Saturday 22 November 2014

Blandy weekie

Hey guys!

How are you? Hope you all are doing fine xD Well recently, I realised that there are like some virus going around making people sick and all, so take care of yourselves alright? Being sick is so not fun :/ Although the idea of staying in bed all day is very appealing....

First of all, I'd like to say a huge well done to all the 'O' and 'N' level students for completing their exams! So shiok omg enjoy your holidays okay? /dying with assignments and stuff/ Oh oh and choose wisely, whether you want to go poly or JC, because this will actually determine how you’re gonna spend your next 2-3 years. Well, if you wonder how poly is like…err well it’s fun but at the same time it’s pretty tiring haha but well that’s my opinion :3 Oh oh and go to open houses if you have no idea where you wanna go! Usually open houses help a lot :3 and if you are still unclear maybe you can consult your seniors as well!

This week is pretty much a blur for me and I can’t even remember what I was doing the whole week to be honest AHAHAH. Oh oh I remember doing an OB quiz LEL which was pretty manageable! OB is funnn but it’s kinda difficult omg it’s like psychology but the business version! Oh yea and there’s microecons :c I don’t like ecoooooooooooonsssss it sucks :< Doesn’t help that I did not attend one lecture already sigh. Me no likey econs go away econs shoo shoo.

Ah yes, I’m gonna go watch Penguins tomorrow!! I saw the trailer last week when I was watching Big hero 6 with Kira and omg they’re oh so adorableeee I wanna bring them home :< But I have a feeling if I were to bring them home they’d probably ruin the whole place AHAHAH. Anyway, the trailer is really cute and I can’t wait to watch it!

After the movie, we’re gonna go to the beach toooo HUEHUEHUE OMG EXCITED. It’s been way too long since I’ve been to the beach it’s a crime :< Can’t wait to soak up the sun, relax and build sandcastles and stuff ehehehe I love the beach :3 

Oh right! Today Im going to go for a housewarming party! Haven’t been to a party in ages I have no idea what to wear HAHAH but I guess I’ll wear what I usually wear… Of course la I won’t be wearing to lapsup-ish HAHA.

A few days back, there was a flea in school! And I bought an Ironman snapback together with Glenn who bought a Spongebob one! Actually we both wanted to buy spongebob and Patrick but Patrick was sold out :< The reason why we wanted to buy spongebob and Patrick caps is actually pretty funny HAHAHA. It’s because we’re idiots LOL. That’s why we wanted to buy them. But since there’s no Patrick I got ironman yay /o/ And yes, ironman is my bias in marvel :> But I didn’t read the comics though :< I’m gonna start reading them soon hehhehe when I’m done with the 1001 things I’m supposed to do hahah.

Yesterday I went to NYP as well! It was pretty nice to see another school environment after seeing so much of TP haha sigh (It’s not that I don’t love you tp I do). Well, NYP look really tech-y! And there are escalators omggg wow why we no have sigh. But ah wellies. Went there to disturb Kira LOL cause I was bored as heck, and wanted a new change of environment too haha. OH YEA I met Eugene too after like so long of not seeing him HAHA damn nice to see you again man!

I was surprised to actually have the patience and to go alllll the way to NYP man, it’s like about an hour journey from tampines! With that being said I really salute people who live in the east who goes to NYP, SP, & NP man, they’re all so far!! Well, it’s kind of a pity that we only have one poly here in the east… I can barely even be early for a freaking 9am lesson, and I wake up at 7.30. Imagine if I go to SP, I think I have to wake up at least an hour earlier so as to reach on time man. Damn, I really salute everyone who have the discipline to do this.

Okayyyy I think I’ll stop here for today omg I’m gonna be late for the party thingy and I’ve yet to change…. Take care ya’ll <3

Lots of love,


Monday 17 November 2014

Zombies and dating thingamajigs


You know you know you know Im so proud of myself!! I actually successfully organised an event by myself! You know, for a lazy ass like me that is actually a pretty big achievement!! TO THINK IM ACTUALLY CAPABLE OF THAT HAHAHA OMG YAS ME, THE GREAT MERI OF LAZINESS IS ACTUALLY CAPABLE OF THAT WOW.

Anywayyyy, because I was so so so proud of myself i think I told my dad the same thing like 3x and hes like ya la ya la AHAHAHAHA damnit dad youre supposed to be proud of me hehehe i know you are deep deep down hur <3

So, for those who don't know, I'm actually from TPECG, which is Temasek Polytechnic European Culture Group. And the event I just organized together with my department with lots of guidance from my in charge was "The Black Escape", which was supposed to be a halloween event but we're two weeks late HAHAHA. Anyway, this event is based on the black plaque. Go read up on it if you're interested in it!!

So I had this one segment I had to do, which was the lockup room! In this room, you'll have to find the key to get out of the room hur so yea. Of course, there were fake keys planted inside the room as well! so yea hahaha

ANYWAY, i think i can consider this event to be pretty successful! Im so happyyyyy everyone had fun I hope! A huge thank you to the helpers who came to help as well! You guys are a huge bunch of fun and awesome balled together into a ball of happiness <3
I'm looking forward to the steamboat that we're gonna have on Friday :>

On to the next topic, dating thingmajigs. Omggg I swear nowadays there are so many people mistaking 'dating' and 'being in a relationship'. Both of them are similar BUT there are differences. That being said, if you haven't read this article about dating, why not give it a shot? I thought it was a good read. (Click here)

I feel that the difference between dating and being in a relationship is that, for dating, it's casual, it's about knowing each other more, it's more like a phase 1 BEFORE the relationship kinda thing. Relationships are more hardcore-ish in the sense that both parties actually commit themselves to each other kinda thingy. Dating CAN happen between casual friends :> kinda thingy you get what i mean, there's like study dates,shopping dates, movie dates, adventureish dates etc etc.

So like if you're going for dates with someone I guess you are considered to be dating him/her but you two may not necessarily have feelings for each other kinda thing you know? That's what a date is to me, getting to know the other party better, to catch up with a long lost friend etc etc.

Being in a relationship is definitely different from dating someone. I can have a few dating partners BUT if you have a few relationship partners, man good luck to you when they find out about each other mate HAHAHA. That's cheating yo.

Well, this is what I think about this topic, oh oh if you have other views do share them with me I'm open to ideas and I would love to know what you think too! You can ask me through askfm here. (If wanna ask random questions feel free to do so as well!)

Speaking of dates, I finally catched up with Tim korkor last week after sooooo long of not meeting!! It was fun :> We went to hunt for cakes because I was desperately craving for them heh. Oh we went to the cat cafe Meowmi as well! The cats there are pretty sick of humans too, but the staff there were really nice and gave us treats for us to give the kitties. Thank you Meowmi Cafe staff you guys were nice *^*

I also went on another date yesterday :> This time, it was a movie date with Kira, and we went to watch Big Hero 6. It really exceeded my expectations and you can really expect your emotions to literally run high and low. I myself was struggling not to cry,, and I'm not the type who would cry so.. Yeap, it's a really good movie! If you haven't watched it yet you might want to put this movie on your watchlist! Oh and I'll attach the Trailer somewhere below! So you can see if it's to your liking :3 Of course, other than the movie we just walked around bugis+ and bugis junction hahaha. As expected, I got lost in Bugis Junction for awhile and made Kira wait although I was early HAHAHAH I'm really a direction idiot haha, but it was cool i guess! That was basically it for the date and I had so much fun, which was awesome because the week was very stressful to me especially because of the planning of Black Escape and stuff haha. It was a sort of release I guess! Oh oh also saw my previous employer from Crystal Jade and also the ah jie, omg so many memories! But yea I had fun :>

OH YEA omg I'm not sure if I mentioned this to anyone, but I plan to cos all the versions of Sinon *^* And I have found 2 other kiritos that I'd be working with other than Kerry HAHAH damn. One side of me is very excited and another side of me feels like she betrayed Kerry LOL. I'm hopeless hahaha. CAN'T WAIT TO COS SINON OMG MY GIRL CRUSH

I'll end today's post here :> Thank you for reading till the end!

Lots of love,

Saturday 8 November 2014

A new Experience

Hey guys!

How are you? I think you guys are wondering what new experience I 'experienced' (Does that make sense) this week right? Now, don't be impatient :> I'm gonna tell you right now!

Hmm, do you guys remember the post "Stormclouds and Sunshine"? Well, it has something to do with that. Well, since that time, and even earlier actually, the atmosphere in the clique got EXTREMELY awkward. I'm not even kidding you I felt so suffocated in there. Well, the person I was talking about in that post came to confront me about the post (Hurray!) So that's good! I know, it's pretty weird of me to think that confrontations are good but... well it helps to clear things up. (But the things aren't very cleared up yet) UGH I can't stand it... I feel extremely strangled although I know I can just ignore the issue lel.

So due to me feeling strangled, I decided to do something I'd never do. Which is for me to go off and have lunch separate from them. It's a really huge step for someone like me because I've never really ate alone before in school... I never really thought that this day would come, a day where I actually separate myself from people during breaks. I mean, as much as I value time to myself, I NEVER do that in school. Especially since school is such a judgemental place where people will judge every single thing you do. Oh well, YOLO right? I made the decision, I should stick to it. So this marks the beginning of my lunch breaks alone! (Just for a week hahah it's an experiment of sorts)

Day 1: I part ways with my friends, deciding what I'd like to eat for lunch today. No one to say no, no one to suggest where to eat. Hey, I think I can get used to this! Oh my God, it's only the first day and I'm starting to talk to myself. Weird Meri :< //Mentally nudges self BEHAVE in public!! Hmmm... I feel like eating toastbox... Let's go eat Toastbox yay! Fatty Meri bounces excitedly while she waits in the queue for food. Friendly Meri starts to think about how Niki doesn't like Toastbox and would probably eat something else.... Damn... She laments as she starts to ponder about what she'd be eating if she's with the clique. Happy Meri kicks in and tries to lift the mood by saying how I could use this period of time to truly be free from dependent meri (which is clingy as heck). So I could use this chance to actually learn how to be independent and appreciate my friends more.

After buying my food, I contemplated where to sit down and eat as I know that people would probably judge a lone girl eating alone and stuff. Naturally I wanted to go over to Bedok reservoir and eat because hey, it's close to nature and watching the ripples in the reservoir will probably sooth my nerves. Unfortunately, it was extremely hot and Lazy meri was too lazy to walk allllll the way so I decided to eat at Mensa 1, which was literally deserted because the canteen closed down.

Well, that's great for me as I wanted solitude and a great view. Mensa 1 could easily provide that! I was really content as I chose a spot nearest to the fountain,watching the world revolve around me as I ate. Everything seemed more beautiful when I'm alone. Maybe because I overlook the beauty of the school when I'm with friends? I don't know.

Starting up Toshie (my laptop), I decided to watch Big Momma to entertain myself as I ate. It's pretty funny by the way! I laughed alot and it was merely 15minutes into the movie? hahaha or maybe I'm just easily tickled! Either way, check that movie out :) Today's break was a two hour one but 1 hour was dedicated to discussing Meetingcomm so to be honest, I didn't reallly have much time to myself. HOWEVER, thank lawd I didn't because I'm pretty sure I'd start overthinking and stuff again. I mean, there's just so many things to think about, so many things unsolved... Yet so little time.

Anyway, That's the end of Day 1's break. AND I WROTE SO MUCH OMG. I think this post is gonna be freakishly long omg I have like 3 days to go sia haha I can't wait. OH YES, 1 selfie per day I spend alone in break soooo.. here's Day 1's selfies!

Day 2: There's nothing much to say for today because well my break was only an hour and I didn't even have time to eat at all because I realised that we have Microecons tut AND i didn't attend the lecture so I dont have the notes ;w; That meant that I had to spend my meagre hour break to fill in my lecture notes and do the tutorial at the same time WTH right it was a mad rush I swearrr. Especially since I have to understand what I copy in the notes first before I could do the tutorial... But i finished it on time though :)  So all's well :) (No selfie today obviously since I didn't have time HAHAHA)

Oh speaking of selfies right we learned this chapter on OB about Personality and one of the components we learnt was uh Narcissism HAHAHA. And that included taking selfies everyday and stuff. So for this mini 'project' I am a narcissistic person HAHAHA (I wont deny this anyway)

Day 3: We had a loooong break from about 10.30 to 2 so yay! I thought there would be more time for me :> But nope, since official lessons ended at 12, I spent the time together with the clique :3 But at 12 I left though. I was just enjoying my alone time when my group mates called me for a meeting. So not much alone time there, and afterwards I went to meet Ryan and friends too. So yea I was with friends most of the time throughout my break :>
GUYS DO YOU REMEMBER THIS HONEY STICK THINGY like from childhood omg memoriesssss

Fridays we don't have break so I cant blog about that :< But what happened on friday though, was global connect day! There were exhibitions of various countries from around the world and performances and food... yay food *^* And I must say I enjoyed myself alot :> Especially the food , but the performances were great too! I tried Flamenco dance for the first time and needless to say, I suck at dancing HAHAHAHAHA so uh well I did really badly but I had fun!! 
Check out Videos and pictures of that day here: 
and give us a like too :> 

Well thats it for today's post! Sorry I'm a day late, but congratulations for staying all the way through!!! 
Here's another picture from the #Glameri series :>
Lots of Love,

Saturday 1 November 2014

ITB Asia and Ouija ;w;

Hey guys!

How's it going? This is the first blog post since I've decided to do a weekly blog, and knowing me, I doubt I can actually keep this up due to my other commitments BUT I'll try my best, especially since this place is meant to be like some self- therapy thing for me. I wouldn't want my blog to suddenly become a burden for me so do pardon me if I'm a few days late or something!

So apparently people are ACTUALLY reading my blog im so hazukashi (This means 'shy' in japanese) omg I'm really honoured thank you all for spending your precious time reading about my humble life! /o/ I hope each blog post will bring a smile to your face! /sprinkles sparkles all over
(Awkwardly draws on blush I tried my best im sorry)

Just yesterday, I got the priviledge to attend ITB Asia 2014, which is an annual event held for 3 days back to back, for travel,tourism and hospitality industry. This event is organised by Messe Berlin (Singapore) pte Ltd, supported by Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau and it feautues full range of travel products, services and good etc. (These information is extracted from the guided tour pamphlet they gave us)

Naturally, I was really excited because, this is not an opportunity that I get every time, and since this is a private-ish event, the ticket pricing to enter is hella expensive. 
Im sorry for the low quality Im using my webcam :( 
We got to go in for free though!! I was really dumbstrucked when I went into the exhibition area. There were many companies there and just to name a few, Starwood, Movenpick, Resorts World Sentosa, etc etc. We actually had a chance to ask questions about these BUT me being the idiot I am did not prepare anything so I wasn't able to ask questions.... So wasted sia :( 

But really though I enjoyed myself there and learned alot too! I made some new friends too :) After the exhibition we attended a Future Leaders seminar which was really interesting! I like the idea of doing it like a panel discussion. It's new and refreshing compared to slides and slides and more slides kinda presentation. That hour passed by really quickly :( I wanted to hear more but unfortunately time is constrained... So upsetting. 

Ah, they also gave us goodie bags for this! Here are the contents! (Caution, myface is in every single picture)

After the event, I went home to change into hobowear because my feet were hurting so badly :( No more heels for the next few months man 6 hours per month is enough... I really need to invest in proper flats that I could use for presentations soon...Even my heels look reallyy scratched up (Don't ask me why I don't know either :/ ) 

Back to the topic, I went home, changed, and went to meet Xiaoqi and Siewli for Ouija.... Needless to say I was so ready to shit my pants because as much as I like horror movies, I don't like watching it in cinemas it's way too loud which means I will get scared easily, which means that i start whimpering oh my god I'm a disgrace but yeaaaa. Definitely need someone to cuddle with if i ever watch horror in the cinemas ;w; But Ouija isn't asgood as I expected though. It disappointed me... I won't be doing a review for it either as it did not leave an impact on me. I have to say the lead Actress have balls of steel though. I mean, if the lights are flickering in the room oh heellllllll no don't expect me to go in that room Im getting outta there and to the nearest temple/church/mosque and pray that God save me HAHAHAHA yes I'm just that much of a pussy.

Well, in terms of school life, I haven't have much to say as it's just like any other week, but I did fell sick though ugh I really need to learn to take care of myself... That aside, I recovered already so IM OKAY!!! I have to say that I enjoy Meetingcomm classes though my tutor is really funny and our assignment is this reflection journal, which makes me really happy because I love to write :) 

That's it for now I guess! OH YES HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONEEEEE. I didn't dress up or anything this year because I fell sick :( So yea I couldn't... This is extremely upsetting. HOWEVER, together with my department, I am organising a Halloween event on the 14 November (Yes I know its belated :( ) And it'll be held in Temasek Poly so do sign up if you're interested! Its like this running man -ish game and I swear it's gonna be a ton of fun!! Of course, do share this among your friends too! 
Reg Form:

Reg Form:

 Me as a ninja
A container full of candy from Timmy Nii <3 (And me being retarded)
Oh yes! How could I forget, TRIJAM went for Adventure club again on Thursday :) I miss those two //sigh And DAMMIT AIDIL i feel so insecure about my armfat now :( Jack was being really sweet as per usual <3 LOVE YOU TWO 


Okay that's really it for this week's post oh dear there's so many photos.. 

Hugs and kisses,

Dracula Untold Movie Review

Hey guys!

Last weekend, I had the pleasure to watch "Dracula Untold" in the cinemas and I must say, that I really loved the movie! Before I watched the movie, I was really excited to watch it because the trailer looks really good! But after awhile, people started posting up reviews saying how Dracula wasn't as good a movie as they expected it to be. However,the movie really got me entranced from the start. I really loved how they started the movie like all tales, with a narrator. This particular narrator and the accompanying images sent chills down my spine and my anticipation for the movie to progress grew. 

*There will be spoilers for Dracula Untold here!

Now here comes the part where they introduce the main character, Vlad Tepes, who is played by actor Luke Evans. I was really impressed by how he pulled out the "Warrior" look. Those lines on his face that speak of wisdom, hardened by the warfare he was thrown into when he was a mere child. A body that speaks of a thousand hardships, and a man. Though hardened by warfare this prince, Vlad, showed that even an unfeeling warrior such as he was capable of love. He had a family - A beautiful wife Mirena (Played by Sarah Gadon) and an adorable son Ingeras (Played by Art Parkinson). 

The love in the family was evident as the bond between them are strong. This movie focuses on family and the lengths our parents will go just for our children. It also shows how shitty humans are. I'm not even kidding. Yea, I know we humans are a shitty race but this movie really shows how we really are: Monsters. I really loved the quotes in the movie but my favorite would be from Vlad "Men do not fear swords. They fear Monsters" and another by Master Vampire "There is a price for power" . You have to agree that both statements are really true. Who fears swords nowadays? Some even welcome them as they may be tired of living. But monsters, we fear. 

I'm not going to continue this as if I do, I'm pretty sure I'd end up telling you all the entire story of Dracula! I urge you to watch this film, and also, do not simply look at the action. Look deeper into the plot. 

This isn't counted as a blogpost! I'll be updating every Saturday so do stay tuned!

