Tuesday 28 January 2014


Surprisingly Im blogging on a good note today HAHAHA . Anyway, hi. Its been a monotonous few days i guess? Im not really sure LOL

Firstly, I'd be cosing Hirasawa Yui and Komori Yui (LOL 2 Yuis yay) . But what i dislike it that Im not of the exact build as them ;w; (sobs in corner)
Height: 158cm
Weight: 50kg 
3 sizes: 86-71-93

Yui Hirasawa: 
Height: 156cm (im 2cm taller)
Weight: 50kg (phew) 

Komori Yui: 
Height: 158cm (phew) 

Weight: 45kg 

Now you see why im so flustered ;w; Recently I've been researching all about my characters and their sizes and all (much obsession) So lemme just do this all the way LOL

Asada Shino:
Height: 161cm 
(3cm diff not so bad) 
3 sizes: 80-61-81 
(wth vbdsicvbsdhjbsdui ) 

Matsuoka Gou/Kou: 
Height: 163cm 
Weight: 50kg (phew)

Genocider syo/ Fukawa 
Height: 163cm (5cm diff)
Weight: 47kg 
(lose weight lo) 

Yui (SAO) 
(measurements sure totally off)
Navigation Pixie

Road Kamelot:
Height: 148cm (10cm.. OTL)
Weight: 37kg 
(This is literally impossible to drop to)

See how stressed I am now for my plans LOL Haish I have no idea how to lose weight for Road but i guess I'll try my best!  Must at least lose 5 kg after Kou/Gou and Yui Hirasawa  for Komori Yui LOL . Found a mama for Yui (SAO) OMG I REALISED IM DOING ALOT OF YUIS HAHAH and an incredibly awesome killer. Yep! im looking forward to cosplaying Genocider :3 But i cant deny that Fukawa also interests me as she love to read as well yay Okay thats all for today i think im too overwhelmed by my plans haha

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