Tuesday 28 January 2014


Surprisingly Im blogging on a good note today HAHAHA . Anyway, hi. Its been a monotonous few days i guess? Im not really sure LOL

Firstly, I'd be cosing Hirasawa Yui and Komori Yui (LOL 2 Yuis yay) . But what i dislike it that Im not of the exact build as them ;w; (sobs in corner)
Height: 158cm
Weight: 50kg 
3 sizes: 86-71-93

Yui Hirasawa: 
Height: 156cm (im 2cm taller)
Weight: 50kg (phew) 

Komori Yui: 
Height: 158cm (phew) 

Weight: 45kg 

Now you see why im so flustered ;w; Recently I've been researching all about my characters and their sizes and all (much obsession) So lemme just do this all the way LOL

Asada Shino:
Height: 161cm 
(3cm diff not so bad) 
3 sizes: 80-61-81 
(wth vbdsicvbsdhjbsdui ) 

Matsuoka Gou/Kou: 
Height: 163cm 
Weight: 50kg (phew)

Genocider syo/ Fukawa 
Height: 163cm (5cm diff)
Weight: 47kg 
(lose weight lo) 

Yui (SAO) 
(measurements sure totally off)
Navigation Pixie

Road Kamelot:
Height: 148cm (10cm.. OTL)
Weight: 37kg 
(This is literally impossible to drop to)

See how stressed I am now for my plans LOL Haish I have no idea how to lose weight for Road but i guess I'll try my best!  Must at least lose 5 kg after Kou/Gou and Yui Hirasawa  for Komori Yui LOL . Found a mama for Yui (SAO) OMG I REALISED IM DOING ALOT OF YUIS HAHAH and an incredibly awesome killer. Yep! im looking forward to cosplaying Genocider :3 But i cant deny that Fukawa also interests me as she love to read as well yay Okay thats all for today i think im too overwhelmed by my plans haha

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Hey guys!

First of all, I have no idea why but i usually blog after being really annoyed at something HAHAH . Thanks Ishak, Sheng Yang, Guo Dong, khuzairy, terence and Riyou for asking if im ok >.< Also to that person who recorded a " Hello I love you" audio which literally made my day!

Today I went for the checkup thing as required by TP. Well, I brought all the necessary documents (I thought) But NOOOOOOO I didnt! I didnt bring the envelope-- OKAY WAIT DID I MENTION THAT I WOKE UP WITH A FLAT TUMMY AND A PAINFUL RIGHT EYE OMG -- Okay wait lemme talk about that later. Anyway because i forgot about that stupid envelope i had to cycle all the way back just to get it, and speed back again in the least time possible. Doesnt help my already cramped up butt. But yea i got pretty pissed with myself at that . Hence the bad mood just now LOL .

Okay so today i woke up with a painful right eye.. more specifically the eyebag part... Idk why too tho ._. omg the day before i dreamt i met Gazette omg I WAS SO HAPPY i wanted to take pictures with them and all but i realised my phone was not working and stuff.. they were such a nice bunch of people in my dream.. I WISH THATS REAL OMG SLACKING WITH GAZETTE HNGGG REITA <3

Yesterday was a shoot for just ONE shot gosh and its not as easy as it looks i swear. My thighs and butt cramped up, not to mention i have freaking period so when I had to put my legs in the air like the picture I felt like dying I swear i shouldnt illustrate the pain i felt but yea ITS FREAKING PAINFUL I SWEAR. On a side note i get to hug pika for a long time yay hohoho. Met Raistlin for the first time too ! Pretty much really shocked to see him HAHA i mean come on he's a really famous dude and i think i knew him since i started cosing LOL. Went for dinner.. a really scrumptious dinner may i add. We had Astons first, then Katong laksa, then Awfully chocolate HAHAHA gosh so sinful omg . Surprisingly i lost 1kg today ah well ALLS WELL. Oh and I found a Byakuya sama to my Genobby . Wow I'd have the chance to cos with Raistlin wow im overwhelmed hes like my role model omg i must be dreaming right right right. Much to Shaun's despair though because Im a sucky coser HAHAHA well :'D

I had alot of fun yesterday! and we must go back for those pancakes man, they look heavenly! I kinda revealed a secret about me to Pika haha well, I still wanna see her card I MEAN WE SHOULD HAVE NO SECRETS BETWEEN USSSSS RIGHT BBY HAHAHA

I guess thats it for today HAHA. Ask leh im really bored. ask.fm/Datshorty

Friday 17 January 2014


These days I've been really lazy to blog.. or rather, quite busy as well with many things on my mind so I didnt blog much HAHA . Shoutouts to Ishak and Calvin for cheering me up today! As well as Melvin for giving me a Hisoka pillow which im currently cuddling to death every moment I can HAHAHA

Yes, I'm currently in the laziest mood a human can ever be. It's a wonder I'm still blogging now but I really have so many things to share with you guys so I just had to!

Firstly, I got my results for my O levels and Im pretty okay with it! Although I know I could've done better but I think it's not bad because I improved like 4 grades from my prelims. I only have one A though. And surprisingly the A I got was not for english. Instead, I got an A for my Sciences. Surprising right?! I mean, I used to get F9s for sciences and I think thats a tremendous improvement! My POA, although it didnt improve as drastically as my sciences, I actually got a B4! Which is AMAZING. I've never passed POA more than 5 times in my two years of learning POA and truly, I'm really thankful to my teachers and tuition teachers for helping me throughout my struggle last year.. And to my POA teacher, Im still not sorry that I told you I would tie you up in the chair and not let you go until I fully understood my concepts HAHAHAHA.  To my Chem teacher, thank you soooo much for staying back with me and providing workshops and time to let me ask all my silly questions and for seeing me through sec 1-4. To my physics teacher, thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for pulling my physics up from a F9 in sec 3 to a B4 in sec 4 ! Also , thank you for allowing us to 'catch' you for after school sessions to help me improve my physics and understand my concepts! And my favourite history teacher <3 Thank you so much for taking care of me ever since sec 1! I think you've pretty much seen all of my nonsensical side! Thank you for writing down all the helpful points when I submitted all those essays to you although youre really busy!! Of course, thank you to all the teachers who have helped me/been pestered by me for notes huehuehue Im not sorry-

Moving on, yesterday was the third shoot for JBF. It's no secret anymore. I think you guys can go figure :P Yes this infomation is only exclusive for my blog readers and I would appreciate if you guys could keep it to yourselves huehuehue. If everything goes right, we would release our product on February 14! If not, it'll be a trailer to get you people riled up HAHAHA so keep a look out! I think we'll release the BTS stuff first and save the best for last aye?AHAHA SUSPENSEEE. Anyway, yesterday we did the studio shots and it was really fun! Finally saw bby again <3 and saw John for the first time! I honestly thought this shoot would be hell for me because I REALLY CANNOT BE SAD OMG. True enough, I wasted quite alot of time trying to get the correct expressions. Especially at the wedding scene part where fiance says sorry to me (breaking up) and I have to be shocked. The first two tries I actually gave a disgusted expression HAHAHA It was really hilarious and pika was laughing her head off but I was so devastated and literally walked around in circles "crying" . Before filming this though, I had to give a really sad expression AND I LITERALLY FAILED LOL. I should've done the filming first aye? Since i was really upset after that. Oh! Have I mentioned that it was the first time I've ever shot in a studio? It was an amazing experience! Expensive, but worth it. I think I forgot to mention that we also had an impromptu saikang whom I really adore! Shoutout to Mitarashi Miyuki <3 She's so pretty and tall! (jelly) Can i be pretty too? hahaha. Anyway, shes really nice!

Anyway, I went to pika's house to prepare as per usual, AND I SAW THE CALENDER I GAVE HER ON HER WALL YAY! I'm really touched! gosh I really love you bby 8D Did I mention that I do occupy a portion of her place with my stuffies HAHAHAHA.

Okay I guess thats it for today! Not before releasing one of the pics though :3
Credits to Calvin :3 SK: Pika bby and Kyo <3

Monday 6 January 2014

Hey wassup guys!

Today is yet another boring day-- Gosh my life is boring. It used to be so busy-- but not anymore LOL . Anyway, O levels results are coming out soon and im like "omfg noooooooooo" but at the same time i wanna see the results DO YOU FEEL ME QAQ

Oh and I got my Genobby and Fukabby cos HEUHEUHUEHEU HOOZAH YAY !! I wanna do a costest but i have to open my Red lenses :( i might as well wait for my grey lenses to come too so i can do the half half face thing you know.. Like half Fukabby's makeup and half Genobby's makeup since both are the same person LOL . Ohhhh and I collected my Gou/Kou wig too! I haven't opened it yet but it looks good! I better wash it today >w> I feel like costesting so much but its like wasting makeup siall hahaha >_< I NEED TO PHOTOSHOOT SOON //grabbyhands

Ehhh I think that's pretty much what's happening in my life at the moment-- I need a life omg ahhh I want to work :( I need moolah--
Nah its actually just that im a really boring person //shot
Like my blog link on my facebook and stand to get a fansign :") Of course lah its a special one HUEHUEHUE-- I think I'll do this when I costest either Gou/Kou or Genobby/Fukabby hahaha. And yes the fansigns are only limited to people who like this okay hahaha. So yea, hahaha.

Actually for today's post i wanna rant about people. Sooo if you dont wanna see then dont continue xD

---------start rant--------------
I've noticed that some people who are single tend to lament about how they 'are not loved' and 'I want to get a boyfriend i want love" and stuff like this. Yes, I understand sometimes we do have these thoughts and stuff BUT SERIOUSLY ARE YOU GONNA POST THAT EVERY SINGLE DAY FJDUSKVBDSU It's really irritating. Yes I do feel like that sometimes too but really, the grass always look greener on the other side. Maybe you just aren't fated to have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet so be patient ya. Or maybeee prince charming doesnt exist. Bam , harsh reality. Gosh im such a meanie-- But really this is a cruel world out here. Its good to believe so never stop believing. (What a hypocrite i am I just bashed your dreams and asked you to believe again--)

-------------end rant-------------

Yay I've ranted, im happy *^* Oh and since im really bored most of the time drop me questions and I'll answer them.. Just dont ask me questions like this idk how to reply ;w;
Link: ask.fm/Datshorty

Okay bye 8D

Sunday 5 January 2014

Holy frick guys

I've reached 2000+ views! Thats really awesome! I've never actually expected that many people to read my blog *^* After all i blog about nonsense AHAHAHAHA. Happy new year guys! 2013 left, 2014 came, and hopefully it's gonna be a good year for all of us!

Something funny to share with you guys -> A few days ago I went walking with Melvin. Before I left the house, I realised that I was wearing my spiderman boxers. In other words, I almost walked out of my house in spiderman boxers. Yes, SPIDERMAN BOXERS w(=3=)w Haha well it doesn't sound very funny now though ._.


You know, when you tell me something which is apparently "beneficial" to me, DONT SCREAM IT INTO MY FACE GDI I DONT LIKE IT UGH UGH UGH Obviously i wont be happy RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT. RIIIIIIIIGHT


I added alot of new cosplans too recently >w>  Gonna attach some photos here later to update you guys! The facebook one is not really accurate because i keep adding then deleting awhile later HAHAHA okay anyway

I FRICKING LOVE GUYS IN GLASSES OKAY I ADMIT IT I HAVE A MEGANE FETISH ;w; I mean its like... if youre a hot guy AND you wear specs too, theres a big possibility that i'll be like *^* //shiny eyes

Okay i really dont think im in the right mood to blog today ahhhhhh //rolls everywhere
someone give me porridge
I love porridge

PLANS FOR 2014 ( those with Smiley faces means Im reshooting)
I think its pretty obvious which plan is the most important xD

Okay im done for today i need to pee bye