Monday 6 January 2014

Hey wassup guys!

Today is yet another boring day-- Gosh my life is boring. It used to be so busy-- but not anymore LOL . Anyway, O levels results are coming out soon and im like "omfg noooooooooo" but at the same time i wanna see the results DO YOU FEEL ME QAQ

Oh and I got my Genobby and Fukabby cos HEUHEUHUEHEU HOOZAH YAY !! I wanna do a costest but i have to open my Red lenses :( i might as well wait for my grey lenses to come too so i can do the half half face thing you know.. Like half Fukabby's makeup and half Genobby's makeup since both are the same person LOL . Ohhhh and I collected my Gou/Kou wig too! I haven't opened it yet but it looks good! I better wash it today >w> I feel like costesting so much but its like wasting makeup siall hahaha >_< I NEED TO PHOTOSHOOT SOON //grabbyhands

Ehhh I think that's pretty much what's happening in my life at the moment-- I need a life omg ahhh I want to work :( I need moolah--
Nah its actually just that im a really boring person //shot
Like my blog link on my facebook and stand to get a fansign :") Of course lah its a special one HUEHUEHUE-- I think I'll do this when I costest either Gou/Kou or Genobby/Fukabby hahaha. And yes the fansigns are only limited to people who like this okay hahaha. So yea, hahaha.

Actually for today's post i wanna rant about people. Sooo if you dont wanna see then dont continue xD

---------start rant--------------
I've noticed that some people who are single tend to lament about how they 'are not loved' and 'I want to get a boyfriend i want love" and stuff like this. Yes, I understand sometimes we do have these thoughts and stuff BUT SERIOUSLY ARE YOU GONNA POST THAT EVERY SINGLE DAY FJDUSKVBDSU It's really irritating. Yes I do feel like that sometimes too but really, the grass always look greener on the other side. Maybe you just aren't fated to have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet so be patient ya. Or maybeee prince charming doesnt exist. Bam , harsh reality. Gosh im such a meanie-- But really this is a cruel world out here. Its good to believe so never stop believing. (What a hypocrite i am I just bashed your dreams and asked you to believe again--)

-------------end rant-------------

Yay I've ranted, im happy *^* Oh and since im really bored most of the time drop me questions and I'll answer them.. Just dont ask me questions like this idk how to reply ;w;

Okay bye 8D

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