crashed' into him afew times in the mrt OTL Haiz im so clumsy OTL Then anyways when we were nearing Simei he requested a hug, so I hugged him owo then later approaching tampines, I hugged him again, cause i wanted to LOL. Then.. Kerry smacked his ass LOLOLOL hahahaha so epic! I left the train laughing like a maniac hurhurhur.

So i came back tired, skyped with Don, and Leon called =.= So late at night alr still call.. I was struggling to not fall asleep when talking to him but oh wells. LOL So that was yesterday.


Shots of me

Bishie Kerry

Gorilla daughter

Evans' fansign 

Kyo and Saville

Gorilla daughterr


Jin Yi


Bishie again

That kind dude. Donovan

bishie again

Saville again :D

Thursday 11 October 2012



Anyways, its finally after the exams! And I finally feel like updating my blog again! :scumbagme: HOHOHOHO. I AM BACK. 

Anyway, the exams are finally over and that is a huge load off my chest! I guess the papers were alright except for sciences, which i think im going to fail again :< anyway now that exams are over, I just have to do something fun you know? So I watched Kuroko No Basuke and Another. I havent watch finish another yet but the start is kinda boring and the middle part is okay I guess. Kuroko No basuke was awesome! I mean.. it reminds me so much about my own floorball team! So yea! And the guys are so sexy and tall and muscular *swoons* ahem. Okay ignore that. Im just high LOL

Did i mention that i finally got back my phone? In case you dont know, the DM confiscated it so yea. I ts in a worse condition and no doubt its gonna spoil soon. Oh wells, so much for beign confiscated and preserved LOL 

And then there is the basketball session I had with my bro,but he left afterwards to play soccer with his friends so i played basketball alone -foreveralone- until this guy came along and we shared the hoop. tHEN This pair of china dudes come along and we played with them. They are so good at basketball! even when they said they only play for fun.. So cool!

And also, Rian agreed to teach me how to play basketball properly so yaaay! And he also gave me a nickname Penguin or something like that, while I was calling him bear to piss him off LOL

Okay thats it! Bye!