Wednesday 22 January 2014

Hey guys!

First of all, I have no idea why but i usually blog after being really annoyed at something HAHAH . Thanks Ishak, Sheng Yang, Guo Dong, khuzairy, terence and Riyou for asking if im ok >.< Also to that person who recorded a " Hello I love you" audio which literally made my day!

Today I went for the checkup thing as required by TP. Well, I brought all the necessary documents (I thought) But NOOOOOOO I didnt! I didnt bring the envelope-- OKAY WAIT DID I MENTION THAT I WOKE UP WITH A FLAT TUMMY AND A PAINFUL RIGHT EYE OMG -- Okay wait lemme talk about that later. Anyway because i forgot about that stupid envelope i had to cycle all the way back just to get it, and speed back again in the least time possible. Doesnt help my already cramped up butt. But yea i got pretty pissed with myself at that . Hence the bad mood just now LOL .

Okay so today i woke up with a painful right eye.. more specifically the eyebag part... Idk why too tho ._. omg the day before i dreamt i met Gazette omg I WAS SO HAPPY i wanted to take pictures with them and all but i realised my phone was not working and stuff.. they were such a nice bunch of people in my dream.. I WISH THATS REAL OMG SLACKING WITH GAZETTE HNGGG REITA <3

Yesterday was a shoot for just ONE shot gosh and its not as easy as it looks i swear. My thighs and butt cramped up, not to mention i have freaking period so when I had to put my legs in the air like the picture I felt like dying I swear i shouldnt illustrate the pain i felt but yea ITS FREAKING PAINFUL I SWEAR. On a side note i get to hug pika for a long time yay hohoho. Met Raistlin for the first time too ! Pretty much really shocked to see him HAHA i mean come on he's a really famous dude and i think i knew him since i started cosing LOL. Went for dinner.. a really scrumptious dinner may i add. We had Astons first, then Katong laksa, then Awfully chocolate HAHAHA gosh so sinful omg . Surprisingly i lost 1kg today ah well ALLS WELL. Oh and I found a Byakuya sama to my Genobby . Wow I'd have the chance to cos with Raistlin wow im overwhelmed hes like my role model omg i must be dreaming right right right. Much to Shaun's despair though because Im a sucky coser HAHAHA well :'D

I had alot of fun yesterday! and we must go back for those pancakes man, they look heavenly! I kinda revealed a secret about me to Pika haha well, I still wanna see her card I MEAN WE SHOULD HAVE NO SECRETS BETWEEN USSSSS RIGHT BBY HAHAHA

I guess thats it for today HAHA. Ask leh im really bored.

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