Sunday 14 October 2012

Now todays post!

We had lots of fun! We went into JB to play :'D Have a little family time withoug having to meet others and all LOL so anyways it was fun!

We played arcade games! The arcade changed and the coins changed too :< So the ones that we have cannot be used.. sadded :< We played Air hockey, basketball, the punching game and the kicking one :3 I can punch up to 61kg! That machine said so! YAAAY. I am a strong girl LOL. We also played motocycle and car racing games and i ended up battering the car reaaaally bad but its all cool as i got 28th position out of 40.. not bad for me i guess LOL. Then the guy beside me got 12th position OTL He looks experienced anyways LOL

We then wanted to bowl, but it wasnt exactly worth it as its expensive. So we went to check out the karaoke thing which is not soundproof OTL so noisy! But we spotted a pool table so.. My bro and I played billard! I won! MUAHAHAHAH. and he was the one who taught me LOL.

Then we went to eat and also went to holiday inn to shop shop LOL

Kay thats it.. gotta sleep now as tmr got floorball training :/ kay.. nights!

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