Friday 17 January 2014


These days I've been really lazy to blog.. or rather, quite busy as well with many things on my mind so I didnt blog much HAHA . Shoutouts to Ishak and Calvin for cheering me up today! As well as Melvin for giving me a Hisoka pillow which im currently cuddling to death every moment I can HAHAHA

Yes, I'm currently in the laziest mood a human can ever be. It's a wonder I'm still blogging now but I really have so many things to share with you guys so I just had to!

Firstly, I got my results for my O levels and Im pretty okay with it! Although I know I could've done better but I think it's not bad because I improved like 4 grades from my prelims. I only have one A though. And surprisingly the A I got was not for english. Instead, I got an A for my Sciences. Surprising right?! I mean, I used to get F9s for sciences and I think thats a tremendous improvement! My POA, although it didnt improve as drastically as my sciences, I actually got a B4! Which is AMAZING. I've never passed POA more than 5 times in my two years of learning POA and truly, I'm really thankful to my teachers and tuition teachers for helping me throughout my struggle last year.. And to my POA teacher, Im still not sorry that I told you I would tie you up in the chair and not let you go until I fully understood my concepts HAHAHAHA.  To my Chem teacher, thank you soooo much for staying back with me and providing workshops and time to let me ask all my silly questions and for seeing me through sec 1-4. To my physics teacher, thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for pulling my physics up from a F9 in sec 3 to a B4 in sec 4 ! Also , thank you for allowing us to 'catch' you for after school sessions to help me improve my physics and understand my concepts! And my favourite history teacher <3 Thank you so much for taking care of me ever since sec 1! I think you've pretty much seen all of my nonsensical side! Thank you for writing down all the helpful points when I submitted all those essays to you although youre really busy!! Of course, thank you to all the teachers who have helped me/been pestered by me for notes huehuehue Im not sorry-

Moving on, yesterday was the third shoot for JBF. It's no secret anymore. I think you guys can go figure :P Yes this infomation is only exclusive for my blog readers and I would appreciate if you guys could keep it to yourselves huehuehue. If everything goes right, we would release our product on February 14! If not, it'll be a trailer to get you people riled up HAHAHA so keep a look out! I think we'll release the BTS stuff first and save the best for last aye?AHAHA SUSPENSEEE. Anyway, yesterday we did the studio shots and it was really fun! Finally saw bby again <3 and saw John for the first time! I honestly thought this shoot would be hell for me because I REALLY CANNOT BE SAD OMG. True enough, I wasted quite alot of time trying to get the correct expressions. Especially at the wedding scene part where fiance says sorry to me (breaking up) and I have to be shocked. The first two tries I actually gave a disgusted expression HAHAHA It was really hilarious and pika was laughing her head off but I was so devastated and literally walked around in circles "crying" . Before filming this though, I had to give a really sad expression AND I LITERALLY FAILED LOL. I should've done the filming first aye? Since i was really upset after that. Oh! Have I mentioned that it was the first time I've ever shot in a studio? It was an amazing experience! Expensive, but worth it. I think I forgot to mention that we also had an impromptu saikang whom I really adore! Shoutout to Mitarashi Miyuki <3 She's so pretty and tall! (jelly) Can i be pretty too? hahaha. Anyway, shes really nice!

Anyway, I went to pika's house to prepare as per usual, AND I SAW THE CALENDER I GAVE HER ON HER WALL YAY! I'm really touched! gosh I really love you bby 8D Did I mention that I do occupy a portion of her place with my stuffies HAHAHAHA.

Okay I guess thats it for today! Not before releasing one of the pics though :3
Credits to Calvin :3 SK: Pika bby and Kyo <3

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