Monday 22 October 2012

Sup guys.

So im here, updating my blog again. Im sick btw, thought maybe you guys should know, I have no idea how, so dont ask me owo I just feel like puking but nothing is coming out OTL coupled with a noisy environment.. Lets just say my day cant get any worse.

Well anyways, I shall update about yesterday first. Well yesterday, we had Youthcare @ PAYM. Well at least thats what the shirt says LOL. So anyway we had to teach a group of 170 elderly people how to build a garden in a bottle. Which are...terraniums if im not wrong. Well, first. We taped the newspapers to the tables so that the tables wont get dirty.. (Well in the end it still did lol) But it isnt as dirty i guess.. hahaha.

Next, KW, My bro, QM, wifey and I started packing the soil into plastic bags so it is easier for the elderly to put into the bottle. Whereas the moss brothers, (Don and Matt) were packing the moss LOL. It was disgusting.. I mean it looks digusting hahaha. So, total strangers became brohers through packing moss! haha isnt it cool? Well, CIP does bond everyone together right? At least for most people LOL hehehe. KW, my bro and I actually managed to pack so much soil, that one whole bag of soil (47litres i think) Is finished! yaay! Its really an accomplishment okay! Just saying :) We also helped to finish the other bag, so altogether we finished 2 big sacks! -achievement unlocked-

Then we had to mak sure that all the tables have enough uhhh... whats that word.. umm ingredient? Wait no it cant be eaten... aiya forget it lets just call it ingredient alright? Pardon my lack of Vocabulary, my brain is fried by my fever.

Did I mention that Don and I chose tables beside each other so he can help me whenever necessary.. So yea  I managed not to screw up with his help 8'D And those elderly people I was in charge of were really cute! Like seriously! They keep asking if their plants were nice and all that .. It really puts a smile on our faces really XD Someone asked my bro if her plant was nice, and he replied 'it is as pretty as you!' Its seriously cute! Just saying XD I mean.. he made that old lady smile! hehehe Thats my bro :)

The workshop actually ended pretty early so We all decided to hangout at Matt's house, with the exception of my bro as he wants to go down and play, and wifey who wants to go out ~ So Don and I stuck together like glue cause i mean.. I cant disturb QM and matt right? -winkwink- so cute sia! I think all the moe moe flowers come out alr and the atmosphere was literally PINK with LOVE <3 hehehehe XD of course must let them have their own little space.. filled with looooove 8D

And since i stuck to Don, KW was left with his bike.. kinda forever alone until Yuan Ning came :) Theyre really sweet! I mean.. they lasted quite long alr! And their anniversary is on the feb 14th! Cute right? hehe. We played at the playground at Matt's house there and soon enough it began to rain. Yea it rained D;

Don sheltered me so I didnt really get wet (Thanks Don :D) After the rain stopped we went to the park! I got a piggyback ride and a bicycle ride from Don 8D Yaaaay it was soooo fun! I loved it ^^ Well after that we went to KW's house where he have a wicked collection of guns! Its really nice! Then Don walked me home, then we went to Esso busstop to get him home owo well that was yesterday 8D

Now today.. what can i say? I have a fever, I skipped training, and i have to take beep test myself soon >.< haizz Im scared. But idk if i even got strength to go to schoo tomorrow without feeling like vomiting all over the place OTL ah wells.


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